View Full Version : Still Lost

12-21-2005, 03:12 PM
Ahhhh Haaaa.....
Found it. Here is golucky's album of his very sweet birdies Pete and Charlie.


Oh, I am very proud of myself for finding it.

I am fairly new with Lovebirds and have a long way to go. I built an album, Pete & Charlie Album in the community album and am not sure if anyone can see it. I live in a retirement home looking after my wife. I have got 2 lovies about two months ago and have fallen in love with them.:happy: They are sooo relaxing for me. I spend all my time with my wife and birds and want to know more about their care and bonding with me if I can. If anyone can find P & C album, let me know and give any advise you care to give. :blush: >o


12-21-2005, 10:45 PM
Very cute birdies. They look just like my birds, Nereus and Danae.

I have heard that enclosed plexiglass cages can be hot in the summer because of the lack of air circulation. I just wanted you to be aware of that, and to keep an eye on it. I really do love the cage you made for them. Nice and roomy.

I will post your album in the photo forum also, in case others don't check here for an update on the link. I hope you don't mind.

Give your sweeties a kissy for me.

12-21-2005, 11:35 PM
That is a very interesting cage. I saw some like that at a recent bird fair but was worried my birds would try to flew into it. Anotehr word watch them with the bedding on the cage floor so they do not ingest it. COuld be harmful since they potty on the floor. They are very beautiful birds for sure. Thanks for sharing and ty Shy for helping.


12-22-2005, 06:59 AM
Thank you shylevon & mummieeva for your advise and concern. I built the cage and I have a themometer in the cage that I check each day. I also clean the floor regularly. There is a nurse here that loves and has a lovie that looks after my lovies when I am gone a day or two. :happy: You cannot imagine how much these birds mean to me. They are a break in my daily life. I love purple martins, bluebirds, hummers and most wild birds. I look after them when they are here. I am hoping to get some lovebirds in the lobby so maybe I can bring some joy to the people that live here. They always want to know and see my birds. Old people do not have a lot of joy sometime in retirement homes.:2cents:


12-22-2005, 09:43 AM
"I love purple martins, bluebirds, hummers and most wild birds."

Joe, we certainly do have that in common! :) I wish I had Martins, I don't, but I do have bluebirds, year round. Feed them mealworms every day and usually get three nestings each Spring/Summer. I do believe that my love for them is what made me decide that I needed an inside bird! :D

Saw your photos in the photo forum.....they are wonderful! Pete and Charlie look like very, very happy lovies! :D

Shy, you da bomb! :D

12-22-2005, 09:47 AM
Those are some happy looking lovies. :) Ditto wants to come over an play there too! :cool:

I love bluebirds also. They hang out at my brother's house year round too. He's got quite a few nest boxes on his property and usually has 4 or 5 pairs nesting each spring. This past spring I even managed to get pics of some little ones in the box. :cool:

12-22-2005, 01:18 PM
Those are some lucky birds! I like the cage they are in, it's so light and roomy.
Thanks for sharing!

12-22-2005, 02:15 PM
Janie, I have been working with purple martins over 10 years. I built the castles that you see in P & C album. :whistle: I shipped them all over the US of A and Canada. I will take more pictures when the martins return in February. I had bluebirds at my home, and one pair had their nest on my sundeck. They raised two families. I haven't seen any here at Merrill Gardens. :cry:

12-22-2005, 03:02 PM
Wow - I'm impressed with the homes for both your lovebirds and those built for the Martins. When you do something, there are no half-measures for you, are there?

I know EXACTLY what you mean about the lovebirds being relaxing. As a 37-year old male in today's America, raising lovebirds just for the sheer pleasure of it is not what the mainstream would classify as "typical" or "manly", but let me tell you; there are very few things I enjoy more in life than letting all my lovebirds out to mingle in the aviary, listen to them sing excitedly and happily to each other, and then work with individual lovebirds on their socialization-with-humans skills. I've told my friends that I feel like I am a much more balanced person since I've started raising lovebirds, and they all look at me like I've got something stuck in my teeth or have sprouted a horn in the middle of my forehead. However, once I get my friends to actually hold a lovebird and interact with them, you can SEE the wheels start turning in their heads and getting drawn in by the antics of the lovies.

Anyway, yah - even if all my friends hated lovebirds, I'd still love 'em; they seldom fail to take the daily stress right out of me.

Thanks for posting the pics!


12-22-2005, 03:05 PM
Wow - I'm impressed with the homes for both your lovebirds and those built for the Martins. When you do something, there are no half-measures for you, are there?

I know EXACTLY what you mean about the lovebirds being relaxing. As a 37-year old male in today's America, raising lovebirds just for the sheer pleasure of it is not what the mainstream would classify as "typical" or "manly", but let me tell you; there are very few things I enjoy more in life than letting all my lovebirds out to mingle in the aviary, listen to them sing excitedly and happily to each other, and then work with individual lovebirds on their socialization-with-humans skills. I've told my friends that I feel like I am a much more balanced person since I've started raising lovebirds, and they all look at me like I've got something stuck in my teeth or have sprouted a horn in the middle of my forehead. However, once I get my friends to actually hold a lovebird and interact with them, you can SEE the wheels start turning in their heads and getting drawn in by the antics of the lovies.

Anyway, yah - even if all my friends hated lovebirds, I'd still love 'em; they seldom fail to take the daily stress right out of me.

Thanks for posting the pics!


Yep, nothing better than flopping on the couch and watching tv with a lovebird. Even better if he's yelling at the hockey/football game right along with you. :cool:

Buy A Paper Doll
12-22-2005, 05:07 PM
:) I have to agree with you guys. It can be startling for my husband's friends to see him walking around the house with a tiny little bird on his shoulder, saying, "Daddy loves you, you're such a good birdy," and asking for kisses. But he doesn't care. He told me that having the birds have brought so much joy to his life. Who knew? :)

12-23-2005, 02:01 PM
Oh....they are so cute....it looks like you have a peach face and a white face dutch blue.....and you are quite the handyman....what a nice big play cage! Gotta love those Martin Castles too...they are wonderful and I loved the painting on them. I think it is very generous of you to bring some joy to those at your retirement community....and what a great idea. Lovebirds do bring such joy....joy that I could have never imagined and I do love my budgies and tiels, but them lovies are just so much fun.

Happy Holidays!

12-26-2005, 05:37 PM
Got back from my Xmas vacation and Pete & Charlie were happy to see me.:whistle: The nurse took good care of them:D

12-26-2005, 06:04 PM
I'll bet they were! :D It is nice that they have each other but I'm sure they are glad to have you back in their flock, too! :)

12-26-2005, 07:38 PM
Oh, what an interesting enclosure, golucky! Your birds look as if they are enjoying life to the fullest!

Birds are definitely are relaxing. My parents live in a retirement community and have their kitchen table situation so they have an up-close view of their hummingbird feeders. Here at work (a funeral home, of all places) we have a glass aviary for finches and salt water aquariums. The families that we assist seem to enjoy the diversion. On more than one occasion we've had individuals come back to sit and enjoy the birds. I'd imagine that some sort of similar aviary would be nice for the residents where you live.

Thank you so much for sharing your lovely photos!
