View Full Version : Curious about Fischers

11-14-2005, 07:51 PM
Does anyone here have one? I think they are so gorgeous but I never see one for sale here in MA. I have always heard that they are not as friendly or maybe I'm thinking of the black masked? If I were to find a Fischer would I ever be able to cage him with Mango and Papaya my 2 Peachfaced? Just curious, I'm not planning on adding a third.

11-14-2005, 07:58 PM
I've seen them at the birdfairs every so often. I don't really know anything about their behavior. They are gorgeous!

11-14-2005, 10:35 PM
AS long as a male you might be able to. Someone here has a blue fischer named Blue I think. Maybe she will see this and comment. Masked as supose to be aloof sometimes. I am unsure about 3 in cage though.Someone here will know better on that one.


11-14-2005, 11:16 PM
I don't own Fischers but i know a few people who do.
They are cute little birds, like all Lovebirds, they are aggressive towards other species of birds.
I wouldn't want to introduce a 3 bird to your flock, especially if the 2 you have now are paired up

11-15-2005, 07:35 AM
Lori, I've read and been told several times that "three" together is not a good number.....one usually will get the brunt of the other two. I don't know anything about the Fischers (except that I think they are stunning) and have never laid eyes on one other than pictures.

11-15-2005, 07:43 AM
I am not considering putting 3 ina cage or even buying one but I really wanted to know what they are like and if anyone here has one

11-15-2005, 07:57 AM
Well, now that you mention it, I don't know of a single Fischers on this forum. Plenty of Masked but Fischers.....I can't think of a one that I've read about in over two years. Must be far more rare. Try a web search and see what you come up with. I do have one lovebird book that I really like, "The Lovebird Handbook" by Vera Appleyard. Every species is mentioned. This is what she says about Fischers....."Hand-fed Fischer's lovebirds make lively pets. Even birds that have not been handled for a while but were formerly quite tame will calm down after some handling. Parent-raised Fischer's can be very skittish around humans." She also says that in her aviary she has both, Peachfaced and Fischer's and that the Fischer's calls can be "quite high-pitched at times." So, that is all *I* know about Fischer's.....

11-15-2005, 08:55 AM

Suzanne here has a Fischer's. She can tell ya more about them. I get him and Peter backwards sometimes, but I think her Fischer's name is Luka.

I think all lovebirds are unique, no matter what their mutation. They all have their own little personalities, and of course alot of that depends on how they were raised, how they were socialized, and how much time we ourselves spend with them.

They are gorgeous little creatures, and I even saw one at a bird show that could talk very plainly. I don't know if mutation has anything to do with that, but that one remarkable :)

11-15-2005, 09:56 AM
Suzanne here has a Fischer's.

Yikes! How did I forget that Luka was a Fisher's???? Must be my old age! :D I had it in my mind that he was a Masked.

11-15-2005, 11:31 AM
Isn't Elle's "Blu" a Fischer's? I can't remember. :confused:

11-15-2005, 11:47 AM
Yep Suzanne has a Fischers and Elle's Blu is a Fischer as well. We also had (forgive me I cannot remember his name) a member in Italy that had a pair of Fischers and supplied our ever wanting desires for pictures quite well.

Like Jeremy said, Peachfaces are more aggressive than Fischers or Masks, so unless you know your birds well, housing them together might not work, but supervised playtimes would work. My masks like to play with the other lovies, but the masks are very timid and I wouldn't house them with any of my brute-like peachies :lol

Lori, you are in MA? Whereabouts? I was born, raised and lived there for 30 years. I do know of a masked breeder on Cape Cod, but I can do some snooping and find someone that breeds Fischers I'm sure, that is if you are really interested.

11-15-2005, 11:56 AM
Yes, Blu is a Blue Fischer. Compared to my last peach face, Blu is very sweet. Not aggressive at all, and very tiny. I cannot say if the lack of aggressiveness is caracteristic to Fischers or it's simply part of Blu's personality.
The other great thing about her is she doesn't know how to bite :lol

01-17-2006, 11:00 PM
By default I have 4 Fischers they each stay with their own mate but all in the same cage generally they get along. My only problem is now there are eggs and I am extremely inexperienced with this.


01-17-2006, 11:36 PM
It isn't advisable to have two pairs of lovebirds in the same cage. And now that you have eggs, your problems may get worse. Lovebirds are very territorial, and you may find that the pairs are fighting with each other, which can sometimes be fatal. Personally, I'd get another cage and separate them.

If you look at the breeding forum, there is a ton of information to absorb. If you can't find your answer, just ask there.

01-18-2006, 11:56 AM
If I recall correctly, eye ring series lovies seem to do ok in a communal-type setting (or is it just masks I'm thinking of...someone help me here??). Obviously, there still may be some aggression when eggs/babies are involved, but they aren't like Peachfaces in that respect.

01-18-2006, 12:06 PM
A lot depends on the individual pairs. I've had some pretty strange combinations, especially with Fischer's, and I've never had any problems. The worst I had was a pair of Green Fischer's that would kill their babies if I did not remove them from their parents cage just as soon as they were weaned! I've had Fischer's raise babies in colony situations and, as long as the babies observed the colony boundaries, there were no problems. None of the pairs were really aggressive but that could also have been due to individual personalities.

I always say if it ain't broke, don't fix it! :)

01-20-2006, 02:47 AM
i had two adorable and extremely colourful fishers. infact, there are photos of them under breeding : genetics, there in an album thats been "stickied" , and was made with the help of everyone but mangotiki came up with the idea. is mangotiki still around these days ? and what about pipismom and kiwitwo??

01-20-2006, 06:14 AM
Does anyone here have one? I think they are so gorgeous but I never see one for sale here in MA. I have always heard that they are not as friendly or maybe I'm thinking of the black masked? If I were to find a Fischer would I ever be able to cage him with Mango and Papaya my 2 Peachfaced? Just curious, I'm not planning on adding a third.

You may want to look into this place called "The bird and Reptile connection" in Foxboro... I know a few years back when I still lived up there they had some Fischers... .I dont know about now but it wouldnt hurt to give them a call!!! Who knows..if they dont have them they many know where you can get one.

01-21-2006, 04:02 AM
Fischers were my very 1st lovebirds,(rescued ones.) Am sure Linda can recall that very 1st time i logged onto lovebirdplus.
Please remember, altho they are lovely birds, they are not the same species as your peached face ect love birds. They are eye ringed species and if you get 1 who may just be a female/male you could find that the fischer or your other love birds may leave partner for each other, which is a no no. Can remember many a time posters way back had hybrids because pet shops still insist (here in U.K. they still do.) mixing and selling these 2 different species together. ( have you ever tried educating Pork always springs to mind when i see these birds mixed.) Fischers, dutch blues, ect all have their own characaters. albeit nasty, sweet. indifferent. In my case My little Pied (who i used to own) Cheeky chappy who loved every bird in the avairy, even the kakarikis he would feed. he was very much sought after on here when some of the birds wouldnt feed. :rofl: So if you do get a fischer, get a pair. They are sweet birds, mine were quiet as they had a rotten life to start with, till i got them. my Female very rarely sang, but when she did, boy did she sing. I also found they are more shyer than our other lovebirds and do take a little longer to train.
Here in U.K. we got plenty of them in our petstores. But dont get me started on that.