View Full Version : No eggs for a couple of months

09-04-2021, 07:41 AM
Hi all
I had my new LBs for a couple of months now. In Egypt the temp. is around 38 C so pretty hot.
The pet shop says that this is normal and insists that I have a proper male and female and that they will start mating in winter, yet I think that no eggs means two males.
I'm not sure of course, that's why I ask for your expert help.
When do adult lovebirds lay eggs? Do they have seasons? Do they lay eggs monthly?
Unfortunately, a DNA test is not an option for birds where I live so any suggestions?

09-04-2021, 01:51 PM
In their natural habitat (Africa), lovebirds breed once/yr, during the rainy season when there will be plenty of food to raise youngsters. The availability of food in captivity can allow pairs to breed back to back clutches and this actually depletes the hen until she is so drained, she stops reproducing all together. I, personally, only allowed 1-2 clutches/yr when I was breeding and my pairs could have a second clutch only after 6 months of breeder rest.

Is your pair kept inside or outside? If outside, I would not want them to breed when it's hot because temperatures in nest boxes are even hotter than the temperatures outside of the boxes. What species of lovebird do you have? Can you share a few photos so we can see what you are seeing? In order to share photos here, you need to upload the pictures to an online storage site such as Imgur and then copy/paste the image URL address here.

Hard to say if you have a male/female pair. Usually, no eggs and no nest building indicates both are males. However, you have only had them a couple of months so they also have to feel comfortable enough to raise babies and that can take a bit of time. Yes. I've had pairs start breeding immediately but that's the exception rather than the rule.

Hope this is helpful.

09-09-2021, 08:38 AM
Thank you so much for your response.
The LBs are in the balcony so outside. We have real high temperatures in Egypt but I keep them in the shade with enough water supply.
I will post pictures asap
Thanks again