View Full Version : Obidience or coincidence?

11-13-2005, 06:15 PM
Ditto is in his cage and he was just hopping around making his little "baby chirps", I told him to "eat some veggies" and he zipped across the cage and did just that. :eek:

He's been such a good boy today I think he's up to something. :happy:

Joanie Noel
11-13-2005, 06:48 PM
:rofl: Okay, I feel sad to say that your lovebird is at least 10x more intelligent than my dogs. :rolleyes:

You might just have a lovie prodigy on your hands. I'm still waiting for you and Ditto to show up on Pet Star. :cool:

- Joanie

11-13-2005, 06:56 PM
Ditto on tv? Hmmm, that wouldn't work. He thinks cameras are just expensive places to perch. :rofl:

11-13-2005, 06:58 PM
I gotta do what daddy says or he won't let me invite my friends over. Oh, I forgot to tell him about the big party I'm having tonight. Is he gonna be pi$$ed when the doorbell starts ringing and all my friends pile in. Yup, I'd better eat my veggies like a good birdie or daddy's gonna kick my friends out in the snow, maybe even me out in the snow. Yummm, veggies.


11-13-2005, 07:00 PM

I truly believe that they do understand what we say to them. Ditto is a smarty pants, and all the time you spend with him is evident. Hey, we know you speak Ditto language, so it's no coincidence he's learned yours :)

11-13-2005, 07:01 PM
Snow? It's 60 degrees out there. Maybe he wants to have the party outside. :lol

11-13-2005, 07:05 PM

I truly believe that they do understand what we say to them. Ditto is a smarty pants, and all the time you spend with him is evident. Hey, we know you speak Ditto language, so it's no coincidence he's learned yours :)

So you've heard me chirping at him too. :eek:

My neighbors must think I"m nuts. :rofl:

11-13-2005, 07:06 PM
I'd be partying outside if it was that warm here.

Ain't you folks heard of winter????

Buy A Paper Doll
11-13-2005, 07:27 PM
Winter ... oh, yes. Winter. We don't have those down here. We have 2 seasons in Florida: Hot, and hurricane. The two seasons overlap.

11-13-2005, 07:31 PM
I hope winter gets here soon. I want snow. None of this 20 degrees higher than normal crap.

Being obiedient must be tiring. Ditto is having an after dinner nap.

Or is he taking a power nap so he can stay awake for the party?

Joanie Noel
11-13-2005, 07:36 PM
Dave, you better make sure Ditto isn't all boozed up. May explain why he's so tired. :whistle:

11-13-2005, 07:53 PM
Winter? I remember that, I think. Yep, last week we had a few days around 78 and it's NOVEMBER! What's wrong with Mother Nature? It's hard trying not to wear your summer clothes in the Fall/Winter season. :rolleyes:

11-14-2005, 01:41 PM
An after dinner nap, after the after dinner drinkie.

Oh, what a good bird I is.

11-14-2005, 02:32 PM
Ah Dave.....Ditto must just be a total delight. What's going to happen when all those sparrows start showing up for the party? :omg:

11-14-2005, 05:39 PM
Ah Dave.....Ditto must just be a total delight. What's going to happen when all those sparrows start showing up for the party? :omg:

If Ditto had his way there'd be 200 sparrows in here. :eek:

11-14-2005, 09:13 PM
Ok, now I'm getting worried. Twice tonight he listened to me when I told him to eat his veggies.

He's really up to no good. :eek:

11-15-2005, 07:44 AM
Dave, there is no doubt in my mind that Oliver understands much of what I say to him. If I tell him to eat his broccoli, he goes straight to it. Doesn't always eat it but at least he does waddle over and pretend! :D

I hope you get LOTS of snow since you want it. I hope I never see snow again as long as I live! I got over thinking it was pretty when I was about 10 years old (living in TN where we DID get snow) and was snowbound.....and couldn't get to my friends houses! One time, driving in snow in this city and you'd be over it! :D And ice? :eek:

11-15-2005, 08:13 AM
Dave, there is no doubt in my mind that Oliver understands much of what I say to him. If I tell him to eat his broccoli, he goes straight to it. Doesn't always eat it but at least he does waddle over and pretend! :D

I hope you get LOTS of snow since you want it. I hope I never see snow again as long as I live! I got over thinking it was pretty when I was about 10 years old (living in TN where we DID get snow) and was snowbound.....and couldn't get to my friends houses! One time, driving in snow in this city and you'd be over it! :D And ice? :eek:

I still think he's planning something. :D

The weather dude mentioned flurries for Sunday! :happy:

11-15-2005, 09:04 PM
Well he must have gotten tired of the veggies. He only nibbled on a carrot tonight. But he's been tearing into the el-paso nutriberries like there's no tomorrow. He hasn't eaten much of those in awhile. Must need a change of pace. He even put them in the veggie bowl to eat them.

