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11-18-2005, 07:39 AM
when you get home at 4:00 a.m. from watching the new Harry Potter (yes, I'm a BIG fan) movie at midnight (with my mother) and you get up at 8:00 a.m. cause you have two out of three LB's sreaming at you to "Uncover Me! Can't you see the sun's up?" OMG :omg: , I'm sooooooooo tired. I'm over 40! I can't stay up that late. What was I thinking :whistle:

Oh, BTW, the movies was great! But, if you have little ones under 10, I do NOT reccomend it. Go see it first before you take the kids. Talk about the darkside :evil: Sometimes hollywood can produce a pretty good movie :D

I wanna go back to bed >o

11-18-2005, 07:45 AM
when you get home at 4:00 a.m. from watching the new Harry Potter (yes, I'm a BIG fan) movie at midnight (with my mother) and you get up at 8:00 a.m. cause you have two out of three LB's sreaming at you to "Uncover Me! Can't you see the sun's up?" OMG :omg: , I'm sooooooooo tired. I'm over 40! I can't stay up that late. What was I thinking :whistle:

Oh, BTW, the movies was great! But, if you have little ones under 10, I do NOT reccomend it. Go see it first before you take the kids. Talk about the darkside :evil: Sometimes hollywood can produce a pretty good movie :D

I wanna go back to bed >o

HA! I briefly considered taking the kids to see Goblet of Fire at the midnight showing - then I thought about how I would function at work today.

...they are gonna go see it Saturday morning. :lol

11-18-2005, 07:51 AM

You is a a crazy lady!!!!! There's not much I'm staying up for that late, and can tell ya right now, it ain't a movie :lol

Yep, no matter what time you get in, the sun comes up, and it's "BIRDY TIME", "BIRDY TIME", "GET UP AND MAKE THAT BIRDY BREAD". That's what my birdies sing anyway :lol

11-18-2005, 07:52 AM
Eric, what's sad is when I got home I saw that I left the computer on and I couldn't resist looking on the board!

This is the 2nd HP movie my mother & I have gone to see at midnight. And we're going back to see it again at 12:45 with my 70 year old Aunt who's driving an hour to get to us. She told me if she goes before the last book comes out, I have to go to the cemetery and read it to her :eek: I told her "Not at night!" :lol

11-18-2005, 09:21 AM
Jackie, when you told me you were going to the midnight movie all I could think was, "boy, she is so much YOUNGER than me!" :D I would fall asleep in any movie that started after 5:00 p.m.! :lol Glad you enjoyed it and hope you catch up on your sleep (a good nap!) today! :)

11-25-2005, 07:43 PM
So Eric, did you go see the HP movie? How'd you & the kids like it?

11-26-2005, 09:09 AM
I saw it last night and it was wonderful. I'm only 27 and don't have kids, but it blew my mind that at the 9:10 showing on the Friday after thanksgiving tons of parents were lugging their 4-8 year old children into a pg-13 movie. There is no way the 4-6 year olds have read this book. You could make a case for slightly older kids or even kids that have read the previous books, but I was just amazed at how some parents are. Of course, I've been to R rated movies at about the same time that parents are bringing kids into. So maybe, still being childless, I'm just missing something...

11-26-2005, 09:18 AM
I was surprised at how many parents took their little ones to a PG-13 movie. The kids who had read the book knew what to expect, but not the ones I saw. I've seen it three times since it's been out and loved it each time. I'm such a fan, my office is done in HP. :happy:

11-26-2005, 09:57 AM
I haven't seen the movie because (Sorry Jackie :( ) I'm not a Harry Potter fan, but I just wanted to say that with all the music, cable, video games and internet most kids have seen, said, played with a lot more graphic stuff than Harry Potter or most PG-13 movies.

oooh! This post reminds me I need to set up my brother (I Harry Potter fan) and my DH to go see the movie so I won't be forced to go (marriage) with my DM :happy: :happy:.

11-26-2005, 03:30 PM
I will say this my 7 yr old has read Almost all the Potter books. I have read the books also and will let her see it. But no way in heck will my sons see it til they are atleast 5.lol.I am not even taking them to a movie theater til then.
