View Full Version : Is this normal baby behavior?

11-16-2005, 02:28 PM
Before you all say it, I will be patient but I was just wondering if this is all normal or does it mean they will be like this always.

Both Mango and Papaya only eat (almost constantly) and sleep. They dont' play with toys, they don't come to see me when I open their cage. When Mango was by himself he used to fly out, now I can't really reach into their cage to get them and I have the door open all the time and they are clearly afraid to come out and afraid of me. I talk to them in a sweet voice and make little chirping sounds but they just look at me like I'm a monster from ****. I've had Mango a week now and got Papaya this past Saturday. So I know it's only been a short time but has anyone else experience been that when their BABY birdies first came home they were quiet and reserved and now they are cuddly and playful?

Crystal Taylor
11-16-2005, 02:35 PM

I feel your pain. I get my 3 guys out and it's a feat to do it because they look at me like I am going to eat them. They fly all over the cage and scream. Once they are out for a few minutes they are fine. Sometimes I even get a kiss if I kiss them. I've had them since Saturday so it hasn't been long. They are my first non-handfed birds so I'm learning as I go. I think the trick is patience and I'm trying to be as patient as possible.

So you got Mango the other day and then Papaya a few days later? And they are in the same cage? No quarentine at all? Or were they from the same place and you just went back and got a second one?


11-16-2005, 02:41 PM
it takes some time dear. They will warm up to you. I know it is fustrating. Jsut keep chirping and talking. Maybe offer a stick of millet to them.

Crystal they got both from same breeder.they were cage mates and the darkside sucked them in...lol


Crystal Taylor
11-16-2005, 02:43 PM
Oh boy do I know the darkside. Did I mention I came for 1 and got all 3? "Hello my name is Crystal and I am a Parrot Addict"

11-16-2005, 02:43 PM
LOL, the darkside, now I know what you all were referring to. Yes they were raised together

11-16-2005, 02:48 PM
Lori, young lovies nap alot. then they play a little, eat and anp some more. This might be a good time for you to take them out, snuggle them both up in your hand and let them nap in there. While they are napping, you can pet them and touch them...all part of the bonding process. It can be a little discouraging at first, believe me I know, because especially in multiples, chicks seem to want nothing to do with you, but they do warm up after a while. You also might consider working with just one at a time on stepping up and getting used to being touched. Take one of the pair into another room and work with them there...without the partner in crime there to distract, the process can be easier.
Keep the faith. ;)

11-16-2005, 06:20 PM
In my experience young lovies don't really play a lot. This will change as time goes on and you'll be wishing they were the easy going little babies they are now :D . I would advise that you take out and handle the birds as much as possible both individually and together. This is an important time in their lives and how much time you handle them will depend a lot on how your relationship will develop with them.

Good Luck

11-17-2005, 09:03 AM
The only experience I have with young lovies is my current situation with Big Boi and Shy and they love to play and are interested in every single toy I've offered them....from day one. They were around 9 1/2 weeks old when I got them and are now 5 1/2 months old. They play, eat, play, sleep, play......nice life! :D

Oliver, on the other hand, rarely plays except with my hair when he's hiding under it. He would waddle ten miles out of his way to avoid any toy that hangs or moves. Somewhere along the way he's obviously had a bad toy experience but I'll never know what happened to make him so afraid of toys.

11-17-2005, 10:12 AM
Oh yes,

Enjoy those baby snuggles now, cause here shortly you will wonder where in the world they get all that energy from :lol .

They are very active birds, and the only time mine are still is when they are napping, or preening each other. I do get the occasional night time shoulder snuggles, but not the ones where you can snug them up close to your chest anymore :(

11-17-2005, 11:21 AM
I think your birdies are still getting used to their new home and the daily events that go on there. Once they get used to their surroundings, and realize the big flockmates are not going to eat them, they will want to explore past the confines of their cage. Hang a piece of millet outside the cage door. This has great luring power, even for a 'fraidy bird.

I have one bird that really doesn't like to venture out of the cage. Her partner comes out, and she will for a moment of two, but she feels safer in her cage. Don't think she doesn't scold her partner for leaving her alone in there for too long. He runs back in there the minute she calls for him.

11-17-2005, 12:13 PM
When Molly was a baby, he would snuggle tight in my hand and sleep. He'd make those little chirpy noises and grind his beak - ABSOLUTLEY ADORABLE! Now that he's grown up, he doesn't do this anymore. I miss it. :cry:

Enjoy their little babyism's cause they don't last long.

11-17-2005, 06:34 PM
When Molly was a baby, he would snuggle tight in my hand and sleep. He'd make those little chirpy noises and grind his beak - ABSOLUTLEY ADORABLE! Now that he's grown up, he doesn't do this anymore. I miss it. :cry:

Enjoy their little babyism's cause they don't last long.

Ditto is almost 3 and he still does that. :cool:

11-18-2005, 03:04 AM
Ok, no rubbing that in Dave. :lol (Darn that Dittobird) :p