View Full Version : And the lovie soap opera begins

05-16-2005, 03:52 PM
Well for those of you who don't remember, my husband and I went to the breeder a few months back to get a mate for our 1 yr old hen Spike. We got her a four month old pied Aussie named Sage, and while we were there my husband fell in love with Bocephus. Of course, Spike hated Sage. I wouldn't have had it any other way :cool:. Sage is not a very social guy but took to Bocephus like he was the last birdy on the planet. The problem is Bocephus is also a male and very young and I knew that friendship would not last. Well I was right. Not only is Bocephus bonding to another bird, he's bonding to Spike :eek:. Aside from the irony of this story, is the sad a pathetic way that Sage follows Bocephus around and sits just inches from him and Spike as they preen and love each other :( . It reminds me of the way Birdy Boots pined after Shy and Katsu when Katsu was over with their relationship. It took months and months for him to finally hook up with CuddleBUnny, and it was soooooo sad watching it all.

I don't really know what to do other than let nature take it's course and hope Sage finds a mate. It's not surprising and I should have known that Spike would bond to a younger bird. Given all the babies we've had in the house, she's taken to the younger fellas from the get go. Bocephus and Spike do make a cute couple. She is a normal medium pied/OF and he is a green series American Yellow/OF/blue so if they do end up pairing and eventually having babies I could get OF. Anyway, enough of this birdy saga :) .

Joanie Noel
05-16-2005, 05:23 PM
Anyway, enough of this birdy saga.

Forget that! Let the birdie sagas begin! <insert laughing smiley here> :) I wish you the best on finding Sage a mate!

~ Joanie

05-16-2005, 06:19 PM
Well if Sage really wants to be the star of his own soap opera, I've got four little gals around here that could use a mate.


A rather 'B' rated soap opera though, if Sage survives.

05-16-2005, 06:55 PM

Poor little Sage. Only 4 months when you got him? Well, I've got a Southern Chick for Sage! :D Daisy is only 4 months old now and needs a lovie to love :rolleyes: She follows Molly everywhere. Of course Molly runs for her life and won't give Daisy the time of day. Daisy needs somebirdie to play and cuddle with, but a warning - she's quite territorial and has a dominant personality. Just like those little chickies, huh?

05-16-2005, 09:54 PM
You ladies are scaring me. Poor little Sage is very fragile, and I don't think a terretorial hen or a harem of feisty females is what the little guy needs :eek: . I will tell you he's getting desperate for attention. He just flew over and sat on my shoulder for a good 10 minutes before Won Ton chased him away. That's a record for him.

Laura O

Joanie Noel
05-22-2005, 03:57 PM
Poor little Sage is very fragile, and I don't think a terretorial hen or a harem of feisty females is what the little guy needs.

Well, I can't offer any females (we are short a few over here, LOL) but I have two little mischievous boy birdies! If Sage ever just needs a buddy, gimme a holler. Then again, Kirby is territorial... Better stick with Squeaks. Haha. ;)

~ Joanie

05-22-2005, 04:06 PM
Heck, I'm just glad that Spike finally found a fella, even if it wasn't the husband who was arranged for her. If your lovebirds were acting out Fiddler on the Roof, Spike would be playing Zeitel (sp?) and Boecephus is Motl the Tailor. :)

05-22-2005, 08:43 PM
Joanie: Too bad you didn't live closer, we have plenty of females :eek:.

As for the saga, we have to decide what we are going to do about Sage. Bocephus and Spike really like each other, but Sage is not giving up and I'm worried that he or Spike are going to end up fighting too much and getting hurt. My husband and I are thinking about separating Sage in our room and then trying to introduce another bird to him. I don't want to just separate him and another bird because he may not take to it. We really want to keep duckey the youngest creamino from our babies. She (?) is so small and so sweet and loveable. I don't know if he/she is female but I was just hoping she is and would take to Sage. If anyone has any other suggestions I'd be happy to hear them.

05-22-2005, 09:07 PM
Hey Laura,
Put Sage on the next FL bound flight! I've got a number of eligible young ladies that would love to have a mate! I promise I will only return him with one..... :)

05-23-2005, 10:22 AM
Linda: I told him to pack his bags but he just ran in his cozy and wouldn't come out, not even for the promise of a pretty girl :cool:.

05-23-2005, 12:09 PM
Poor little Sage is very fragile, and I don't think a terretorial hen or a harem of feisty females is what the little guy needs.

You'd be surprised. George is a sweet, sweet lovie, never attacks any of the others and who did he end up paired with?? Weesy, the pit-viper, mean, green, biting machine! LOL Sage might just like being hen-pecked! :D

05-30-2005, 03:25 PM
Well I finally had to break down and separate Sage from Spike and Bocephus. I didn't want to but I found beak bruises on both Sage and Spike :mad:, and later the same night found them fighting in their room :mad:. I decided to separate Sage and keep Spike and Bocephus together. I mostly chose this option because Bocephus was friends with Sage but Sage's interest in Bocephus was bordering on obsession and not good for the birdy flock because if it wasn't Spike I'm sure it would be some other female. The saddest thing is the breeder said that Sage had trouble finding friends in her aviary and now I've gone and taken away his only friend :( . He's very sad but my husband pointed out it's saving him from any further grief because the relationship would not be long term. So the lowdown is that Sage has his own cage in our room and Spike and Bocephus share a cage in the bird room. The only time Sage can come out with the other birds I put Spike and Bocephus away in another room.

Does anyone know if this sounds like the right thing to do. How long I'll have to keep them separated and do you think it's a good idea to introduce a female to Sage at some point? And how long should he be separated before attempting to pair him up?