View Full Version : Melly's no fun anymore

Buy A Paper Doll
12-06-2005, 06:56 PM
Hi guys, Milo here. I need some advice from some of you more experienced birdies.

Melly and I used to play play play all day long. But nowadays all she wants to do is shred leaves and hang out in her box with her eggie.

This is just no fun at all. Lots of times she won't even let me in the box with her! So I sit on the swing outside her box and talk to her. I bring her snacks and I even eat that yucky old oyster shell that Momma put in our house. All of this is very hard work, you see, and she won't even return my contact calls!

I feel very sad. Momma lets me come out whenever I want, and I snuggle with her or with Daddy. But it's not the same. *sigh ... I miss the way things were. What's a birdy to do?

Wing flaps,
Milo Lilo

12-06-2005, 07:01 PM
Hi Milo;

It's Georgie here. Gracie gets the same way, but my first wife taught me that's just what you have to do. All the birdie hubbies I know sit outside the nestbox while the little lady sits inside, wanting to be fed. :roll:

It might help if you start helping her with that paper, puttin' the nesty stuff together. I could never shred as well as Gracie or my first wife, but they seem to appreciate the effort. Anyway, it beats doin' nothin'.

Keep the faith. Remember, we're all in this together.


12-06-2005, 07:15 PM
Hi Milo, it's your buddy Ditto. I don't have any experience with women but my daddy says they just go nuts once in awhile and 'ya just gots to deal with 'em. They go back to normal after awhile so don't get too worried.

Maybe if your momma would grow some feathers the snuggles would be more like old times til Melly gets her sanity back. :rofl:

Georgie, you ever watch The Red Green show? He always says, "remember, we're all in this together". :cool:

Dittobird....... Happily single and snugglin' with daddy, he don't got feathers but he is fuzzy. :D

12-06-2005, 07:15 PM
Hi Milo, this is Big Boi and Shy......we can tell you what to do, next time, get a boy to bond with! :D We adore each other and if people are talking about us, we don't understand and we don't care! We play and play and then, play some more. I (Big Boi) regurgitate to Shy who I think must be the alpha bird and we preen each other and we snuggle up in our cozy every night and we LOVE each other so much and if Sam (our momma's human kid) calls us gay, we don't care at all. :D We are very happy and we don't get all "hennie" on each other. That is the only advice we can give! :)

Big Boi and Shy

12-06-2005, 07:32 PM
Ahhhh Milo,

Have a little compassion buddy. You'd be a little uhhhhhh off you're rocker too if you had an egg up yer butt. Melly will get a little better once all them eggies get out, till then buddy suck up all ya can. The women, they like that suckin up ;)

Dude, sometimes a man's gotta do, what a man's gotta do :rolleyes:

Fellin for ya buddy,


12-06-2005, 08:14 PM
Hi ya Milo,

Molly here (I know, I know, but the name's stickin'). I gots two girlies here and they's driving me nuts! They chase me everywhere and that Piper girlie has been trying to give me her throw-up - yuk! I only want my momma's throw-up, but she don't do that and that's ok with me. I love her anyways :D I don't know what to tell ya buddy cause I've got troubles here too. Girlies in heat - WHEW! I thinks momma needs to find them a new home :whistle: Good Luck with Missy Melly!

Molly (the Male)

12-06-2005, 08:37 PM
Hi Milo,
Sammy here. Com's sitting on 3 fertile eggies right now and guess I'm lucky. She don't mind if I go in the box and sit next to her. Just sittin' on those eggies and turning them several times/day has got to be boring after a while! I'm hoping that Com let me feed her so she can feed the babies when they hatch. Last time around she was clueless!


12-06-2005, 08:51 PM
Chill Milo :cool: . Egg eggs and nestboxes are all part of being a grown up birdy. Me, I love when my Babygirl has a nestbox and egg eggs. It makes me so proud of her. she's such a good mamma.

It's not all easy goin'. I have to make sure she has everything she needs and she's fed right so she can have healthy bubbers. My babygirl even taught me how to help with the nestbox so I can go out and tuck lots of stuff in the rump to bring home to my birdy love.

When I get done helping out, I get to galavant around and hang out with my human friends. When I get bored with them I can go visit my Babygirl and get my groove on, if you know what I mean :wink: :wink:.

Won Ton 8)

12-06-2005, 09:36 PM
Georgie, you ever watch The Red Green show? He always says, "remember, we're all in this together".

I think my humans and your humans get the same TV channels, fella. Sometimes daddy Tim watches Red Green, and all us guys recite the man's pledge with them at Possum Lodge:

"I'm a man
But I can change
If I have to
I guess."