He's more finicky than a cat sometimes.

11-15-2005, 09:08 PM
Now he's making a liar out of me. He's eating the veggies. harummphhh.

Now that's my Dittobird. :happy:

He also seems to have me talking (replying) to myself. :eek:

Joanie Noel
11-15-2005, 09:35 PM
:rofl: Too funny. Yeah, it's obvious that Ditto has you wrapped around his little finger, er, toe. :wink:

How does Ditto eat the Nutriberries? I've seen my friend's conure eat them and I can't imagine how a lovebird can bite into them. Do you clamp them to the cage or have them in any particular dish? I only got my birds to eat them if they were crushed, which seemed kind of pointless afterwards. :p I bought Avicakes and am not sure how to get my birds to eat those either. You'd think a bird would attack anything with seeds in it. :confused:

- Joanie

11-15-2005, 09:40 PM

I had to break them up too. Molly wouldn't touch them I didn't. With a beak like theirs, you'd think it wouldn't be a problem, huh? Or does he have me trained >o

11-15-2005, 09:41 PM
:rofl: Too funny. Yeah, it's obvious that Ditto has you wrapped around his little finger, er, toe. :wink:

How does Ditto eat the Nutriberries? I've seen my friend's conure eat them and I can't imagine how a lovebird can bite into them. Do you clamp them to the cage or have them in any particular dish? I only got my birds to eat them if they were crushed, which seemed kind of pointless afterwards. :p I bought Avicakes and am not sure how to get my birds to eat those either. You'd think a bird would attack anything with seeds in it. :confused:

- Joanie

How he eats nutriberries depends on his mood. Sometimes he just sticks his face in the bowl and chomps 'em up. Other times he has to put them in his veggie bowl or treat bowl and eat them there. Still other times he'll take them to a perch to eat, usually holding them down with one foot. The fruit berries are smaller so once in a while he'll actually try and eat them like a big parrot by holding it in his foot and bringing it up to his beak. But he tends to eather drop them or fall over trying that. LOL But he definately has no trouble eating them without them being crushed. Sometimes he even flies from the couch to the cage, grabs one in his beak and flies back to share with me. :cool:

Avicakes are his favorites though. He brings those to the couch too.

11-15-2005, 09:42 PM

I had to break them up too. Molly wouldn't touch them I didn't. With a beak like theirs, you'd think it wouldn't be a problem, huh? Or does he have me trained >o

He's got you trained. Ditto can down an entire nutriberry in less than a minute if he really wants to. :evil:

11-16-2005, 06:43 AM
Dave, I've been meaning to ask you that questions.....how Ditto eats them. If I offer them whole, they usually end up on the bottom of the cage because they are too big to manage so I've started breaking them up so there will be less waste. Mine love to take a big piece and step over to their lava rock which is right next to their food crock. That gives them a good spot to beak 'em and eat 'em. I vacuum out that lava rock a couple times a day. :D

11-16-2005, 06:46 AM
Dave, I've been meaning to ask you that questions.....how Ditto eats them. If I offer them whole, they usually end up on the bottom of the cage because they are too big to manage so I've started breaking them up so there will be less waste. Mine love to take a big piece and step over to their lava rock which is right next to their food crock. That gives them a good spot to beak 'em and eat 'em. I vacuum out that lava rock a couple times a day. :D

He loves them whole. Usually he'll take them to his boing to eat if he doesn't eat them right in the bowl. It is funny to see him fly to the couch with one in his beak though. It's hard to believe he can fly like that.

11-16-2005, 08:20 AM
Dave, I know that Ditto is smarter than the average bird (:D) but doesn't he drop them when he takes them whole? I figured that a larger parrot could hold it with their feet but our little lovies can't do that. I'm sure it's more fun for them to leave them whole but when I do that, I find half of them on the bottom of the cage.....dropped! Ditto needs to give Shy and Big Boi a lesson on how to eat Nutriberries. :D Oliver won't touch one so it's a mute point with him.

11-16-2005, 08:29 AM
Dave, I know that Ditto is smarter than the average bird (:D) but doesn't he drop them when he takes them whole? I figured that a larger parrot could hold it with their feet but our little lovies can't do that. I'm sure it's more fun for them to leave them whole but when I do that, I find half of them on the bottom of the cage.....dropped! Ditto needs to give Shy and Big Boi a lesson on how to eat Nutriberries. :D Oliver won't touch one so it's a mute point with him.

He drops them once in awhile, but usually he's pretty good with them. He holds them down to the perch with his foot. It's when he tries to hold them in his foot like a big parrot that he has trouble. :rofl: He has more success with shredded carrot bits that way.