View Full Version : Parties are NOT for lovies

11-13-2005, 07:44 PM
Well, today was my housewarming party and I sent out 50 or so invitations. Everyone who came wanted to see "The Birds". I told everyone to whisper and that the little birdies were NOT coming out of the cage. Half way through the party I finally just closed their door and checked in on them periodically. Poor babies, they were sooooo upset. I was kinda glad when the party ended and I know they were. So now everything's back to normal and they have been fed and gone night-night. Whew! Won't do that again anytime soon or at least I'll keep their door shut during the whole thing. How far away is Christmas? :whistle:

11-13-2005, 08:01 PM

Real quick cause Desperate Housewives is coming on :lol

Glad the party went well, and I'm sure closing the door was the best thing. I wheel my birds into the bedroom when we have more than a couple of people over. They just can't seem to help but walk over to the cage and try and "pet" them. You know how birdies hate those poking fingers :eek:

Buy A Paper Doll
11-13-2005, 08:15 PM
Whether it's friends or the furniture delivery guys, mine scream the walls down when there are visitors.

11-13-2005, 09:01 PM
Ditto loves visitors. He cheeps and dances all over the place until they come over to say hi. He has to be the center of attention.

But I've never had 50 people in the house. But he seems to like 4 or 5.

11-16-2005, 08:24 AM
Jackie, I was really surprised at how friendly your kids were when Lori and I "got in their little faces!" I'm sure that a house full of people scared the poop outta them. Oliver has gotten to the point that he goes in his cage if a stranger comes in.....well, except for Auntie Lori! Big Boi and Shy tend to go into a "freeze" mode and don't make a peep.

I'm sure your babies were glad to see everyone leave but I hope you got some nice STUFF.....Home Depot gift cards!?!? :D

11-16-2005, 09:32 AM
My babies do like visitors, but not as many as I had on Sunday. Poor little guys. We had quiet time after everyone left and I let them play with some of the package ribbons for a few minutes before they ate dinner. :)

Yes, Janie, I got some much needed gift cards to get some "yard tools" and things. I've been out on my own (renting) since I was 21, but it's amazing how much you need for a "house". I can't wait until spring - FLOWERS!! :D

11-16-2005, 11:59 AM
Jackie, I'll bet I'm the only person who gave you "Snack Attack" as a house warming gift! :rofl:

11-16-2005, 12:06 PM
Jackie, I'll bet I'm the only person who gave you "Snack Attack" as a house warming gift! :rofl:

I should find some of that stuff for Ditto!

11-16-2005, 12:31 PM

That Snack Attack is some GOOD stuff. Piper is the one who eats it all up. When I give him some in his treat cup, he even turns the hulls into saw dust. :eek:


My birdies say that Snack Attack is some good eatin' and I love the way it smells. I bet Ditto would love it. :D

11-16-2005, 12:33 PM
Dave, it's so darn hard to find in small quantities. I bought a tiny little bag at a bird fair over a year ago and then checked into ordering it......it comes in 20 or 25 LB bags (and is expensive) and that was just too much. When I bought my boys from Rubygem, she sent me home with some and told me she'd be happy to let me buy 5 or 10LB portions from her so that's how I get it now. She supplies me with ALL of my bird food now and at a good price and with no shipping charges.....I meet her hubby on an exit off the interstate. :D The Snack Attack is great for young ones, just weaning. I offer it as a treat a couple of times a week. Even Oliver will eat it! :D

11-16-2005, 12:37 PM
Dave, it's so darn hard to find in small quantities. I bought a tiny little bag at a bird fair over a year ago and then checked into ordering it......it comes in 20 or 25 LB bags (and is expensive) and that was just too much. When I bought my boys from Rubygem, she sent me home with some and told me she'd be happy to let me buy 5 or 10LB portions from her so that's how I get it now. She supplies me with ALL of my bird food now and at a good price and with no shipping charges.....I meet her hubby on an exit off the interstate. :D The Snack Attack is great for young ones, just weaning. I offer it as a treat a couple of times a week. Even Oliver will eat it! :D

20lbs? :eek: It would take Ditto a long time to eat that much. I'd need more birds! :whistle:

11-16-2005, 01:12 PM
I really agree with that. Its so good I have it shipped from the states. I get it from Choppers Toys now although I started out with Simply Parrots but they closed down. Some of the birdies food smells so good. Cede Egg Food is nice smelling too but Vitakraft African must be a lovies acquired taste.

Avi-cakes actually don't taste bad. :whistle:

11-16-2005, 01:12 PM
Here is another site here in the US that sells Snack Attack in a 1lb jar http://www.windycityparrot.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=31502151011&Category_Code=higgins