View Full Version : Fids!!!

11-25-2005, 10:17 AM
Don't know what was in that turkey that Harley ate yesterday but he's been playing with any toy he can get since the sun came up this morning! He's usually talkative and social early in the day but today seems to be the exception. Poor Ginger! He's taken over her toys, as well, and he's been teasing her all morning!

Gotta luv 'em........

11-25-2005, 10:39 AM
Maybe he's celebrating the fact he's not a turkey :rofl: :rofl:

11-25-2005, 11:08 AM
Very Interesting Linda.....because Turkey is suppose to make you sleepy not energetic.....but maybe it gave him an extra good nights sleep and he's raring to go this morning.

My fids are going bonko this morning. They didn't get their normal breakfast yesterday.....they got double seeds and shredded sweet potatoes and carrots, which they all pooped in to show their gratitude and I don't think anybirdie ate it at all. When I finally got breakfast served this morning it was total silence as they all stopped to inhale it! :D

11-25-2005, 06:34 PM
Maybe he's celebrating the fact he's not a turkey :rofl: :rofl:

Ok now that's funny! :rofl:

It sounds like Harley found Ditto's overdrive gear. Sometimes we'll be watching tv on the couch and he'll be snuggled up in my hand making little cheeps. Then all of a sudden he flies back to the cage and basically beats up every one of his toys for a minute or 2 and comes back for more snuggles. I guess those toys misbehave sometimes and need to be kept in line. :rofl: