View Full Version : Question and comments

11-10-2021, 08:14 AM
Hi Linda and All.

Well Punkin is 4 wks old now. She and Skyler are bonded already. Though I keep them in separate cages since Skyler is 1 yrs old now and used to having her cage to herself. But I give them a couple playtimes out. In fact I bought Punkin a larger cage. She is so incredibly active I thought the one she had was too confining so she now has a 24x20x30. I can get more toys inside and she LOVES having more room. Makes me feel so good to see her playing.

Pic of them playing on gym.

I think Punkin is going to be really pretty. I was wondering if its normal for a young bird to try to gnaw on my fingers, nose, ear etc. Not really hard but very determined. I hold little wooden toys to try and distract her but nothing works. None of my other guys did and Princesse was only 9 wks when I got her.

Have a good day.


11-10-2021, 03:15 PM
I bought Punkin a larger cage. She is so incredibly active I thought the one she had was too confining so she now has a 24x20x30. I can get more toys inside and she LOVES having more room. Makes me feel so good to see her playing.
Young lovebirds seem to take change much easier than older ones, as they have no fear unless they have not been treated properly. Punkin is learning things she needs to learn in order to continue to thrive and be happy. How many parrot owners mention the fact that their birds don't play with toys provided. Simple answer: they never learned how to play.

Punkin is going to be absolutely stunning after her first molt. Chewing/gnawing is how parrots learn how things feel and taste. Punkin is very bonded to you simply because of her very young age. Keep in mind, too, that each bird is different. What you need to teach her is to explore gently. With all my birds, my mouth, inside and outside, are off limits because the bacterial issues. Hopefully, Skyler and Punkin will become best friends!

11-11-2021, 08:11 AM
Young lovebirds seem to take change much easier than older ones, as they have no fear unless they have not been treated properly. Punkin is learning things she needs to learn in order to continue to thrive and be happy. How many parrot owners mention the fact that their birds don't play with toys provided. Simple answer: they never learned how to play.LOL

Im laughing because she really had NO fear. She even wants to go down to our conure Petey and see if he'll feed her. Petey is good though.. No signs of attacking her. But we move her away immediately. No sense taking a chance.

Thx Linda.

Punkin is going to be absolutely stunning after her first molt. Chewing/gnawing is how parrots learn how things feel and taste. Punkin is very bonded to you simply because of her very young age. Keep in mind, too, that each bird is different. What you need to teach her is to explore gently. With all my birds, my mouth, inside and outside, are off limits because the bacterial issues. Hopefully, Skyler and Punkin will become best friends!........................................

11-11-2021, 05:28 PM
Fearless is very true of babies. If birds don't learn to fly when they are very young, most will never fly because, as adults, they are afraid to try. That's one reason I don't clip any flight feathers until youngsters can take off and land expertly. How I miss having youngsters around!