View Full Version : Whisper might be a boy after all

12-08-2005, 09:10 PM
I know this is not 100% proof but Whisper can not shred..lol. I cut borders on Christmas letter and gave the extra paper to both set of birds. The budgies looked at me as if I was evil. But Baggy and Whisper were happy. Bagy started a few strips...and Whisper made spit balls.lol. There are little tiny perfet circles in the papers. I really need to get those feathers and do the DNA.


12-08-2005, 09:48 PM
Ditto makes spitballs too. He makes quite a mess.

Joanie Noel
12-08-2005, 11:41 PM
I have two hens: one proven and the other DNA sexed female. The proven hen is almost 3 years old and may be able to shred paper so-so, but she rarely tucks. She isn't so good at that whole thing. On the other hand, my 8-month-old baby girl can shred and tuck like a pro. Guess some birds are just born with the better instinct, eh?

- Joanie

12-09-2005, 08:52 AM
Molly makes spit balls - quite a mess too. Daisy tries to make strips, but :roll: and Piper does what Daisy does. Of course I don't give Daisy & Piper and paper intentionally. Hopefully this will keep her (Daisy) from getting nesty. She'd never be able to make a nest. I guess she'd expect me to make something for her :p

12-09-2005, 09:20 AM
Do't let it fool ya! Might need a little bit of practice to get those perfect stips! I was convinced Sam was a boy for two years. She couldn't cut stip to save her own life at the begginging. With time and practive they were perfect! She was little shredder. (*sigh* I still miss her so much)

Buy A Paper Doll
12-09-2005, 10:48 AM
Yep. Melly started making spit balls just like Milo. Now she can shred and tuck like a pro.

12-09-2005, 11:07 AM
wasn't Whisper trying to swishy Baggy here a while back?....that's why I was confused when you ordered the dna kit Steph.
How old do the birds need to be for the dna test to work or does it matter.
and budgies really don't use any type of nesting material....in the wild they don't have room for any in the tree cavities....(I'm sure it was a "what are we supposed to do :confused: with this MaMa") rather than >: but they do like toys with bells in them and swings....I got some of those cat balls with the bell inside and made little wire hooks to hang a couple by, they love toys that you can make yourself with plastic drinking straws and beads(long and dangly), they love to chew on the straws.

12-09-2005, 11:15 AM
Whisper tried once long ago and mom chewed her out. There is no age it is jsut it seems everytime I go to take feathers my children do something and I have to stop and take care of them. I gave the budgie paper not for nesting but because I try to give them treats and such same as I do Whisper and baggy. I am still trying to tame them. Just not really working.


Buy A Paper Doll
12-09-2005, 11:47 AM
When you said your budgies looked at the paper like it was evil, I had to smile because that's the same look my sister's budgies give, oh, EVERYTHING. They do shred dried palm leaf, but they don't actually do anything with it. Just chew it to bits.

12-09-2005, 12:12 PM
We call our Budgies the evil twins..lol. Every time I go near cage they act like I am going to eat them.


12-09-2005, 12:17 PM
We call our Budgies the evil twins..lol. Every time I go near cage they act like I am going to eat them.

If you think evil you will get evil......power of possitive thinking Steph....you can do it....and if nothing else.....just enjoy the chatter.....you are used to the lovebirds.....your budgies may never become super tame.....only time will tell.

Buy A Paper Doll
12-09-2005, 02:20 PM
Oh, I'm with Steph. Budgies can be evil. :) Nastiest bird I ever met was a budgie named Offspring. My sister-in-law found her in the backyard, caught her, and never found the owners. So my sister took her. Offspring looked harmless, oh yes. A harmless, sweet little yellow budgie. And she could take your fingernail off with the best of them.

12-09-2005, 03:13 PM
I love the budgies. But they have drawn blood more times then Baggy(and thats saying alot..lol). They love new cage though and I am not having to worry as much about them.


12-12-2005, 08:46 PM
Steph....are you trying to hold them bare handed?.....budgies will bite purely out of fear and I guess that really is why all birds bite.....I always wear gloves when dealing with them except for Lucky because I held him so much as a bitty baby (he bluffs a pretend bite) and Amarillo (whom I beleive was handfed) & Verde (she just finally got used to me picking her up and putting her back on top of the cage. But Lucky's parents Cupie always bites, Chico is getting less and less, but i think that is because I talk to him when I give him his food while he's had the babies. The only time I don't wear gloves is when the bird gets used to me and stops biting. And of course some are just biters like Tweety! I will probably never get to hold her without gloves (she sure will step up on a perch pretty as you please), but Violet doesn't bite unless he senses danger (cat/dog). Hope doesn't bite either and I thought that was odd for being a breeder, she is so happy with Jake.

Anyway, I was just hoping to brighten your expectations for the budgies...and it doesn't seem to be working.:p

12-12-2005, 10:53 PM
TY for you words Paulette. I have tried almost everything I can think of and have been told. I do not use gloves because I have hand troubles. I love them as much as I do the lovebirds. If they are happy with way they are I am not going to bother them. I can handle them enough incase I have to take them to vet and to me thats enough. They have each other. It is really Miss George who bite hardest. I let them have free flying time Just like I do Whisper and Baggy also. There terrible clip is still growing out.


12-13-2005, 02:04 AM
Aww, I'm glad you're still trying with the Budgies. My nine year old is as tame as can get, but we also got him when he was 33 days old, and I handled him a lot. I've always been able to stroke my Sunny, and he was even starting to step up onto my finger with food, but ever since I grabbed him to do a wing clip, he's been punishing me. Then there's Penny, who's older (possibly over a year) and was never handled at all before I got him, so that'll take some time. I know it's tough being patient, but even to have a tame Budgie is worth it. I love Buddy so much (nine year old), and he loves to just sit on my shoulder, on my head, or even just on my finger. It's nice to have a little Budgie on the finger. :)