View Full Version : It's my birthday season!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-11-2005, 12:17 PM
Hi everyone!

I was doing cage patrol and thinking about stuff and I realised sumthin. I am already one years old!!!

I am not sure exactly what day my birthday is, but It's somewheres around the begining of December.

Hey Ditto, wanna have a party? We could eat lots of peppers and shred lots of that papers thats under our tree. You could come on over and play with mine since your daddy doesnt have a tree for you yet if you want. Your daddy could come on over too.

ALL of you are invited if you want to fly to PA, if your not busy. Were gonna have ALOT of lovie treats and more millet than you could imagine!!!

Just make sure and dress warm cause its COLD AS HECK UP HERE!!!!

:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:


Trixie Bunny

12-11-2005, 12:35 PM
Happy Birthday Miss Trixie Bunny(my momma tells me to be polite to all birds). I hope you have a great Birthday. My grandma says my birthday is not until it gets Warm again in May. My mommy does not know her birthday either. But grandma said if momma would just let her see the leg band we might Know. I hope your mom and dad get you lots of toys and goodies for your birthday. maybe they will get you a pet for your birthday if you ask.


12-11-2005, 12:47 PM
Happy birthday, Trixie-Wixie! We're all chirping for you!!

Best wishes,

George 'n' Gracie
Sam 'n' Didjit

12-11-2005, 03:16 PM

Wow, you is 1 years old already. Time sure does, "FLY":lol

I hope you have a rockin good birdyday. I know your Daddy is gonna spoil you rotten all month long. I myself will be 3 years old next month, and am looking forward to all the good stuff I KNOW I'm gonna get. "You hear that Mama, I am spectin lots, and lots of stuff".

Anyways, wing flaps to ya Trix. Mama says we probably won't be makin that flight. She said it's colder there than it is here, and I'm bout to freeze my you know what off as it is:omg:

Cheep at ya later,


Buy A Paper Doll
12-11-2005, 03:21 PM
Hey there Trixie Bunny and happy hatchday season to you! You tell your daddy that we would just loooooooove to fly up there and party with you in person but Miss Melly's busy making eggies so we can't travel right about now. Anyway I hope you get lots and lots of treats and toys 'cause that's what hatchdays are all about, treats and toys. :)

Wing flaps,
Milo Lilo (and Melody too)

12-11-2005, 04:49 PM
Happy b-day Trixie! Are puppies allowed to come to the party, because it's my eigth birthday at the end of the month! I can help you open your presents. :) Hope ya get lots!

~ Rocky

P.S. the other family members wanted their names in too :mad:
Kodi, Etna, Laharl, Buddy, Sunny, Penny, Mary and Gary. :cool:

12-11-2005, 05:10 PM

Hope your daddy gives you lost of presents & stuff. Yous lucky havin' a birthday in De3cember cause you presents twice, right? We'd love to come to the party, but we's hot Georgia birdies and it's too cold up there wheres you live. We watch that Weather Channel with our momma. Wing flaps & chirpi' at "cha!

Molly Wolly, Daisy Maizy & Piper Stinker Winker :D

12-11-2005, 06:48 PM
Oooh, a party, with peppers! Are they hot ones? I'd love to come over but daddy won't let me drive the car, he says I'll get into too much trouble. :evil:

Anyway, happy hatchday! Daddy's birthday is in 3 weeks, maybe you could help me think up a present for him. ;)

Oh yeah, I'll be 3 on Feb 24th!


12-11-2005, 07:01 PM
Happy Birthday, Trixie! (I'd do COLOR and big SIZE but I've lost those powers!) Anyway, I do hope you have a wonderful happy birthday, all month long! :D

12-11-2005, 09:23 PM
Hey... Whazzuppppp????

Ditto is the only birdie invited to your Birthday Party??? What the heck did the rest of us do to you to get skipped over on the invites?

Did we all poop on your Avi-cakes? Nope, that was only Oliver.

Did we all chew up your favorite toy? Nope that was just Lacey.

Ditto ain't that great a birdie friend, you know. I heard a story once that he flew over and sat right on your daddy's shoulder when you weren't looking.
And HE is the onlyest one that gets an invite to the celebration of the season??? HMMFFFFF.

Well, Happy Hatchday anyway, Trixie. We hope you have a good one.
(Since we won't be there to see it for ourselves):cry:

12-12-2005, 08:43 PM
Dear Aunty Shy and her lovies,

The only reason daddy named Ditto by name, is cause we are neighbors and he lives really close to me compared to everybody else. Please dont be mad at my daddy, cause hes a pretty good daddy even though he messes up a lot.


I made sure and told him to invite everybody and he did! Look what he said!

ALL of you are invited if you want to fly to PA, if your not busy. Were gonna have ALOT of lovie treats and more millet than you could imagine!!!

Just make sure and dress warm cause its COLD AS HECK UP HERE!!!!

Now he should have known better than to be confusing, but Imn still training him. I will make sure he gives me extra head scritchens and retribution k?

I love you and hope you can come over and play wif me.

EVERYbody is invited too!!!!!


Trixie Bunny


12-12-2005, 08:47 PM
Dear everybody,

I just wanted ot thanks everybodys for wishing me such happy things. I hope you can come share the treats wiof me, but if you cant, I'll save some for ya so when you can come, they will still be here.

You are all so nice and I appreciate all the things you said to make me and mommy and daddy smile.

Very Sincerily,
Trixie Bunny

12-13-2005, 08:23 AM
Perran, I read through all post and didn't seem to find your home address in any of them. How are we gonna' find you when we get there? :D

12-14-2005, 12:27 AM
Perran, I read through all post and didn't seem to find your home address in any of them. How are we gonna' find you when we get there? :D

When you get just North East of Philly, just follow the sounds of a lovie singing to guitar playing. Its pretty loud, you wont miss it.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

12-14-2005, 06:50 AM
When you get just North East of Philly, just follow the sounds of a lovie singing to guitar playing. Its pretty loud, you wont miss it.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

And if you go too far northeast and hear a lovie singing country music you went too far and found Ditto! :lol

12-14-2005, 02:57 PM
And if you go too far northeast and hear a lovie singing country music you went too far and found Ditto! :lol

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I was going to leave the past with the laughing smilies, but something occured to me. If Ditto is at the party that means he wont be home, so maybe we should combine the listening clues to gether to make it easier for everybody!;)

12-14-2005, 05:45 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I was going to leave the past with the laughing smilies, but something occured to me. If Ditto is at the party that means he wont be home, so maybe we should combine the listening clues to gether to make it easier for everybody!;)

Oh yeah I forgot about that. :p