View Full Version : Do any other birds do this?

12-16-2005, 02:11 PM
I already know that all birds are unique but i am wondering if this behaviour is a typical one. My Kameko has a wooden toy with ropes that she absolutly loves, it is in her sleeping corner and it is more or less her security blanket. She sleeps behind it and lays her head on it... its pretty funny to watch:lol . All pretty typical right? Well it gets wierd when she isn't sleeping and she hangs from her perch,and pushes her back on it and lays her head on it like a pillow. But she makes this noise while doing it. It is like a "help me" noise... very high pitched little peeping noises like she is in trouble. I used to get worried that she was hurting herself but she just does it all the time. It is like a little game for her. She seems to make the noise when the toy moves a bit like she is yelling at it to sit still:D . Do other birds do this with their toys or is my bird just "special"?:happy:

12-16-2005, 03:06 PM
Hmmm.... I need pictures to determine if it is normal or not :whistle: ..... Okay... it's my excuse to get you to post pictures. :lol

I can tell you Blu is not doing anything like that. Neither did my previous two lovebirds.
It seems Kameko is special in her own way :)

12-16-2005, 03:07 PM
Funny you should mention the little chirp noise. Janie and I were talking about this one day. It's not a real chirp, it's more like a squeak. My Molly has been doing this for a while. He can be sitting on his playgym and I'll hear it. I thought he was hurt or something too, but then I began to realize it was just a noise he made that I'd never heard. It's weird. I wish I knew what it was for. :cool:

12-16-2005, 04:16 PM
I would love to catch a picture of her doing this but she stops as soon as i get close to her cage. Does everyone upload pictures of their birds when they get a cute picture? I wouldn't know how to do this or where to put it.
I am glad to hear that Kameko isn't the only one doing these sorts of noises. I don't think she is actually hurting herself, I think she is just been Kameko :) . I think she is coming into sexual maturity so she is starting to do a bunch of wierd things that she didn't used to do when she was more of a baby.

12-16-2005, 04:25 PM
I think they do the weird chirps to keep us guessing! :D

Jackie's Molly sleeps with his (yes, Molly is a HE, :lol) blankie! I think that is cute AND hysterical. They sure do have their own little personalities. :)

01-05-2006, 12:18 PM
Mikey loves his bell, he'll rub his head on it, fights with it, put his head inside and chirps...he'll even have conversations with his bell! I tried placing the bell lower in the cage, and he'll sleep on top of it! Mikey has one noise, it's like a birdie growl, it sounds like someone grinding metal together. Heard this sound yet?

01-05-2006, 10:25 PM
Mikey loves his bell, he'll rub his head on it, fights with it, put his head inside and chirps...he'll even have conversations with his bell! I tried placing the bell lower in the cage, and he'll sleep on top of it! Mikey has one noise, it's like a birdie growl, it sounds like someone grinding metal together. Heard this sound yet?

Ditto loves to fight with bells. He beats them up and yells at them, kicks them and even wears them like a hat (almost like the santa hat Janie's Oliver is wearing in her avatar). He has 2 bells that hang from chains with wooden balls strung on the chain, he'll hang upside down from the chain and beat the bell while the whole thing is swinging like mad! He's nuts! :rofl:

01-05-2006, 11:00 PM
I am afraid to gove Kameko a bell. I am sure that when we give it to her all we will hear from morning until night is "ding ding ding" :lol . Not exactly the best background noise for studying. But after hearing how much yours love them i may have to give in and let her have one. I have heard a similar noise from Kameko. She usually does it when she is mad or playing and the toy comes back at her. We call it her snorting because it almost sounds like a pig :lol :lol :lol . I have no way to really explain it but it is her version of a growl. Cracks us up everytime. When does your bird make the noise?

01-05-2006, 11:09 PM
I am afraid to gove Kameko a bell. I am sure that when we give it to her all we will hear from morning until night is "ding ding ding" :lol . Not exactly the best background noise for studying. But after hearing how much yours love them i may have to give in and let her have one. I have heard a similar noise from Kameko. She usually does it when she is mad or playing and the toy comes back at her. We call it her snorting because it almost sounds like a pig :lol :lol :lol . I have no way to really explain it but it is her version of a growl. Cracks us up everytime. When does your bird make the noise?

If you think a hanging bell would get annoying, get kameko a boing with a bell on the bottom. Then you'll go nuts!

Ditto makes a growling/grumbling noise when he's playing with one of his rope toys. Usually when he has his face buried in it.

01-05-2006, 11:16 PM
Hahaha... i don't think i could handle a boing with a bell on the bottom. But i could tell my professors i didn't get my homework done by reason of insanity and be telling the truth :lol .

01-13-2006, 03:01 PM
Mikey "growls" when he's rolling his ball around the cage bottom. He "growls" when he's being gently batted away from landing on my head when he's flying.... he "growls" when I'm prying his feet from my hand to put him back in the cage. He "growls" a lot when playing with his bell, I guess it's his reflection he sees when he does this?

Mikey's cage is in the empty dining room. Small apartment... my boyfriend can't stand the bell's "Ding, ding, ding-ing" all morning. lol

01-13-2006, 03:18 PM
Boings are great and the birds think so too. Molly & Piper beat the heck out of their boing bells. Each of my birds (4) have a toy with curly shoestrings and a bell attached to each end. I think there's a total of 3 bells on the toys and they love to beat and yell at the bells. I wonder sometimes when they get mad at me that's how they release their frustration :p They love the bells and each one has a different sound. Whatever makes them happy :D

01-22-2006, 01:15 AM
How funny. Martha makes those noises when she is scared. She has a wooden toy with a bell on it, and she pushes it with her beak. Then she goes, "Chirp chirp, Martha, Martha, MARTHA!!!!!" lol It's so funny.