12-06-2005, 09:42 PM
I think my humans and your humans get the same TV channels, fella. Sometimes daddy Tim watches Red Green, and all us guys recite the man's pledge with them at Possum Lodge:

"I'm a man
But I can change
If I have to
I guess."

If the women don't find 'ya handsome, they should at least find 'ya handy. :lol

12-07-2005, 12:45 AM
Hey Milo, it's Laharl. My dearie Etna is always bossing me around, no matter what time of month! Laharl, do this, Laharl, do that. Always snapping at me. :( Boy, I can't wait until she has eggs!

Joanie Noel
12-07-2005, 08:23 AM
Hey Milo.

We guys over here think you're pretty lucky to have a girl like Melly. If she's layin' eggies, then you must be doing somethin' right, cuz our women won't do nothin' with us. We've been thinkin' that we're the ones in heat, not the girlies. :eek: They won't give us the time of day. :roll:

- Squeaks and Kirby

12-08-2005, 04:50 AM
I was smiling at this thread yesterday, but I was also wondering about something I observed about my own birdies. I'm birdsitting a pair of lovies, Pontus and Nemo, who have just laid their first egg ever (they were supposed to be a male pair, so it was quite a surprise, to say the least) and I myself have a single male lovie, Pidget. After the intial surprise of having a "boy" lay an egg, and following the expert advice of the board members here, I got a nest box and some dry palm fronds to line the box and Pontus (the hen) has been happily in and out of it since yesterday. Poor Nemo (the dad) has been in the doghouse ever since the nest box appeared, though. He can't even go down to the bottom of the cage, much less show his little face in front of the box entrance hole, without Pontus chasing him away. Yesterday Pontus got even into a tug of war over a single palm frond with him, which was quite petty of her, if you ask me, as she has huge amounts of the stuff at her disposal. Even more strange is the fact that Pontus has been quite benign with Pidget, my lovie. I put Pidget into Pontus and Nemo's cage to play a little, and to keep Nemo, who was looking all woebegone, company. I sat right beside the whole time and I was surprised because Pontus was all "Awww, let the kid play", with Pidget, letting him waddle around the bottom of the cage, beak the precious palm fronds, and even let him peek into the box.

If Nemo were an aggresive bird, it would make more sense, but Nemo is the sweetest, shyest lovie I've ever met, and he adores Pontus, so I really can't figure it out. Can she be mad at getting *knocked up* ;)?


12-08-2005, 10:47 AM

I think Pontus will settle down and be tolerate poor little Nemo a little better once she completes her clutch. Lacey is like a hen on a mission until she completes her clutch, and then gives Bela a little more attention. Most likely she just wants him to do his job, feed her, and sit on the eggs while she gets a little out of the box time, but she's sweeter to him either way;)

Funny she is so accepting of Pidget. Maybe she knows he's just a wee one, and figures he is not competing for Nemo's affections? Kinda sweet I think:D

Buy A Paper Doll
12-08-2005, 11:00 AM
"Yesterday Pontus got even into a tug of war over a single palm frond with him, which was quite petty of her, if you ask me, as she has huge amounts of the stuff at her disposal" Ahhh. Welcome to the world of nasty, nesty hens. There is no need for a hen to share even a single palm frond with the male bird. Even if he's trying to shred for her, to help her out with nesting materials. Nope, he can't touch any of it. It's all HERS. The nest box? Forget it. It's HERS too, and heaven help Nemo should he set foot near it without Pontus's permission. My Melody is like this even when she's not nesty. I have 2 of everything in the cage. Two swings, two food dishes, two treat cups, you get the idea. And they have to be spaced far enough apart that Milo can get a head start running if Melody decides that she doesn't want him touching "her" food. Can she be mad at getting *knocked up*? I have had the same thoughts, believe me!! Melody's butt is as big as Nebraska and she's just MAD about it and taking it out on anyone who dares breathe near her.

12-08-2005, 12:02 PM
Dear Milo,
We feel your pain buddy. Justarius here. My buddy TK just started living with his "special friend" Peachy Keen a few months ago. Now it looks like she might have an eggie on the way. She never wants to play anymore and when TK tries to preen her she gets all ticked off. But she lets TK sleep in the nest box with her and snuggle for now so he's still happy.

I'm a bachelor myself, but I do have a female friend named Button (she's a lovely orange face) who gets nasty with me every once in a while when we are out for playtime. One minute she's sitting there all nice and preening me, the next she leans over and bites my one good foot! She can be a real pain. But you know what they say - women, you can't live with them and you can't live without them.

Hang in there pal.