View Full Version : Behavior question on new bird

10-15-2021, 07:24 AM
Hi LInda and all.

Little Punkin is eating well. I only have one concern. She seems frantic to get out of her cage. Now granted, I only adopted her 7 days ago but Im afraid she'll hurt herself. She leaps at the door to get out when I open it for any reason. When inside, she does that running back and forth on floor , when she sees me--which Ive noticed is a lovebird trait. Skyler did it too when she wanted something specific. Punkin just want to be let out and get https://i.ibb.co/LpNpf3q/Skylerand-Punkin-Oct10.jpg (https://ibb.co/f0D07sK)on me.. While I appreciate the love, I think she should acclimate to her cage. She has food, water, a couple stringy toys and various perches.

Oh by the way, I supervised her and Skyler during out time and Skyler fed her. But oddly, when it came to aggression, I saw more in Punkin than Skyler. (Skyler has been with us for 11 months now.)

What's you experience with a bird who thinks Im her mom and I should feed her.


10-15-2021, 09:58 AM
Hi Ellen,
The behavior is strictly related to Punkin's age and the fact that she's away from everything familiar. Before she came to live with you, she had companionship (siblings, parents, just other lovebirds) and that's gone. She feels isolated and alone in her cage and she does not want to be there. Her dad would also be feeding her "snacks" if she asked so she's looking to you for the same thing. Letting her socialize with Skyler can be a good thing as long as you supervise for aggression (on either or both sides). If Sklyer is a male, he sees Punkin as a baby and will try to provide what he thinks she needs.

Punkin needs to learn to feel safe and she's in the acclimation process. She's very much a baby and she needs closeness. She will branch out into independence and that will slowly happen as she continues to settle in. I would continue to have her sleep in her cage for no other reason than safety. Perhaps hold back on how early she sees you to give her a bit more in cage time.

10-15-2021, 02:31 PM
Thanks Linda. She does sleep in her cage. Ive tried to keep her in most of the day except for 2 times. 3 oclock when Skyler is used to getting out and then before bed.

Punkin and Sky sure like squacking back and forth. :)

I'll keep you informed.


10-15-2021, 07:06 PM
Sounds like Punkin and Skyler could easily end up as best buddies, a win-win for all around! Looking forward to hearing more about these 2!