View Full Version : Naptime!

11-28-2005, 06:11 PM
I was sitting here surfing the web and Ditto decided to perch on my finger after exploring my desk and trying to eat the buttons off my shirt. He was being quiet and still (unsual for him when we're here on the desk) so I looked at him and he was napping while perched on my finger. :cool: It is about the time he takes his before dinner nap and I guess exploring the desk tires a birdy out! :lol

11-29-2005, 08:24 AM
How sweet. :)

Gracie is the one who likes to nap on me, but never on my finger (of course). She likes to nod off while on my chest. Sometimes she'll get George sleepy, but generally he is too watchful.

Sammy only sleeps when he goes up my sleeve. He is a very busy boy the rest of the time. :happy:

11-29-2005, 09:36 AM
Ditto doesn't usually nap on my finger like that either. He's usually finding paper on my desk to chew (or jumping on the keyboard). His normal nap spot is on my knee snuggled up in my hand while we watch tv. But I had him out during his usual before dinner nap so he just zonked out on my finger. :cool:

11-29-2005, 11:32 AM
Awwwww......isn't that sweet. I don't have any birdies that are that tame, only the Bentley (Chihuahua) likes to snuggle and sleep close.

11-29-2005, 02:15 PM
It must be really nice to have a bird that trusts you that much. I just have to live vicariously through you all. Mind you with 8 I'd be nearly out of fingers anyhow. :whistle:

I don't think I could handle 8 Dittobirds! :eek:

12-02-2005, 04:22 PM
When Oliver naps on me, its under my hair. When he naps on my husband, it's on his hand, palm side down. He naps so soundly that my hubby is always afraid he'll fall off! :D Big Boi and Shy nap snuggled up as close together as they can get. When they're out, they don't nap....they just investigate! :D

12-02-2005, 05:09 PM
When Oliver naps on me, its under my hair. When he naps on my husband, it's on his hand, palm side down. He naps so soundly that my hubby is always afraid he'll fall off! :D Big Boi and Shy nap snuggled up as close together as they can get. When they're out, they don't nap....they just investigate! :D

Ditto likes to nap in the palm of my hand with the tip of his beak resting on a finger. :cool:

When he naps perched on my finger like he did here at the desk he sways back and forth so much I'm surprised he doesn't fall off.