View Full Version : Budgies update

12-18-2005, 01:50 PM
Well I gave a early Christmas gift yesterday. My husbands grandmother came over for my childrens party and made a few comments to my husband about the budgies. Later when I had to go to our room he followed me and asked if I would think about letting his grandmother take the budgies home. Baggy and Whisper were not being nice to them when they had free time. So I talked to his grandmother about all the things about them. She really wanted them so I let her take them home. With 2 bags of food,treats,and a 12 page long packet of information. She knows if for any reason at all she can not or does not want them they are to come right back to me.She even has a appointment with a avian vet for them. It was not a easy choice but I feel they will get more one on one there and have a better life. No lovebirds chasing them in cage.


Audi's Mum
12-18-2005, 10:38 PM
Im sure they will love having someone devote all their time and energy to them too!

My lovie and budgie do not really get along, Audi chases Chevster and Chevy will start biting if Audi gets too close. Both are clipped and are always supervised when they are out together but would prefer lone mum time instead of sharing! Funnily enough they both get on fine with my Ringneck but only when the other is not around.

I think what you did was a lovely thing for your budgies and your husbands grandmother, what a treat for her to get to spend her life with them;)

12-18-2005, 10:41 PM
Steph: It sounds like you gave it some thought and investigation and did what was best for everyone. It sounds like they are going to a loving home and that's important:) .

12-19-2005, 03:27 PM

I did the same sort of thing. I'm giving Beau the Budgie to my nephew for Christmas. He has a male budgie named Dude :rolleyes: so I asked my sibling if he could have the one I bought at the birdfair earlier. My lovies did not like having a "stranger" in their house, so this was the best choice for me. I do have a new lovie. She's a Christmas present from my brother. :D

12-19-2005, 05:08 PM
"I do have a new lovie. She's a Christmas present from my brother."

Excuse me, missy! Did I miss a post? ;) Do tell, do tell! :D

Steph, I think you did the right thing. If they are to be pets and there isn't enough time for all of them, it's too many birds. I hope they'll be very happy in their new home. :)

12-19-2005, 05:23 PM
Miss Jackie you need to spill those beans young lady.

They are happy I called there twice and she said they are fine. I will get to visit them on Christmas day also. My husband is still debating on me getting a bird. Next fair he is will to drive to is not til July so might be a long wait for me.lol.


Buy A Paper Doll
12-19-2005, 05:27 PM
Steph, that was really sweet of you to let your husband's grandmother take your budgies home! :) My mother is elderly and widowed, and I think the best thing she ever did for herself is get a pet; she keeps her company, gives her something to do, keeps her on a routine, and gives her something to talk about with visitors. I'm sure the budgies will do the same for your husband's grandmother. You did a good thing. :)

12-19-2005, 05:34 PM
Aww. Well, at least you'll still be able to visit them, and I'm sure your husband's mother will enjoy them. Budgies are great. :(

Etna (female lovie) and Sunny (yellow budgie) get along great (supervised playtime, of course). Laharl (male lovie) doesn't get along with anyone else besides Etna, and Penny (other budgie) doesn't like either of the lovies, although he sure loves Sunny. Ah well.

12-19-2005, 06:37 PM
"I do have a new lovie. She's a Christmas present from my brother."

Excuse me, missy! Did I miss a post? ;) Do tell, do tell! :D

Janie: She slipped it in in one of her intro replies. I think she was hoping we wouldn't really notice and we would just think she always had four lovies and no budgies:rofl: :rofl:

12-20-2005, 02:34 PM
I am also new with Lovebirds, and have fallen in love with them. I have two, Pete and Charlie ( I think) or maybe Charlene and Petie. I am retired, living in a retirement home taking care of my wife. I am with P & C all the time. They are very relaxing. I have taken picture of them and put them in the community album ( Pete & Charlie Album). I am wondering if any of you can bring it up and look at the album? I have a very dumb computer, and just feeling my way around.

12-20-2005, 04:01 PM
Joe, you might have missed my post telling you that if you like, you can e-mail those pictures to me and I will get them on the forum, in the photo section, for you. Just let me know. I had a very hard time, learning how to post photos through ImageStation and I think another member, Shy, did it for me the first time or two. It IS frustrating, I know! :D If you know how to send a photo through e-mail, that might be easier for you so, let me know.

I think it's wonderful that your birds are relaxing for you. Mine are full of life and always on the move but I feel the same way....they make me happy and relaxed! :D

12-23-2005, 02:11 PM
Steph.....looks like you killed 2 birds with one stone. What a good idea.