View Full Version : Musical Cages, Fall Edition

11-13-2005, 09:58 AM
I had been thinking a lot about moving some of our birds around, and yesterday the incubation was over -- the thought hatched into action. We now have eight birds in four cages instead of three. And we no longer have any spare cages (except for the little weaning cage).

Gracie, George, and Didjit are now just Gracie and George. Didjit was chasing George unmercifully, and even with a third food dish at the opposite side of the cage, wasn't letting him eat much.

Barney, Bongo, and Sammy are now just Barney and Bongo. I originally wanted Barney and Sam to stay together, but Bongo and Didjit did not work out in the same cage. So, Sam and Didjit are together again, and it seems to be working out. Didjit chases Sam a little bit, but they don't fight. There are two separate food dishes, one closer to Sam's cozy and the other closer to George and Gracie's food dishes. (The Sam-Didjit cage is next to the G&G cage.) So, Didjit can still feel like he's eating with his former companions.

I think it will work. Sam and Didj have spent a little cage time together before. And Sam has just spent quite a few weeks with the B&B boyz. I've been taking Sam and Didjit out individually this morning, so they're not bumping against each other nonstop. And Barney and Bongo can still come out with Sam.

11-13-2005, 01:15 PM

Musical cages is right. I had to read all that three times to get it straight. I think I got it :lol

Hope all works well.

11-13-2005, 02:15 PM
I understand completely what you did and why you had to do it! The same thing goes on here.... :)

I moved the occupants of 2 cages around this morning, too. Lacey's sister is in laying condition but the cage she's in doesn't have a nest box. Her cagemates turned out to be 3 boys but one pair of males will take over a nestbox. I wasn't about to have a battle over one box, especially by a pair who would do nothing but sleep in it, so I moved all 4 to a cage with 2 boxes. Lacey's sister selected her box and I put her 2 eggs in the box of her choice. Of the 3 males, it looks like she paired up with a split OF Creamino male. Gorgeous bird but I think he's at least 6 or 7, although still not too old. Now I'm crossing my fingers to see what happens. If nothing else, this hen might be a possible foster for any of Com's eggs that hatch. Timing is just about perfect. ~crosses fingers~

11-13-2005, 02:50 PM

Now you know why I had to think about it for awhile first. :)


I'm glad Lacey's sister accepted the move well. That would be great if she could foster for Com, but will a Peachy hen accept offspring of a different species? I know it didn't work the other way around (Peachy chick to Abby hen).

11-14-2005, 02:59 PM
Barbie and Linda....I hope your rearranging all works out. I have all my fingers and toes crossed. :D I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks about it for a while before I do it. I thought it was just because I have a hard time making a decision....maybe I'm just a good planner. :wink:

11-14-2005, 03:11 PM
Thanks Paulette. :) Now that the weekend has passed, I'm more and more happy with the arrangement. Sam and Didj are doing better and better together, especially now that Didjit isn't getting all riled up about Gracie.

Also, Barney and Bongo are becoming more outgoing. (I think they were a little intimidated by Sam when he lived with them.) Bongo is coming out all by himself whenever the cage door is opened, to visit allllll the other birdies; and Barney taught himself how to climb down my arm to get back in the cage. One of them (probably Bongo) decided it was okay to be fed banana by hand through the bars of the cage. :D

Gracie and George are doing well, and she isn't missing Didjit too much that I can tell. She came out with him a little bit, just for a visit. I think this is going to work out very well for all birds concerned, knock wood. :happy::happy::happy:

11-14-2005, 03:18 PM
Glad everyones move went well. We'll be doing a bunch of re-arranging once the new birds join in the madness after quarantine.

Hey Barb.....how about a picture of the new cage arrangements?.....ummmm or just of the occupants? :rofl:

I know, I know, I'm supposed to post pics of the new birdies, but just haven't gotten around to uploading them yet. >o

11-14-2005, 03:20 PM
I really do need to post pix of the B&B boyz. :rolleyes:

11-14-2005, 03:22 PM
Yes you do! :lol Talk about leading up to introductions...I'll just about fall off my chair when I see them...either that or they'll be having chicks of their own by that time. :rofl:

11-14-2005, 03:45 PM
I know exactly where you are coming from on the musical cages thing! I was finally able to get Obi, Anna and fids out of that small cage they got stuck with when Anna unexpectedly started laying eggs back in September, and moved them into one of the full-sized cages. I also have the non-opaline chicks moved into another large cage, and while I was doing that, Myst decided that he was going to move right in with them and start feeding everyone. He is still there keeping all of them stuffed full as ticks, and has even started the two oldest Slates on the road to weening. I haven't had to handfeed in two days now, and he is even keeping all of them preened when he is not feeding. I need about 3 other father birds just like him; he's feeding six chicks, and doing it because HE insisted that we let him, after he had camped out on the brooder for over a week. :lol

Since the Opalines vacated a smaller cage, I was able to move Molly into that cage and seperate him and Maverik, due to the fact that they were beginning to squabble between themselves far more than I liked. I still need to order one more big cage, so that I can put all the male lovebirds in one cage and have each of the females that have already clutched in a cage by herself.

By the time this session of Musical Cages is over, I fear another one will be ready to start. Hey, at least I don't worry about what to do with my free time and extra money anymore... :x

11-14-2005, 03:49 PM
I need about 3 other father birds just like him; he's feeding six chicks, and doing it because HE insisted that we let him, after he had camped out on the brooder for over a week.

They are incredible aren't they? I have two that do the same thing. One in particular, Cinnamon, took to feeding the two we had started handfeeding as well as three other of his chicks. He'll feed anything that chirps at him.

11-14-2005, 06:35 PM
Wish I had one of those nurse males too. Reminds me of Cassy's bird Cheeky-Chappie. He would go to each cage and feed everyone. :grouphug:

11-14-2005, 06:42 PM
Oh yeah! The funniest thing happened right after all the moves took place Saturday. As soon as Didjit was in the cage with Sam, and the vacuum cleaner had stopped running, George and Gracie decided it was time to get it on. ;) *cues the Barry White album* Afterward George ran back and forth in his cage, on the side facing Didjit's cage, as if to say, "Nanny nanny boo boo! I won! I won!!!"

Buy A Paper Doll
11-14-2005, 07:11 PM
OK now *that's* funny!!

11-15-2005, 07:30 AM
Barb, good for George!!!! :D

I'm with Lori.....I had to read your original post several times! :D Not sure I could keep more than three little lovies straight! :lol