View Full Version : Not in love...

12-19-2005, 04:37 PM
hi all hope ur birds are great... wish i could say the same 4 mine.

as some of u may no i bought what is surpose 2 b a mum dad and baby love bird...
ii am not sure how 2 explain this but here goes...
right ok so the mum and dad r obversley male and female, but they dont seem 2 like eachother, 1 of the birds mum/dad is alway with the 16 week old baby, and the other lovebird is on its own even while sleeping and when the 2 adult lovebirds are 2gether the seem 2 have a squabble:(

can any1 help me:(

12-19-2005, 04:53 PM
You need to separate them. Put the one that is getting picked on in another cage. When three lovebirds in the same cage start to squabble, would could be killed. When you posted in your other thread yesterday, several of us addressed that issue and mentioned that it's not at all likely you would be able to keep three together for long and that you would probably have to separate them very soon.

12-19-2005, 04:59 PM
if i take the baby out will mum and dad be freinds again?

thx 4 any help:)

12-19-2005, 05:03 PM
Maybe and maybe not. Hopefully Barb will check in and give you some info. about her male/female and their only child. I do remember that mother and son took a real shinning to each other for a while but I think eventually the two adults did resume their love status. She did not leave the three of them caged together when the squabbling started. It's dangerous to the one getting picked on.

12-19-2005, 05:09 PM
Remove the baby and see what happens. Just watch mom and dad. If you can call person who gave you birds and ask which is which. Also are you sure they are parents to this lovebird? I forget were did you get the birds from?


12-20-2005, 03:23 AM
the birds came from a breeder...

alol the birds are in qurentine at the mo in a 2ft 4in wide 1ft4 inch high and a 1ft wide breeder at the mo, could space be an issue 2 the birds squabblig?

thx 4 the help:)

12-20-2005, 08:16 AM
Yes, space could be a problem. That cage is too small for one bird.

12-20-2005, 10:06 AM
I am having a hard time picturing the situation without more information. Who is starting the squabbling? Whichever bird is starting it, I would say, needs to have its own cage. It's not a punishment, but it is more suitable for the personality of this bird at this time. And it's safer for the other birds.

I would say that it's not so much a matter of space, as it is a matter of territoriality. Some parents will accept an offspring with them, others won't. Typically it's the hen who wants the kids out of the cage, but not always. I had a situation (which Janie mentioned) where Mom and son got along fine, but son was bullying Dad, and Dad wasn't able to eat. The son was moved to a different cage.

There is a great risk of injury with this situation, but there is also a risk that one of the birds will not get enough to eat. Make sure the cage you get is large enough for the bird -- at least as large as the cage they are currently in.

Please keep us posted. :)

12-20-2005, 02:30 PM

im sorry 4 the lack of info:)

u say its ainly the mum who wants the kids out of the cage, well it must b the mum squabbling with the baby then:(
so its the dad that is always with the baby and the mum always stays away from the 2.

ok so if i remove the baby the mum and dad should be freinds again because i plan on breeding the mum and dad again in the near future.

i dont have anothe cage yet untill l8r in the week... the cage i have can be seperated as it is a breeder would it b a good idea 2 seperat the cage with the baby 1 side and the mum & dad the other side untill i get anouther cage in the week?

please reply asap:( thx 4 the help

12-20-2005, 03:17 PM
That will do for now. But you need to be sure both sets have a big enough cage. Maybe if you could take a picture of the cage and let us see it would help.


12-21-2005, 10:01 AM
I've been trying to think of what I would do if it were my own birds. Even if it were the hen being aggressive, I would remove her to another cage, at least for a little while. And I have done that with Gracie on occasion, so that George (her mate) could eat in peace. Sometimes she just needs her own space.

Removing the chick is no guarantee that your aggressive adult bird will calm down. Temporarily moving the aggressive bird will offer safety to all the birds. Don't be in a hurry to get them to mate again. You want to do it safely, not fast.

Best wishes,