View Full Version : Ditto is teaching me to speak lovebird.

12-12-2005, 06:35 PM
He's going through all of his calls/chirps/squeeks/squawks and repeating them until I repeat them back to him. Then he changes to another one. I usually cheep back at him but this is the first time he went through them like that.

I guess he figures that before he attempts to speak human, I need to learn to speak lovie! :rofl:

12-12-2005, 07:13 PM

You REALLY need to get out more:rofl:

Just teasing. I get told that all the time. I even get told that when I talk about my birds;)

Ditto does have an agenda ya know. First he teaches you to speak his language. When you have that down pat, he will work on you flapping your arms like wings. Then he will teach you to hull seeds, and eventually, you will move your tent into the nice big house you will buy. Yep, he's got an agenda:happy:

12-12-2005, 07:15 PM
You REALLY need to get out more

He can't. He's snowed in :rofl:

12-12-2005, 07:17 PM
I need to get out more.... Hmmmmmm..... I think I've heard that before. :rofl:

As for the wing flapping thing...... Uhhhh, I've been doing that since he got here. And doing his little dance. :omg:

I think I'm a lost cause. :lol

12-12-2005, 07:25 PM
But of course Dave...I beleive animals love it when we speak their language....it does seem that they are more open to learn words. Mind you, I've never taught any animal to speak except my cat. She is so funny and quirky unlike any cat I've ever been around. We got her when she was a baby about 12 wks old. I would mimic what ever she would say. When she gets locked out of the house all night she comes in and says Grrrr....Grrrr....Grrrr.....like gripping and I just Grrrr back at her. She also says Weee-Weeee-Weeee when she wants to go outside and I usually reply with the same. When she speaks to me in her own cat language sometimes it sounds strangely like syllables. Right before we got Bentley, Snowball was wanting to go outside one morning and we were in bed...she will stand on her hind legs in the window sill and bang on the blinds with her front paws...which drives me crazy. I looked over at her and said oooutsiiideee and she politely replied oooutsiideee. She hasn't spoken to me like that since we got Bently and she's been very pe-ode at everybody. I did just teach Buck, my young male tiel to say Hello and I'm thrilled to pieces, but that doesn't count because it was just now.:D This is so much fun!

12-12-2005, 07:59 PM
Dave, I put Oliver on a counter perch when I'm in the shower and he calls to me like crazy. Most times, when I repeat his calls, he moves on to another one! I think it's his way of letting me know that HE does those calls better than *I* do! :D

12-12-2005, 08:38 PM
Hey Dave, thats pretty cool.

Last week, Trixie started something new too.

Trixie will call me when hes playing in his mansion cage and of course I answer. Well now, when he is feeling playful, he will answer his call at the same time I answer, mimiking my pathetic attempt at a lovie call. Its HALARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-12-2005, 08:46 PM
Hey Dave, thats pretty cool.

Last week, Trixie started something new too.

Trixie will call me when hes playing in his mansion cage and of course I answer. Well now, when he is feeling playful, he will answer his call at the same time I answer, mimiking my pathetic attempt at a lovie call. Its HALARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yeah he says I'm not very good at speaking lovie. I have a heavy human accent. :rofl:

12-12-2005, 08:48 PM
:lol :lol :lol :lol :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lol :lol :lol :lol

Joanie Noel
12-12-2005, 09:17 PM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh yeah? Well Kirby learned how to talk on the phone.


That's skill, man. 8)

12-12-2005, 11:04 PM
Carefull with the phone. He might call Japan. My 3yr old did this summer. On my cell used all my minutes up too.:(


12-13-2005, 02:10 AM
Heh. :(

My English Budgie talks, and has been for years. I have an Alaskan Malamute/husky that hardly ever barks unless he wants something, but he loves to howl. So, we have howling sessions around here. It really hurts the ears. My other dog has a higher-pitched bark (kinda wimpy, considering he's 60lbs) and when he attempts to howl...let's just say it's not the most beautiful sound you've heard.

12-13-2005, 08:07 AM
"Oh yeah? Well Kirby learned how to talk on the phone."

Oh Joanie, that is Olivers favorite place to talk.....when I'm on the other end! My son and hubby tell me that he will try to get inside the phone, looking for his momma. :lol We talk every day if I'm out of town! :D

12-13-2005, 10:15 AM
Mijo, my CAG, has already learned to speak lovebird. He chirps like them whenever he sees them. I think he's trying to bait them in so he can eat them:x. He loves the phone too. He likes to ring, answer hello and talk to himself:lol :lol .

Joanie Noel
12-13-2005, 03:03 PM
Okay I have to fess up, my birds only know one sound: squawking. If they ever make another sound, I'll be amazed. Squeaks used to squeak all the time as a youngin', but not much anymore. Have to stick with the name, though. :rolleyes: The least my birds could do is make a kissy sound or something. If anybirdy has it in him, it's Kirby. He looks at me like he wants to talk and can't. It's kinda sad actually. :(

- Joanie

Added: That is too funny, Laura! I can totally picture a grey pretending to talk on the phone to himself. ROFL.

12-13-2005, 05:33 PM
My birds do not talk and I am glad. Knowing my luck they would pick up the bad words..lol.


12-13-2005, 05:46 PM
Okay I have to fess up, my birds only know one sound: squawking. If they ever make another sound, I'll be amazed. Squeaks used to squeak all the time as a youngin', but not much anymore. Have to stick with the name, though. :rolleyes: The least my birds could do is make a kissy sound or something. If anybirdy has it in him, it's Kirby. He looks at me like he wants to talk and can't. It's kinda sad actually. :(

- Joanie

Added: That is too funny, Laura! I can totally picture a grey pretending to talk on the phone to himself. ROFL.

Ditto has chirps, squeaks, squawks, mumbles, and a sound that sounds like a squeaky toy. And he loves to make kissy sounds. He'll put his beak agains my nose and kiss. :cool:

12-13-2005, 05:47 PM
My birds do not talk and I am glad. Knowing my luck they would pick up the bad words..lol.


That would be my luck. Ditto will learn to talk by listening to me while I watch football or hockey! :omg:

12-13-2005, 10:17 PM
My birds do not talk and I am glad. Knowing my luck they would pick up the bad words..lol.


Mijo doesn't say bad stuff but he's a master of flatulant noises:x :x .

12-14-2005, 07:17 AM
Mijo doesn't say bad stuff but he's a master of flatulant noises:x :x .

that's from eating the hot peppers. :lol