View Full Version : Now they are not biting at all

11-15-2005, 07:53 PM
I am able to put my hand in the cage and Papaya just let e pick him up. Do you think they have good moods and bad moods? Maybe he was just in a ba mood before? I still think he didn't realize that the hand that reached in the cage before was mine.

I put a cardboard little box in their cage and they are loving it. But a few minutes ago I had to take it out because they were fighting in there. Maybe it was playing but sure seems like fighting to me.

Boy I have a lot to learn huh?

Buy A Paper Doll
11-15-2005, 08:14 PM
"Do you think they have good moods and bad moods?"

Possibly, but I think that when they bite, it's because they are trying to tell you something. When mine get bitey, it's usually because they've been out of their cage for a while (like tonight when Milo started attacking my hand) and they are hungry/thirsty/sick of me. I put them back in their cage to give them a break and then when they start begging to come out again, I let them back out.

11-15-2005, 09:00 PM
To a LB everything belongs to them. Even if there's enough to go around. They are young so give them some time to adjust to you and their new surroundings, including toys & food dishes. All three of mine would prefer to have their own dish & toys, but they have to share and I'm there to supervise. They have a lot of growing up to do and they will do it in a very short time period. They are heading into the "teenage" stage. Just remember - patience, love & more patience :D

11-15-2005, 09:10 PM
Oh they get moody alright. Especially if you go out on a date and aren't home by bedtime. :eek:

Hockey games with your brother seem to be ok though. :rofl: