View Full Version : Lovebirds and Finches

Joanie Noel
11-25-2005, 10:20 AM
Has anyone had any experience with owning finches and lovebirds at the same time? I was in a pet shop recently and the lovebirds there didn't make a single lovebird-esque sound, only parakeet sounds! So I wondered if they'd do the same with finch sounds. I've wanted to buy a pair of finches before, but I got nervous that since finches make their sounds around the clock, my lovebirds would squawk all day too then. On the other hand, I wondered if the little finch warbling would in-a-way act like white noise -- where it distracts you more and drowns out the other sounds. Then the third possibility, which I would hope for, would be that my lovebirds would mimic the finches.

I've never owned a finch in my life, so I'd have to read up on them a lot before deciding on anything. I'm just not sure how lovebirds interract with finches (since I know the finches never come out and the lovies do).

- Joanie

11-25-2005, 10:32 AM
All birds will mimic sounds that they like to hear. I've had finches before and my lovies never paid any attention to them. Hard to say how yours will react.

Just like with my lovebirds, my finches were silent once it got dark. If you're thinking about getting a pair of finches, especially Zebras or Societies, be prepared for babies.....and LOTS of them! If anyone thinks lovebirds are prolific, they've never owned either of these 2 species of finch!!!

11-25-2005, 03:07 PM
Funny that this conversation should come up.
Abbey, our GCC, will intimidate the odd lovebird sound, the beeping of the microwave, a loud "HIIII", and various other sounds she's trying to mimic, however, our lovebird Daisy (poor girl had 3 possible homes and everyone crapped out on her) who is caged below Abbey has been making GCC sounds VERY WELL!! At times, so well that we have to go look to see who's making noises....right now Daisy is doing a perfect Abbey "chirp"....and the only way I know it's Daisy is that Abbey is sitting on my shoulder as I type !!! LOL

Lovebirds are extremely good mimickers and I've got Yellow Fuzz-butt Proof !!!!


11-25-2005, 04:22 PM
My budgies copy the lovebirds and Whisper is fluent in budgie.lol. I have never had finches though. They are cute looking birds but I would be scared having to handle a bird that small.


11-25-2005, 04:57 PM
You cannot tell the difference between Blu and a canary. I think she was too close to the canaries at the pet store.
There is a finch at the pet store that is such a sweety. I know it's not a zebra finch. If you put your finger in the cage, it flies over and starts chewing on it.
IF the sales person would have come over to answer my husband's question about what type of finch it is, we would have a cute social little finch at home now.

11-25-2005, 06:30 PM
Ditto speaks perfect sparrow since he hears them all day. I was standing by the screen door on my porch one day and there were a bunch of sparrows eating his leftovers that I dumped out there. He chirped at them in sparrow language and they actually came over toward the door.

He has tried to sing robin and cardinal songs and failed miserably. LOL