View Full Version : Tropical Storm Nicole

11-09-2022, 10:55 AM
Here we go again, Florida....... Good thing is that Nicole is not anything like Ian! Nicole will approach the southeastern tip of FL (Miami) as a Cat 1 but once it hits land, it will downgrade to a tropical storm with considerably less rainfall and not near as much rain. (Anyone want some water????? Parts of FL still have plenty!) The consensus track takes Nicole across central FL and will exit just North of Tampa, probably around New Port Ritchie. Last time, I lost power for 4 days but a lot of the damage to our power grid has been repaired so I may fair better this time around. Other than securing potential flying debris, I'm pretty much prepared. The worst of everything will happen tonight so it's going to be a long night! Will keep everyone updated as I can.

11-10-2022, 09:08 AM
We'll be getting that water tomorrow. They're calling for localized flooding and some heavy thunderstorms. Too bad it'll be 70 degrees, it would be a whopper of a snowstorm. :snow2:

11-10-2022, 05:20 PM
As a Cat 1 hurricane when Nicole came ashore near Jupiter, her eye was 100 miles wide!!!!! All of Ian would have fit inside of Nicole's eye! Other than a few 20 mph wind gusts and 2.5" of rain, that's the extent of what my area of FL got. No damage, just inconvenience.

11-11-2022, 05:06 PM
After seeing pictures and hearing reports of the widespread damage done by Nicole, I guess I can consider myself really blessed that the worst that happened to me was loss of power for a few hours and a 3' tree limb broke off my Live Oak tree in the back yard but didn't do any damage. I live inland, about 30 miles from the west coast (Gulf side) and I'm so glad that I don't need waterfront property to enjoy a FL life style.......

My thoughts and prayers for those who were not as fortunate as my neighborhood was.