View Full Version : Preventing West Nile

Bird Man Dan
05-16-2005, 04:39 PM
I live in a west nile struck area. I don't know how to stop mosquitos from getting to my bird. When he goes outside we put neeting on top the whole cage. (mosquito netting) How else can I keep the mosquitoes from getting to the birds. Im kind of scared because my las budgie had either a brain tumor or west nile. Symptoms are very similar in some cases. Seizures was the main one and in my bird disease panflit brain tumors and west nile have seizures as a syptom. :confused:

Buy A Paper Doll
05-16-2005, 04:47 PM
There shouldn't be too many mosquitos outside during the day, they tend to come out in the evening though. I would just keep the birds inside when the mosquitos are out.

05-16-2005, 06:25 PM
Plant Tansy or Basil around your windows and deck. Mosquitos hate the smell and will stay away form your windows.

Citronella oil is also a good deterant, but I would worry about burning it close to the birdies, even though it is an essential oil and should be safe.

Iodine also keeps mosquitos away. I used to mix iodine with body lotion and apply it all over when I went hiking, to repel the buggers. You might try soaking a small cloth with it and hanging it somewhere where the birdies can't get to it.

05-16-2005, 08:53 PM
Plant Tansy or Basil around your windows and deck. Mosquitos hate the smell and will stay away form your windows.

Citronella oil is also a good deterant, but I would worry about burning it close to the birdies, even though it is an essential oil and should be safe.

Iodine also keeps mosquitos away. I used to mix iodine with body lotion and apply it all over when I went hiking, to repel the buggers. You might try soaking a small cloth with it and hanging it somewhere where the birdies can't get to it.

Garlic also keeps them away. They hate garlic. My Grandfather used to eat garlic by the handful. If he was within 10 feet of you there were no mosquitoes around. (of course I didn't want to be there either :D )

Bird Man Dan
05-16-2005, 11:10 PM
would a cloth soaked in an iodine mixture and garlic in a cage hanging help?

05-17-2005, 01:27 PM
Probably, but I wouldn't hang either where a birdie could get at them. A short distance away would be best.