View Full Version : Article on Parrot Vocalizations

Joanie Noel
12-08-2005, 09:27 AM
After living with earplugs in my ears for days now (and worrying about neighbors complaining) because my birds have been screaming pretty much all day for days, a friend sent me an article explaining parrot vocalizations: what is/isn't normal, common misconceptions, reinforcements, etc. It is a very lengthy article, but it is very well-written and may be helpful to anyone in the same situation as I am.


Hopefully I will be able to figure out what is bothering my birds, because they are not doing the "cycle" vocalizations - where they are loud in the morning, chattering during the day, and loud again at night. They are persistently loud all day. Like screaming loud. The only exception is if I am in the room 24/7, which isn't really possible... It seems like they have everything they need, are in good health, lots of toys, large cages, out-of-cage playtime, and are still unhappy. I don't know if I am just doing something wrong? Everyone knows lovebirds are loud, and their chattering and such doesn't bother me. But obviously day-long loudness out of a bird means there is something that needs to be changed. Maybe I need to put a barrier in between the two pairs' cages so they can't see each other. Does anyone think that decorating a room helps a bird feel happier in their "habitat"? Just some thoughts.

- Joanie

12-08-2005, 12:22 PM
Hi Joanie,

I plan on decorationg the "birdroom" in the spring. I'm going to paint the walls a pale, pale yellow, make curtains out of parrot print fabric and (if I can find some) jungle images/flowers to put on the walls for color. Since they are very visual animals, I figure this will be something more for them tosee other than the window facing the backyard. I also want to put a birdbath outside their window.

BTW, who's the cutie pie in your avatar? :D

Joanie Noel
12-08-2005, 02:18 PM
That cutie pie is my Squeaks! He is so white it's phenomenal, and he really is a little angel for the most part. :)

I can't remember which BirdTalk magazine it was that recently had an article something-or-other pertaining to room decorating for your birds. I think it might've been the January 2005 issue with the Toucan on the cover, not sure. Otherwise it was the December issue. It said what colors you might want to stay away from and some other prints that might be scary to your birds. I'll have to read back on it and get some ideas. I was thinking of putting some big fake plants in here. I also need to put something on the wall my birds' cages face all day, because I imagine staring at a white wall is extremely frustrating to them. I hope I can find a really large poster or something to hang there. I don't want to paint in here, so a poster or mural of some sorts would have to do!

BTW Jackie, your ideas sound great for your bird room. I should definitely think about curtains! Great idea.

- Joanie

12-08-2005, 02:51 PM
I'm hoping to find some of those sticky post-it note type things for the walls. I know they make room boarders out of it. That way if I ever decide to move I can remove it without hurting the paint or wall. I think they're called "posties". If I find any I'll let you know. Is the Toucan on the January 2006 issue?

Added: That little Squeaks is just adorable!!

12-08-2005, 02:57 PM
I got that issue of BirdTalk about two days after my bird room was finished. My husband sighed with RELIEF when he saw what I (HE) could have spent! Good grief, some of those rooms had DVD players, washer dryers, etc. Mine looked kind of pathetic after I saw those! :lol

12-08-2005, 03:38 PM
I loved one of those rooms. My girlfriend looked at it and she just shook her head. She no knows what the bird area of our future house will look like. Good thing she loves animals...

12-11-2005, 10:35 PM
I've always wanted to have my bird room painted like a jungle. That'd be neat.

Buy A Paper Doll
12-11-2005, 11:06 PM
I don't really have a separate bird room. If they don't like the decor in the living room, well, tough. Neither does my husband. ;) Seriously, we started out with the bird cage in my office but there isn't enough "traffic" back here and I was concerned that birdies wouldn't get enough attention. They are currently in the middle of the living room. The cage does throw a monkey wrench of sorts into my overall decorating plan ... but the cage is no more of an eyesore than some of my husband's treasures. Like the hand carved, wooden Dale Earnhardt memorial plaque. Or the neon "Budweiser" sign. Or the antelope head.

But I digress. I had a point somewhere, where was it? Oh. My birds are right in the middle of the living room, between the couch and the recliner, where an end table probably should be. Plus we have the typical FL open floor plan which means that they can see where we are most of the time. And mine are not loud at all, for the most part. Is it possible that your birds would make less noise if they were right in the middle of things? It's just a thought ...

12-12-2005, 10:12 AM
Thanks for posting that article link, Joanie. :) It was very interesting.

This point really popped out at me, as it's something I had not considered before:

It makes sense that greys rely on acoustic communication because visibility is usually poor in the forest canopy.

That explains to me why my birds call to each other so much when evening comes: They can't see each other well anymore. Joanie, what is the light like where your birds are during the day?

Thanks again,

Joanie Noel
12-12-2005, 03:48 PM
Well I just have my office slash "bird room" because I moved from a one-bedroom to a two-bedroom apartment that happened to be cheaper at the same time, so it all worked out better. I'm on the computer a lot and do most of my studying in the bird room, so they pretty much are in the best room regarding attention.

I've actually found that my birds are quieter now that I have the palm plant between their cages. The two pairs don't really get along, so I think they just squawked back and forth when they had complete visibility of each other. I'd think it would be the other way around, but they probably just don't want to make contact calls anyway, haha.

Barb - The light in the room is great actually. The sun rises right into the bird room. Since we're up early, the birds love to sit on the windowsill in the sun with their eyes closed. It's so cute. Then the room has quite a bit of light throughout the day, although it's not so good in the winter obviously. The lamp I have over the cages is supposed to be like sunlight.

12-30-2005, 07:34 PM
Great article. I feel better now. :-)

12-31-2005, 07:56 AM
Not only did I read that article on vocalizations:D , but there is a great article on Chic Chick Decor on the left margin of that page. It had some great ideas for helping decorate for bored birds that probably is right up the alley of helping with vocalizations of bored birds.
I saved that site in my favorites file and will go back and read several more of the articles.! Thanks for sharing that.
Glad to hear that your birdies are happier with the plant between them:happy: