View Full Version : Peepo is a wild hen!

11-16-2005, 10:28 PM
Well, Peepo is finally DETERMINED to nest. I've discouraged nesting all along and now at 16 months old - she's turned on the "nesty-hen" full blast. She is not in the same cage with Luka (her chosen male that belongs to another male-mate). But, she's making Luka (close by) pretty crazy according to my Mom.

Peepo is shredding anything that she can. She even shreds and tucks sunflower seed shells into her rump. She is shredding her rope perches. If she SEEs paper within a mile's reach - she's bent on getting to it!

In her cage she has a coconut and her dishes. She has tried nesting in her dish and in her coconut. At the end of the day, she kicks all the stuff out of her coconut. Why is she doing this? I expected that she wouldn't nest in something that swings, so what do you think? She spends morning time in her coconut acting pretty nesty. Every night she cleans it out!?

I'm leaving town Wednesday for Thanksgiving and my birdies will be cared for by an experienced (with them only) friend. I am concerned that my baby-bird Peepo will lay while I'm gone. I thought I'd prepare a nest box and not give it to her until I see an egg. I'll prepare my friend how to handle it if she lays.... YIKES!!!!! Any suggestions? I'll, of course, make the vet info available as usual.

Peepo has not changed physically yet. She eats as usual, but not changing from the norm. Her "would be" mate is eating like crazy - and feeds her every time he's allowed to visit. She wouldn't have it any other way.

She's pretty nutty right now. She still my lovey lovie, but she's making plans for sure!

Thanks for any words of wisdom!

11-17-2005, 07:58 AM
Hi Suzanne;

Sounds like the coconut is her nest of choice. Is it a hanging toy? If so, you may want to remove it entirely, so she doesn't crack her eggs on the grating. I don't think your sitter could get her hand out in one piece, if she were to try to clean it up. :omg:

Are your birds going to the sitter's house during your trip, or is the sitter coming to your place? If the birds are going to the sitter's, the change well might break Peepo's cycle. I've had Gracie start a clutch just before Tim and I went on a trip, and she stopped it and abandoned the eggs after being taken to my parents' house.

Gracie also scatters stuff out of her nestbox. Even with a mate and fertile eggs, it's hard to keep enough carefresh in there. Go figure.

11-17-2005, 08:02 AM
Hey Suzanne,

Sounds like your baby has turned into a hen :rolleyes:

Besides the shredding/tucking, are you seeing any other egg laying signs? Torpedo butt, large poops, or enlarged vent? If so, I think I would prepare the nest box before you head out of town. I also would try and rearrange the cage, change the location, etc.... so that she may put it off at least until you get back home. Prepare your friend with what to look for just in case though.

Hope you have a good trip. If you are passing by my way, let me know and I'll arrange to meet you. I live just off of I-65 in Franklin, TN.



11-17-2005, 06:35 PM
Peepo is pretty determined to the point of not wanting to come out of her cage as much. :cry: I'll try rearranging her cage, but I'll also prepare a nest box just in case. Peeps shows no other signs, her little seagreen body looks the same, and I snuggle her all over, so I think I'd notice. She's quite in a mood, though, no mistaking that.

My sitter will be here at my house with the birds and will possibly just stay here overnight. They'll be in good hands, as he's cared for them before in his house.

I hesitate to take her coconut away, because she destroys everything in her cage.... maybe I should go shopping for something to replace it. She can't have a snuggly or happy hut or - after tonight - rope perches. She is literally tearing everything into shreds. She has been trying to reach the cage papers under the grate to shred those. D-E-T-E-R-M-I-N-E-D! I'll have to look for some kind of replacement item that is indestructible or at least slow OR safe to destroy.

Thanks for your replies. Peepo is adorable, even in nest-mode!

11-17-2005, 10:19 PM
All I have to say is " I LOVE NESTY HENS!!!" :happy: :happy: . I have to, I have enough of them :rofl: :rofl:. I have to say I do admire them and give them the appropriate respect they deserve. They are protecting babies!!!! Of course, mine are not that bad. I get bites, but they're not tooo bloody :x .

Actually, I left on vacation for a month in October and I was worried about my Babygirl. I didn't leave her a box as she had no torpedo butt. Of course, when I got back I had six nesty hens (see breeding section) :eek: :eek: .

I say leave a box ready with instructions not to put it in the cage until there is an egg sighting. I would also take the coconut away during the day and only give it at night. When I went on vacation I decided to leave all the cozies out. I know this was a little stressful for my birds but with me being gone I didn't want the birds in their cages all day thinking about nothing but nesting. It may be something to consider with Peepo. When you get home, you may just want to let her do her thing and get it over with.

Have a great Thanksgiving :D :D