View Full Version : Intruder!!

Buy A Paper Doll
11-14-2005, 07:07 PM
This evening I noticed a lizard in the bird cage. !! How it got in the house, I do not know. I simply cannot handle things like lizards so hubby had to come to my rescue. The plan was to shoo it into the slide-out tray under the cage, then carry the tray outside. This would have worked except the lizard jumped for it and ran under the entertainment center. Hubby managed to catch it eventually and get it outside. I hate lizards. Ugh.

11-14-2005, 07:16 PM

Jennifer, I think lizards are just a part of living in FL. My cat used to have a ball with them when I lived there. Poor lizards :(

11-14-2005, 07:25 PM
Lizards eat insects so I think I can handle that. I shoo them outside, too. If they eat the insects outside then the insects don't come inside. Inside and I would have to kill the insects and they would not be a meal in the food chain... :)

11-14-2005, 07:27 PM
Could be worse, at least it wasn't a gator! :eek:

Or one of those really big lizards that are now in south florida.

Booda's Butt
11-14-2005, 07:28 PM
ooh, was it at least a pretty colored lizard? a wall climbing gecko perhaps?

I love reptiles.

I learned this trick from other reptile hobbyists, as a means of catching their loose pet geckos, but it would probably work with wild ones that wander into your homes.

Take a 2 liter bottle, cut the bottom off and tape it to your wall with the opening pointing outwards, and the cap off. Throw in a cricket or a couple mealworms to attract the gecko, the insects can't crawl out due to the slippery smooth plastic. The gecko wanders in to eat, but typically can't figure it's way back out the small hole out front, since it wants to stay closer to the wall where it feels safest. Viola! gecko caught...

LoL, now that i think of it though, i wonder what you're supposed to do once it's caught to ensure it won't get loose again?

11-14-2005, 07:55 PM
Ugh!! I hate anything that looks like a bug in any form. If it has leggies and crawls or runs from me, I pull out my Camicide and zap it! I found a HUGE black spider in my office (where I'm sitting right now) and I drowned it with Camicide. I soaked the carpet, but it was dead, dead, dead! Now when I come in here I look all over for anything crawly. Gives me the creeps :eek:

11-14-2005, 08:47 PM
I think lizards are one of the few things I'm not afraid of :x. We have tons of Geckos in our house and I just let them roam around.

Now centipedes :eek: :eek:

11-14-2005, 08:55 PM
Gekos are neat. Unless they're trying to sell insurance. :rofl:

Joanie Noel
11-14-2005, 08:59 PM
Jeez, I would've ran around my apartment screaming if I found a lizard in one of my birds' cages. :eek: Reminds me of when I was really little and we had a few pet anoles. They got loose one day and we didn't find them for a week. One was found in my brother's toy box of dinosaurs. :rofl: But EEEEEKKK!

Jennifer - How were Milo and Melody reacting? My tortoise has walked into the bird room before and my birds FREAK even if she's on the other side of the room, lol.

Booda's Butt
11-14-2005, 09:08 PM
what's Camicide?? is this any sort of bird safe insect zapper??? Cuz I sure could use some...I have to bust out the big ol' vaccuum to suck up all the GINORMOUS daddy long legs and centipede/earwig/silverfish things when I find them.

11-14-2005, 09:08 PM
Never had lizards in the cage but Ditto goes nuts if a ladybug wanders in there. He'll chase it all over the place.

Buy A Paper Doll
11-14-2005, 09:38 PM
I haven't seen a lizard in the house since last Christmas when I brought my artificial wreath inside for storage. I took it off the front door, put it in the box and out hopped a lizard. We get the little brown ones, maybe 3-4 inches long. Bluck.

We have a strict rule on creepy-crawlies that sneak in the house: If it has legs, hubby is responsible for removing it. If it does not have legs, I am responsible for removing it. Snakes I can handle, especially big ones. Little bitty frogs and lizards and buggies, forget it.

In warm weather states like FL and Hawaii, lizards are going to come in your house whether you like it or not. A friend of mine keeps a small dish of water in the corner so that the lizards don't die of dehydration in her house. Live lizards will usually make themselves scarce whereas dead ones present themselves at the most inopportune times.

11-14-2005, 09:43 PM
Live lizards will usually make themselves scarce whereas dead ones present themselves at the most inopportune times.

It sounds like there's a holiday story behind that statement, or perhaps a mother-in-law story...

11-14-2005, 10:32 PM
:omg: Cenitpedes are scary. SOme will remember awhile back I was laying in bed sleeping and felt a thump. Thought was my cat coming into bed. Well felt a tickle on leg and them something slimy. Used my bedside flashlight and it was a centiped. I jumped 5 feet and screamed for husband. the darn thing was fast took 20 minutes to get him and kill him. I always check bed before i turn light off now.lol.


11-15-2005, 07:23 AM
what's Camicide?? is this any sort of bird safe insect zapper???

