View Full Version : Dear Aunt Shy

05-15-2005, 11:24 AM
Hi Aunt Shy!!!

Trixie Bunny here. I wanted to tells ya all about how busy I have been cause we haven’t chit chatted in a while cause I have been really busy programming the new board with Daddy. He is so silly! He kept forgetting about important stuff land kept trying to secure some data base thingy instead. Who cares about data bases? :D

He would be typing and he would forget some letters so I would jump on the keyboard and add them and then daddy would take them away so I would add them back. He is so silly!! Doesn’t he know how important extra letters are?

Mommy and Daddy went shopping for me again last night and bought me a birdie bath for my mansion. Now when I get all sweaty from cage patrol and from beating my little toys up (you know how important it is that I show them who is boss ;) ) I have a special place where one of my food things could have gone that sticks outside the bars. Its an extra room now. It fits into a slot and sticks out and its my special place. I’m going to try it out today.

Now I can get all wet without making my drinking water dirty, and more importantly, I have a bigger place to take baths in so I can shower the living room! I kept trying to tell them that I had to help water the carpet!! Carpet cant grow without water.

I always thought I should have a place where I can splash the living room. Took daddy long enough to realize that!

I also have some new bowling stuff but I’m still scared of the bowling ball. Its bigger than my play balls and its black! Daddy says I will be a good bowler (whatever that means) but I dunno about that. The pins are ok but that ball... SHEESH! And I had to beat the pins up because they weren’t minding me. That will show them!!!!

And that black ball is stupid. Doesn’t daddy know that balls are sposed to be pretty colors? How am I sposed to roll balls if they aren’t made of pretty colors? Black balls cant roll!!!

Daddy also built me some more gym thingies too. I have to practice my gymnastics if I am going to be better at back flips. Back flips are very important. So is climbing upside down and chewing things. It’s important to practice chewing upside down.

Daddy keeps pointing that camera thing at me too. I just look at it funny and try to bite. I don’t know why daddy wants me to play with a camera. Cameras don’t have feathers and they don’t eat millet! Can you believe that? And cameras don’t do back flips so I think its silly.

I eat allot of veggie treats now. Some are green and some are yellow and some are orange and some are purple. Some of them are funny shapes too. Some are round and some are long and skinny. If daddy doesn’t give me enough I tell him to go get them!

He tried to put my veggie treats inside my mansion but I had to beat them up and throw them out. Veggie treats are just for working time. Doesn’t daddy know that?

I only eat veggies when I work on the puter with daddy or mommy or when we look at the TV. Since we work on the computer allot I need extra energy so daddy can finish his work on time.

I also got some new nutriberries. Cant have enough of those. Mommy found them for me last night and she said they done have some funny words in them so they are safe. I don’t know what words have to do with nutriberris. Nutriberries want to be eaten, they don’t need to talk! Right aunt Shy?

I am a happy girl. At least I let daddy think I’m a girl. Daddy hasn’t let my feathers play with the DNA test yet so he doesn’t know. Only you and I know for sure right (and I’m not tellin!!!)

I like living here. I get to do almost whatever I want, and I am training daddy pretty good. He knows how to do almost everything. Except he wont let me shred my papers! Daddy says papers are sposed to lie down at the bottom of the cage and play possum. He’s silly. Papers are for shredding! I don’t need any papers on the bottom of my mansion.

Daddy does almost everything that I tell him now. I have allot of new jobs too. When daddy plays music I have to test his guitars first. He thinks he can play without me testing them first but I showed him. I run up and down them and make sure they are ok.

I sit on the guitar neck or on the body and dance too, That’s why daddy plays guitar so I can dance. He thinks he plays guitar to do other stuff but I taught him that he just does it for me.

Another job I have is to rip his headset out of his ear. He thinks he’s sposed to talk to his headset but it doesn’t belong on him so I take it off. He sure is silly. If I wanted him to have a headset I would have told him !!!

And remote controls? HAH! Daddy thinks its ok to point them at things but I showed him. Your sposed to rip the buttons off. If I wanted remotes to have buttons I would tell him. Besides, he isn’t sposed to hold them. They belong in the pretty basket mommy bought. They are sposed to lie there and be still! Every time he tries to wake them up I bite them so they mind me better.

Oh yeah, another really important job I have is tasting his food to make sure I think it’s ok if he eats it. He gets his food ready and I help. Then before he can eat it I jump on it and start tearing it up and make sure there aren’t any bad things hiding in it. If it tastes good I eat some so he knows its ok, and if it doesn’t taste good I rip it up and throw it on the floor so that dog can eat it. That dog is silly too. The dog will eat anything. Hes not picky at all. Daddy says everything he eats is ok but I don’t believe him,. Just cause some book says that food is safe for Trixie doesn’t mean I’m gonna let him have it. Books don’t know what Trixie can eat! Golly!!!!

I do some cage patrol too but not to much cause i have to help daddy. Whatever he does I have to show him how cause he’s silly.

Daddy and mommy are good to me. They aren’t to hard to train. They mind pretty good.

Ill be around more now Aunt Shy since I got the board ready. Daddy didn’t really do to much, I did most of the typing but Ill let him think he did it so he’s a happy daddy.


Trixie Bunny

05-15-2005, 12:29 PM
Hey Trixie

Glad to hear you are doing well, and that you are progressing nicely training your daddy. You are gonna have to get that momma of your's whipped into shape to, but one thing at a time.

I think you really should shred those papers on the floor of your cage. You don't want them to be playing possum. You don't want any possums in your cage. Possums eat nutriberries, and I am not entirely sure they don't also eat lovies. You don't want no floor papers turning into possums. Nutriberry hunting possums that just might snack on an unsuspecting lovie.

I know you worked really hard on our new board. Your daddy was trying to take a fair bit of credit for that, but we all knew it was you. I don't let my birdies play on the computer very often, or they would have their own site set up and who knows what manner of birdies they would invite over to visit it.