View Full Version : Beethoven

03-07-2022, 04:00 PM
Hi everyone,


Is Beethoven a mixed fisher/peach faced lovebird?

He?s available for adoption and I hate to say it but I?m actually considering adopting him. 😳

03-08-2022, 07:30 AM
Is Beethoven a mixed fisher/peach faced lovebird?
Yes. Beethoven is a hybrid. Hard to say if it's Peachfaced to Fischer's or Peachfaced to Mask. I usually say Peachface x Eye-ring cross. Reproducing is not something you would have to worry about because this type of hybrid are mules/sterile. Eye-ring hybrids, on the other hand, can reproduce. This kind of hybridization is how the color blue to into the Fischer's species. Oddly enough, this kind of hybrid make good companions for singleton lovebirds when the "slave" does not want to have to worry about offspring.

Tell me more about Beethoven.

03-08-2022, 12:24 PM
You REALLY know your lovebirds Linda. Thanks for all the information!

What I know so far about Beethoven is that he?s two years old. He hasn?t been DNA tested but the previous owner thinks he?s a male. The reason he surrendered Beethoven to the humane society is because he was fighting with his other birds. He?s healthy based on the vet check.

I?m considering bringing him home but not sure yet as I still haven?t brought Lily into close contact with the lovie gang. Lily will sometimes bite if she doesn?t want to step up or for whatever reason. She?s a little unpredictable so I don?t feel comfortable yet letting her interact with them.

I may go downtown one day this week to see him.

03-08-2022, 12:53 PM
Lily will sometimes bite if she doesn't want to step up or for whatever reason. She?s a little unpredictable so I don?t feel comfortable yet letting her interact with them.
No problem with information. That's why this community exists! Lily is a typical parrot in that parrots will usually nip first, bite second, when you ask them to do something that they don't want to do. A nip from my flock means I'm busy so come back later!!!

I would give this some consideration and think about the same things when you were bringing home other birds. My first concern would be PBFD, as lovebirds can be carriers and never show any symptoms. I know you will research and ask lots of questions. Just be very comfortable before you make the commitment.

03-08-2022, 06:52 PM
I?m leaning towards not bringing him home the more I think about it. My three lovies get along great together and I don?t want to change the dynamics.

As for Lily, she?s a little character and loves a lot of attention. I don?t know if I have the energy for another bird at this point.

03-09-2022, 03:56 AM
I hear what you are saying about flock dynamics. There have been times when I've seriously considered adding another bird but I know I can only stretch myself so thin as far as attention and each one takes time, plus I run the risk of a new one not being welcome. Give it some very serious thought and see where this goes. I'm sure you can give Beethoven a wonderful home but is it the right thing to do for your flock? Hard call.

03-09-2022, 07:40 AM
It is a very hard call and they each need their own special attention. I see it with my four. Max is my first. He was alone for five years before I brought Gabe home and although he has bonded with Gabe he still comes to me for cuddles and scritches a few times a day.

I just hate knowing that Beethoven could be in that shelter for a long time. It breaks my heart.

03-09-2022, 10:31 AM
I just hate knowing that Beethoven could be in that shelter for a long time. It breaks my heart.
Would the shelter give you a week trial period? That's really the only way you would know for sure, if they would allow it. I completely understand how you feel. I don't like to see homeless birds, either. It breaks my heart sometimes when I look through Craig's List and see birds up for rehoming. Many of them are just unhealthy so I know I can't, and shouldn't do anything.

03-09-2022, 02:38 PM
I?m not sure if they would allow a trial but I just sent them an email asking.

03-09-2022, 05:56 PM
I would think that the Humane Society, of all organizations, should understand the need to make sure and new family member is going to a home where they will fit in. I've adopted several dogs through our Humane Society and they let the final adoption pend for a week. I told them that I live with parrots and any dogs that live with me cannot be aggressive to those birds. None of the potential adoptees ever bothered my parrots but if they did, the dog would have been returned with no other questions asked. Never hurts to ask.