Karin, yes, it is a bird safe insecticide. NOT easy to find. I bought a bottle at the last bird fair. Even my exterminator had never heard of it because it's a commercial product. Linda mentioned it to us a few months ago.

I have lots of the little lizards and they do, occasionally, get inside. I have been pretty successful removing them with a broom. :D

Crystal Taylor
11-15-2005, 08:03 AM
They had Camicide at the birdshow in Lakeland FL last weekend and that was a small show. Its probably available at most shows if it was at this one. I wonder though if it kills fleas.... anyone know.


11-15-2005, 08:16 AM
I wonder though if it kills fleas.... anyone know.

Just checked my bottle and it says.....kills: cockroaches, flies, FLEAS, carpet beetles, clothes moths, gnats. It does not mention ANTS and that is why I bought it but I'm told by others that it will kill ants. This product was off the market for a while and has just come back on in the last few months. I think it will be available from a vendor at most shows now.

Crystal Taylor
11-15-2005, 08:38 AM
Why was it off the market?

11-15-2005, 09:59 AM
I can't remember the details but it was more about "politics" than safety. Like a situation where a larger company gets something removed (temporarily) because it might take business away from them.....or something like that but I do know that it was not a safety issue. Linda made mention of the reason but I just can't remember what it was. Sorry.

11-15-2005, 10:31 AM
:omg: Cenitpedes are scary. SOme will remember awhile back I was laying in bed sleeping and felt a thump. Thought was my cat coming into bed. Well felt a tickle on leg and them something slimy. Used my bedside flashlight and it was a centiped. I jumped 5 feet and screamed for husband. the darn thing was fast took 20 minutes to get him and kill him. I always check bed before i turn light off now.lol.


I actually got bit in the head by a centipede while sleeping about three months ago. It was SOOOOOOO painful and nasty and scarey and creepy. It still gives me the heebeeee jeeebeeees even thinking about it. My head hurt for at least two weeks after :eek:

11-18-2005, 04:03 PM
Do lizards eat bird eggs?, like snakes do? At least it wasn't a snake, they eat birds and eggs.

11-18-2005, 06:08 PM
Do lizards eat bird eggs?, like snakes do? At least it wasn't a snake, they eat birds and eggs.

Some do. But if these were little ones like gekos they probably just eat bugs.

04-28-2007, 07:44 PM
Just came across this old post!! YUCKY centipedes!! I like lizards, they're cute> The only things I get in my house are spiders and those cement beetles!! I HATE SPIDERS!! Snakes ok, but HOW DO YOU GUYS STAND HAVING THESE THINGS AROUND YOU ALL THE TIME??!! (I guess if you grow up in a state that has them..but STILL!!!!)

04-28-2007, 07:57 PM
You guys talk about lizards like mice in M!! I have some VERY smart mice in my house right now! I have set 3 different kinds of traps and haven't got them! I've been trying to avoid the poisons cause I got a dog. But ****, I was sitting here on the computer today and watched one of the buggers go running by!!! I'm gonna ave to get the poison and figure out where to put it that my dog can't get it! Course, the mice are so darn smart, they will probably feed it to my dog!!! lol

I'd probably have freaked to if I looked n my cage and found a lizard in there!!! But, a mouse on the other hand, freaked too, but figured that was normal!!! hahahaha


04-28-2007, 08:49 PM
lol, I have both a pet lizard and snake (have had some sort of reptile pet since I was about 16 and got my first iguana) I wouldn't ever worry if my lizard got loose (she's a pretty docile uromastyx) but the snake on the other hand, would cause all sorts of problems. As it is my one dog HATES it and barks every time he sees it move, lol, and when I was hand raising some zebra finches, one of them landed on the top of the snakes cage (much smaller than what he's in now) and lets just say neither got hurt but one was hoping for a meal, and the other was scared out of his mind....

04-28-2007, 09:12 PM
The large gila monster type lizards will if ya lay one in front of it! I do believe the snakes are in fact alot more deadlier to eggs and their producers. I would be very leery of a medium sized snake as they can squeeze into a cage and catch the poor bird who can't get out. Thats why snakes are kept in fish tanks so that you don't wake up with one snuggled up to you in the morning, or simply disappeared..........Pleasant dreams.....Michael and Goofy

04-28-2007, 09:17 PM
lol, I have both a pet lizard and snake (have had some sort of reptile pet since I was about 16 and got my first iguana) I wouldn't ever worry if my lizard got loose (she's a pretty docile uromastyx) but the snake on the other hand, would cause all sorts of problems. As it is my one dog HATES it and barks every time he sees it move, lol, and when I was hand raising some zebra finches, one of them landed on the top of the snakes cage (much smaller than what he's in now) and lets just say neither got hurt but one was hoping for a meal, and the other was scared out of his mind....

My brother had a 10 foot long burmese python. He decided to let it relax on his water bed one day after it crawled up there. Not a good idea. Once the nice 90 degree bed warmed that snake he made quite a mess climbing all over the place and knocking things over. :omg: