View Full Version : behaviour questions and my birdie update

12-20-2005, 12:22 PM
Well hi again everyone,well I've had Romeo for about 4 weeks now,he seems to have settled in fine,chirps when he thinks we've forgotten him,begs and does somersaults for his millet sprig,escapes through the gap everytime I change his food and water to the point where he shuffles over and sneaks past my arm in doing so...as if I won't notice:rofl: then sits on top of my wardrobe loudly doing his victory dance but I still haven't managed to pick him up lol*I catch him by holding up his cage top and he returns and flys in at present* I am honestly scared of squishing him.he ll let us sit with our arms in the cage and land on us then but no moving our fingers or he has a fit,so how should I go about picking him up or handling him?I've cared for an african grey and a cockatoo before but have no experience with tiny birds lol so I would really appreciate any advice as he seems to want to be friends,I'm just unsure how to approach him and the other question is it normal for a lovebird to fall off their perch?,he is kept in my room as we have two cats and in the middle of the night I heard a loud thump,uncovered him to check and he's on the floor in a daze then climbs back up with his beak and settles again,but guarenteed he does it at least once a night lol poor lil guy! any ideas ? thanks donna.

12-20-2005, 03:56 PM
Hi Donna!

While I've never experienced one of mine falling off the perch at night, mine don't sleep in the same room with me so it certainly could have happened and I would not have known it. I do know that I've read about that happening to other forum members so while it might not be common, it does happen. Hopefully, someone else with experience about this can give you more info. and advice.

As far as holding your lovie, :lol, I was the SAME way. Horrified to try to hold anything that small. I'd never held any bird except the one time I had to pop a wild baby bluebird back in the nest box and I was sweating bullets! :D Look in the care section. There is a detailed description and I think a drawing or actual photo of the proper way to hold one. It is good to know how to do it for wing clips, etc. I finally just did it, about 2 months after I adopted my older lovie, Oliver. Now, it's an every day thing, several times a day! :) He is very friendly and doesn't bite so my fear was only that I'd hurt him and it turned out to be much easier than I'd thought it would be. My two younger ones were hand fed and very tame when I got them so I've held them (often) since day one. They have zero fear of hands or fingers and while they don't exactly love to be held, I do it and they allow it. Oliver LOVES to be held and cuddled. Anyway, hopes this helps.....just count to three and hold Romeo! :D

12-20-2005, 05:48 PM
Hi Donna;

Romeo really sounds like quite a character. :lol And very sociable, too. If you want to compare how you hold a bird compared to holding something else, think of the kind of grip you use to hold a chicken's egg. Also, you want to make sure you are not gripping too tightly around the chest; squeezing there can kill a bird.

If you want to see a wonderful picture of how to properly, safely hold a lovebird, check out our Lovebird Resource Library. Linda has a link there that shows exactly how to hold a lovebird. :)

I don't think it's normal for a lovie to fall off its perch every night. I think an avian vet needs to check Romeo out.

Best wishes,

12-20-2005, 07:24 PM
Hey Donna,

I think as they learn that the hands are not evil and do good things, they do become more accepting of them. Some however just do not like hands, and an extra perch works pretty well for teaching them to step up. Teaching Romeo "Step-Up" with a perch and slowly introducing a finger down the road is a good approach. We have had people attach a millet spray to the perch to entice them onto to it also. Hey, if you have to resort to bribery, so be it;)

I'm going to second Barb's suggestion for a vet visit. It really is not normal for a lovie to fall off it's perch, at least not often. If all checks out well, I would suggest a comfy perch or two, as they make for easier navigation, at least until Romeo becomes more accustomed to all his new stuff:)

12-20-2005, 07:36 PM
I third the avian vet suggestion. Falling off a perch is not normal. AS for escaping been there..lol. Please remember your little one may never like hands. I have one lovebird that dislikes them and one who does not mind them.


12-21-2005, 01:49 AM
Donna: Romeo sounds like a blast. I just wanted to add that my first lovie Zimber (6yrs old) hates hands and we still don't touch him. He is, however, one of the funnest and loving lovies we have. My husband and I use a dowel or stick to get him where he needs to go. He's gotten a lot better over the years, but when he was a baby he was so terrified of humans and hands that all you had to do was twitch or blink and he'd dart off like someone was trying to eat him.

Be patient with Romeo and I really think dowel training him will further your relationship:D .

I have 19 lovies and none of them fall off their perch. I give them cozies to sleep which may be a good thing for Romeo. I still think a vet check is a good idea.

12-22-2005, 05:25 AM
Thanks guys but the thing is he has been to the vets last week and had the all clear,the vet says he is a happy healthy little bird,he doesn't think the falling off his perch has anything to do with his health,he checked for lead and zinc poisoning and all clear*results came back last night*,he did suggest that he has read some birds can get nightmares that make them fall off,but he couldn't find a medical reason!
Just said to keep an eye on him,so well really not sure what to do,he did again last night twice but he only does it at night never while resting during the day!!!,its like he forgets what his wings are for and just drops like a stone off his perch,then he flaps a bit,shakes himself and then he climbs back up and snuggles up grinding his beak contently,he's not had his wings clipped as far as I know,he can fly pretty well round the bedroom but I live in the uk and I know our vet care for birds is not as advanced as in the u.s.should I be worried about him?,I'm really attached to the little guy and would hate to think that something is wrong with him and not be able to help him....
He has got a birdy blanket but he likes to use that to stash his food in! and pull bits of fluff out and stick them on his toys!!! but I've not seen another kind of bed for him apart from a coconut nest box,would that maybe be a good idea?because at least he shouldn't fall out of that !! I love the pavillions and cosies you guys have in your pictures,do you make them or can you buy them over there? thanks once again donna x

12-22-2005, 10:17 AM
Donna, if he will sleep in a coconut, I think I would try that. About the cozies......I have three and Shy (the human one, not my lovie, :D) made them! They are much nicer than the "store bought" ones and very reasonably priced, too! I think we have pictures of lovies in Shy's cozies in the photo section. Check that out! :)

I'm glad the vet check was OK but I hate to hear that he continues to fall off every single night. I have heard that Cockatiels are prone to night frights but have never heard that about love birds. Maybe a cozy or a coconut would help.

12-22-2005, 11:30 AM
Is it really dark in his cage when he's sleeping? Maybe he wakes up to get a drink or snack and can't see to find his way around. Just a thought. Maybe a little night light would help.