03-10-2022, 08:30 AM
I have a call scheduled with them tomorrow. I?ll ask them there as they didn?t respond to my email.

I?ll let you know.

03-11-2022, 05:50 AM
About all you can do is ask them. You've adopted from the before so you have a "track record" with them. They should realize that you have the best interests of all birds concerned at heart.

03-11-2022, 06:07 PM
They won?t do the trial.

Here?s a few more pics....one of his poop and two more of him. The last one you?ll have to zoom in.


He looks like a fluff ball. I?m not an expert BUT I?ll tell you what I see and correct me if I?m wrong.

- he looks fluffed up like he?s sick.
- his droppings don?t look healthy to me (he?s on a seed based diet).
- based on his peach face being so ?large?, he looks older than two years.

Your thoughts?

03-11-2022, 06:54 PM
First thing I looked at was the droppings. There is a lack of feces. There are urates and urine but not a whole lot of dark. I think that's because he's on a plain seed diet. I'm not seeing a bird that I think is sick, just not feeling good because it's molting. The plastic perches cannot be comfortable for his feet. The first picture looks like a nice bird. Even the last one which shows Beethoven at a distance does not look like a sick bird. Since Beethoven is a hybrid, the brow and bib area will not look like either a Peachfaced or a Fischer's lovebird. The coloring is a combination of both species. Age is hard to tell but I would say at least 2.

If you think that Beethoven would fit in with your flock, he would be a very lucky bird to have found such a good human slave. Perhaps go meet him.

03-11-2022, 07:45 PM
I?m so glad I was wrong about my assessment! I would hate for the little guy to be sick and homeless!

Thanks for your kind words. I admit I am a slave to my four babies. They come first and have priority over anyone.

I plan on going by Sunday after church.

03-12-2022, 09:42 AM
Hope meeting Beethoven helps you make your decision. Gotta admit, he's a cute little lovie! :) :)

03-12-2022, 01:13 PM
Here?s a video they sent me today. Does his breathing look off to you?


03-12-2022, 04:35 PM
Does his breathing look off to you?
No. The rapid breathing is in response to fear. Whoever took the video got too close and you are seeing a fight or flight response. Had the individual gotten any closer, Beethoven would have flown away from where he was sitting. He definitely does not feel safe where he is. He may have been handled at one time but I think he's currently semi-tame, if that. However, he's a nice looking bird for a hybrid.

03-12-2022, 04:53 PM
Poor little guy is scared.

03-12-2022, 05:54 PM
Poor little guy is scared.
Yes he is. He's in a strange place, away from everything familiar and he doesn't know if the next person or animal that comes near him intends to make him their next meal.

I remember when I brought Alex (BFA) home from a show in Kissemmee, FL where she was the grand prize raffle bird of the event. She was only 6 months old and very much a baby. She was beyond terrified. The only thing I could think to do for her was wait until 1:00 in the morning and I reached into her cage and picked her up. I took her over to a reclining chair in my living room and just let her sit with me until dawn. It didn't take her long to realize I meant her no harm. After that we became best buddies.

03-13-2022, 08:33 AM
So sad they would raffle her off but boy was she lucky you were the winner.

03-13-2022, 09:17 AM
Actually, I went to the show with a close breeder friend of mine and she had the winning ticket. She didn't want Alex so I swapped 3 proven pairs of Green Masked Lovebirds and a bit of cash for Alex. I didn't want to see Alex get into the pet trade where she would change owners almost constantly. That was in 1997 and I'm her only owner. I've never regretted taking her.

03-13-2022, 03:07 PM
Oh wow. Lucky girl Alex. ❤️

Well, I decided not to adopt Beethoven. I put a lot of thought into it and as much as I want to give him a good home I don’t think I can do it right now.

