View Full Version : Nesty Hen Stops & Starts

12-07-2005, 07:54 PM
Peepo, my hen, got really nesty alone in her cage. The boys, Peter & Luka, got all stirred up. I even took Peter to the vet (Luka and Peepo flirt through the bars) as Peter started plucking. The vet ran all sorts of tests and found nothing wrong. He asked me about all the birds and laughed when I told him about Peepo in full nest mode. He told me that would stress any birds around - even Peter. Peepo was quite the nut.

Well, I took all the comfy perches and such away from Peepo since she destroyed anything in her path. She slowed the nesty behavior quite a bit... but still is constantly on a mission for shredables. If I have her out of her cage, she's looking always for something to shred.

I was considering giving her some nest box to just go ahead and go through her desire to nest. She doesn't show physical signs of making eggs, except for going through a cuttlebone P.D.Q.! We are coming up on holidays and I'll be around. Should I give her a little encouragement to nest now? Or is there any reason NOT to? She's flashing her wing dance at Luka every chance she gets and even PETER tried to feed her without getting bitten by her!


Buy A Paper Doll
12-07-2005, 08:02 PM
Sounds like Miss Melly and her nestiness. 'Tis the season, isn't it? :)I took all of the shreddy toys away when Melody started getting nesty. She retaliated by shredding the millet and piling it in the corner of the cage. When she started pacing the cage like a maniac, I gave up and gave her the box. Within 10 days there was an EGG.

12-08-2005, 10:24 AM
Now it's a love triangle! Luka feeds Peepo, Peter feeds Peepo, Luka feeds Peter... everybody is having fun now! I keep a close eye on them, in case it gets nasty. Peepo lets them know who's calling the shots. She's in her cage while this feeding frenzy goes on, because she runs Peter off all the time (at least she did.....) it's never a dull moment!

12-08-2005, 10:48 AM

Sounds like Peepo has it made. Think I'll come up there and take a few lessons:lol