View Full Version : First time lovebird owner with a few questions

07-25-2021, 10:07 PM
Hi everyone :)

I picked up my lovebird (Ben) about 3 days ago and he is settling in well at home. He was hand raised and is about 8 weeks old.
He is definitely still getting the scope of the place but he seems to be pacing the bottom of his cage quite a bit, is this a stress response? Is it okay to let him out to wander around? I have quite a small apartment.

He does seem quite afraid of me. Should I start trying to handle him a bit more now or wait a bit longer? If so what is the best way to begin this process?
I've been sitting near his cage while I study so he gets used to me, and started dropping in a few treats today which he liked.

Thanks in advance!

07-26-2021, 06:15 AM
Congratulations on becoming a human slave to Ben!

As tame and friendly as a bird may seem at place of purchase, once they leave what is familiar, instinct kicks in. In the wild, birds are prey animals and they are always on alert when in unfamiliar territory. Ben needs to learn, by experience, that you mean him no harm. You know that but he needs to learn that you don't intend to make him your next meal. Spending as much time near him is the best way to begin earning his trust.

Pacing indicates stress. He is not used to being where he is. As he becomes more comfortable with you, the pacing will mean he wants out of his cage. If you are thinking about opening his cage door, I have a couple of questions for you. Are his flight feathers clipped? Once he is out exploring, do you have a plan for him to go back into his cage? One thing I would find out first is will he step up onto a perch on command? Use a wooden perch, put it in his cage in front of him and use the command "step up" or just "up". I use step up all the time when I want any of my birds to step up onto either my hand or a perch on command. Some will even tell me before I tell them! :rofl: All of mine are perch trained. If he will step up, then you can probably let him explore, as you have a way to put him back into his cage.

Hope this is helpful.

08-02-2021, 08:31 PM
Congrats on your lovie!

When Linda says you?re a human slave....she?s 100% right!...lol. I didn?t get it back when I brought Max home but within a week, I realized I would be his slave for life!

Here I am, 7 years and two more lovies later and I?m a slave to three now...lol

Before you let him out of the cage for the first time, I would bring him into the smallest room of your place. I did this with Gabe and Raph. They learned to fly without getting hurt and they learned to step up. This way you can get them back in the cage.

I took Raphie out for the first time last New Year?s Eve in the afternoon and he wouldn?t go back in his cage. Needless to say, I almost rang in the new year with a Raphie in my walk in closet....lol.