View Full Version : Meet Ruby

10-10-2021, 02:30 PM
At least that is her name today. It could chnage. Im trying some out. Our Skyler just hasnt proved tameable and after 1 1/2 still missing the cuddles of my Princesse.

Pet stores have proven unsatisfactory as they want a down payment before the bird is weaned. I dont know if we'll take to each other so IMHO this isnt the way to buy a pet bird.

So we went to a pet show Oct 9. and lo and behold I found one. A 9 week old baby peach face. heres her pic
https://i.ibb.co/wz9xmfr/ruby-October10.jpg (https://ibb.co/1mDwWkJ)

She was hand raised and steps up on a stick--sometimes my hand-- and on the ride home, she cuddled in my shirt. Skyler went nuts when she heard her. All Ruby does is squeak but today her 2nd day with us, , she chirps like Skyler albeit quieter. She has her own new cage. But the minute she sees me she want to come out. Just what I was hoping for.

I had to share with you Linda and all.

Hope everyone's lovie is doing good. Our conure Petey turned 21. He can vote now. LOL

Birdie hugs to all.


10-10-2021, 02:57 PM
Awwww! What a gorgeous baby lovie!!! Congratulations! I'm so very happy you found a baby that loves to snuggle. Some do, while others are more independent. Based on beak coloring, age is spot on. She's very definitely a baby, behavior included. Now that she is away from everything familiar and all her companions, she wants to be with you. :) At age 9 weeks, just make sure she's getting enough to eat. Millet is great for youngsters and they will not starve if that's all they were to eat until they settle in.

Petey is 21? Wow! Good care........

Everything here in FL is doing just fine. My lovebird flock is getting smaller, simply from old age. Most of mine are 13+ and the oldest one I ever had left for Rainbow Bridge at 20. Alex (my Blue Front Amazon) has decided that she's a velro birdie and only wants to follow me everywhere I go. She thinks her place is to be where ever I may go. When I go out the back door, I have to make sure I know where she is and that she doesn't try to follow me!

Let us know Ruby is doing, please!

10-11-2021, 08:04 AM
Thanks Linda for the comeback. Its sad when a flock starts to shrink. After Princesse died--who was the last of my 3 lovies, I felt pretty bereft. Especially when I watched some videos of the 3 and how much fun they were. Im not sure I can let Skyler and the new baby play together but they sure are aware of each other. How old is Alex? Are his wings clipped?

Ive just about decided to name the newbie Punkin (or Pumpkin) because she us colorful and its almost Halloween. Ruby didnt seem to suit her.

I was worried about her eating so did give her millet and very small birds seed including something egg based. I put 3 different dishes in her cage. One up high, one medium and one on the ground. She ate this morning on the medium tray. I also was worried that first day that i was going to have to hold her millet because that;s what she seemed to want to eat. But seeing her go by herself I relaxed a bit.

Every morning Bernie brings Petey down to the dining room (lovebird central) and I sing him a song. (He thinks I'm a good singer. LOL) Skyler always joined in with Petey's squacks and this morning Punkin let out a couple quiet ones.

The breeder said She doesnt like being caged and I believe it because she run back and forth on the floor when we sit in her room frantic to get out. I gave her a tent and a open ended hut and she so far seems to like the tent best. But she sleeps on top of it. :) Skyler sleeps on a perch. The only lovei I ever had that didnt like huts.

Skyler and Petey always go to bed between 5:30 and 6. But Punkin wasnt ready to get covered..I heard her scrambling around under the cover. So I took her out and cuddled her for 30 minutes and then she went in to sleep.

I always see your picture of Miracle when I enter the website. Was she a peach face? She/He sure was a beautiful green.

Lovie hugs.


10-11-2021, 12:39 PM
I love the name Punkin! Sometimes the name kind of evolves........ From what you are saying, it sounds like you're going to have your velcro lovie!

I'm glad she's eating on her own! Changing homes, leaving all that's familiar, can cause babies to regress to wanting to be fed by hand again because they lose confidence in their own ability to eat by themselves. I would keep millet in the cage for at least another week, maybe more because it's easy to eat and it actually does have nutritional value. She's definitely in the right new home, as you are spoiling her (wonderful thing)!!

Alex has a partial wing clip (3 flight feathers on each wing) to limit how high she can fly. For an Amazon, her flight ability is amazing! When she flies over to where I'm at, she knows how to hover so she can make the perfect landing. She's managed to learn how to get to my bedroom and my office, depending on where she sees a light on in any room. She also loves to chew wood, which is why I don't want her landing on top of doors (door frames turn into toothpicks). She knows when Ken and I eat breakfast and dinner. She flies into the dining room and lands on the back of an extra chair so she can share what we are eating that she can have. She loves cooked egg, sweet potato, pancakes, and pieces of walnut.

Miracle is an Abyssinian Lovebird. I've had Abbys since 1994 but it's gotten so much harder to find Abbys in the US because no one seems to want to take over for those of us breeders who have retired. I have one male Abby left, Echo, and he's 18.