03-13-2022, 04:20 PM
I can well understand when you see a bird that you could give a home but it's just not right at the moment. I'm sure the decision was made with your flock in mind and not every bird fits in. I remember when I adopted Sonny (CAG) from a breeder in South Florida. He had a mate but he's so aggressive that she had chewed all her flight, tail and most of her body feathering so that she was a mess of scabs and bare skin. I knew I could not keep both of them and Sonny was too aggressive to adopt out again so I kept him and found her a new home. My home was just not big enough to keep them separated from each other without one or both of them being caged and that just wasn't fair. It was not an easy decision but I did what was best for her.

Even now, Sonny can be aggressive and we have to be careful when we handle him. He's super smart and can get into more mischief quicker than any parrot I've ever seen!!!

Hopefully, Beethoven will find a wonderful, loving home.

03-13-2022, 05:05 PM
How come I feel guilty now 😭😭😭😭

I really hope he finds a good home. 🙏

03-13-2022, 05:50 PM
What made you decide not to adopt him?

03-13-2022, 07:07 PM
A few reasons made me change my mind.

First is the dynamics my three lovies have now. They?re really happy with their setup. Max and Gabe both love Raphie (female). They both feed her and are so protective of her. It?s like she?s their baby sister. It?s really sweet to watch. I?m afraid a fourth may change that.

The second reason is the one on one time each bird needs. Lily is very demanding and she needs a lot of time with me which would take away from spending time with Beethoven. That wouldn?t be fair to him, especially during his quarantine time away from the lovie gang.

I hope I?m making the right decision.

03-14-2022, 06:10 AM
You are right that one more bird could completely change flock dynamics! You essentially have a lovie trio who keep each other company while you spend time with Lily and a conure who thinks you are her personal slave! Having the 4 of them interact may or may never happen. It wouldn't be fair to add another lovie who might end up being an outsider singleton.....maybe. I actually have a few lovebirds who don't want companions. Echo (male Abby) was one of them. As long as he knew there were other birds near him, he was happy. Up close and personal in his cage space was unacceptable. I have an Orangeface Lutino Peachie who is the same way, very aggressive. As long as she is with other lovebirds, she's fine, just not living with them.

I think I would check back with the Humane Society in another month and see if they still have Beethoven. Perhaps re-assess the situation.

03-14-2022, 07:05 AM
They?re all little complex individuals with their own big personalities. Angels sent from God.

I will be reassessing my situation daily and checking in on Beethoven. ❤️

03-14-2022, 07:13 AM
They?re all little complex individuals with their own big personalities. Angels sent from God.
They truly are! As I get older, I have to give consideration to those of my flock who could possibly outlive me and making a good decision for them is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do in my life! I want them to have home where someone else will love and care for them as much as I do. It has nothing to do with money, as birds seem to have great monetary value right now, but just finding someone who will cherish them for who they are.

03-14-2022, 12:11 PM
I?ve thought about that too lately. After my dads sudden death I wonder what will happen to my feathered babies if I?m next. I know my brother will take care of them. He loves them all a lot. The only problem is he has to learn about making sprouts, feeding them veggies, how to wash the veggies, only organic, etc. etc. He will spoil them rotten but they?ll become seed junkies...lol

I wouldn?t trust my babes with anyone but him. I?ll have to write everything down one day so he has it all to refer to.

03-14-2022, 12:20 PM
I've had to teach Ken all those little things that I do for our flock! He's better with the larger parrots than he is with the lovebirds but he's getting better. Education, education and more education! He learned a lot the week I was blind from my corneal transplant but he insisted that I have the cornbread all ready in gallon bags so all he had to do was feed..... I just keep stressing how important those little things are!

03-14-2022, 06:02 PM
You said it! Education is the key!

It?s easier to care for dogs and cats, that?s for sure.

03-15-2022, 07:34 AM
I could be completely off base, but I, personally, think cat and dog behavior is easier to understand! Parrots communicate very well....as long as you understand what they are trying to tell you. Like all animals, each one is different and what works for one may or may not work for another.

03-17-2022, 08:40 PM
I agree.