View Full Version : When one becomes two

12-26-2005, 04:41 PM
Hello everyone,

There's something I've been wondering. Pidget has been a single lovie all his four years, but now I'm thinking about getting him a buddy. He has been with Pontus and Nemo now for a month or so, and they will be here with us for about 6 months more, so I'm worried he will be sad when they go if he doesn't have a buddy of his own kind anymore. My question is, if I get him a girlfriend, will he eventually learn things like how to mate? He's very enamoured of Ms. Pontus, and Ms. Pontus was all flirty with him in the beginning, but then she apparently got tired of standing there with her tail in the air while he tried to find the nearest stick which to hump. He just didn't know what to do and now Ms. Pontus won't give him the time of the day, so I worry he could be rejected by another hen because of his inexperience. Should I play it safe and get him a buddy?

Thanks for any insight!

12-26-2005, 04:49 PM
Gloria, if you don't want little lovies down the road, I would definitely play it safe and consider a male buddy for him. I know you're aware of this but I'll say it again....there are no guarantees that a new buddy will like him or him the new buddy so it is possible that you'd end up having to cage them separately. I don't know how to advise you about the best age for a new buddy but others here will. Good luck and keep us posted! :)

12-26-2005, 05:00 PM
I know Janie. I know that he could end up rejecting a buddy and then I would end up with four cages :eek: and I worry about that too. The thing is, I think he's just so desperate for a buddy, he would accept one without a problem. I mean he takes one look at Pontus and he starts gacking up a storm. Now that Pontus is nesting and rarely out, he even gacks to Nemo, and Nemo is mean to him and chases him, and Pidget is terrified of him. That's longing, I believe :). Anyway, thanks for the input. It helps just to read what other people think and I respect your opinions since you've been such a good momma to Oliver and to your new boys too. Oh, and as for the eggs and stuff, you know I used to think it was the scariest thing possible, I was just terrified about the idea of egg binding and such, but now that I've experienced it with Pontus, it's actually not that scary. But we'll see, right now my gut is leaning towards "buddy" :).


12-26-2005, 06:14 PM
Gloria I have to add......I never thought I'd want a pair, more bonded to each other than me....till I got Big Boi and Shy! It is so much fun to watch them together! :) They play like there is no tomorrow and though they do squabble sometimes, not often, I have enjoyed watching their bond so much. They are still very sweet with me and are happy to take a should ride anytime Oliver isn't already on it. You know how bonded I am to Oliver but there is no doubt that (in my case) a twosome is much easier than a single bird who lives and breaths for me. I feel guilty every time Oliver has to be locked up when I leave or locked up so that I can let the other two hop on my shoulder. I never feel bad when I leave BB & Shy cause they are so happy together. After this experience with them, my future will always be "pairs"......:D If I should ever have to board them, that's another reason that having two buddies in the same cage would be easier, on ME, at least! :lol There is no way I could ever board Oliver and I only make plans that take me away when I know another family member is here for him.

Buy A Paper Doll
12-26-2005, 06:34 PM
Gloria, if you're worried that Pidget won't know what to do when the time comes ... don't worry about it! He'll figure it out eventually! I think Ms. Pontus left Pidget for Nemo simply because Nemo was there.

As you probably know, I started out with a male lovie and added a female about 4 months later. I decided to get a hen for him because I wanted him to have a mate. The one thing I don't like about having a hen is that she treats my baby Milo like dirt. But based on what others have told me, this is a normal, healthy lovebird relationship.

12-26-2005, 06:37 PM
Hey Gloria,

You know Bela doesn't quiet know what to do when Ms. Lacey presents herself either. She gets a little frustrated,lays her eggies anyway, and she still loves him, and he adores her. They have a normal relationship other than mating, and that was the important thing to me anyway.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, that even if Pidget doesn't get the hang of mating with another, there is still the chance that they will bond and have each other. You could of course get another male, and there may not be a problem at all. Introductions are always a "what if", but I think with the proper introductions made, they will eventually take to each other.

Another thought???? Has all this egg laying given you baby ideas?????:lol

12-26-2005, 07:13 PM
Gloria: It's just my :2cents:, but you seem to know all the risks of Pidget possibly not getting along with another bird, eggs, etc. If you're willing to accept these, I say get Pidget a friend. You know Pidget best and if you think he needs a friend then he may need a friend. My husband and I have always believed our lovies are happier when they have a mate and all but one of my 19 has a partner and cage mate. I really wouldn't have it any other way because life happens and I can't be around as much as a birdy wants and needs a mate to be:) .

12-26-2005, 07:23 PM

Sounds like Pidget is really enjoying the companionship, and he may actually learn something from his new friends. ;) If you can get a nice hen from a reputable breeder, try to get one younger than Pidget. I think she would be less inclined to get aggressive if she gets frustrated, depending on her personality.

There is also the possibility that Pidget would not accept this other lovebird. Humberto suggested (in a Breeding post) that after quarantine, two unfamiliar birds should be introduced to each other in a completely new cage. This method worked for George and Gracie; at least it prevented her from getting territorial over her old cage. I think it could help smooth the progress of Pidget and another bird of either gender.

Even if he and the new bird don't necessarily get along, he would still be entertained, and they could talk and make faces at each other from separate cages. :p

12-27-2005, 12:35 PM

I was lucky with Luka & Peter (my two males) taking up with each other after a couple of months. BUT males seem a little more laid back. I think with Luka, his personality is to "love the one you're with". :lol

While Peepo is a lone hen, she is quite NOT alone with the boys in the cage next to hers. She doesn't have the opportunity to mate with them (Luka would try!) but she does occassionally play with Luka and both boys feed her through her cage bars. If you get another bird, they might or might not bond closely - but they'd keep each other company either way.

When I feed the birds their birdy bread and veggies in the afternoon, I usually shove the cages together with the cups at the same spot in either cage. All the birds sit on their cups and eat together! I'd say- get Pidget a buddy!

12-28-2005, 04:34 AM
Thanks for your replies everyone. We have talked about it with my husband and yesterday we started to look for a possible buddy for Pidget. It's a bit difficult here as so far we haven't been able to find a breeder that will DNA, and I was thinking like Barb suggested that maybe a younger birdie would be the way to go with Pidget. I wouldn't want to break up a pair either just to be sure that we would be getting either a proven hen or a male, so we're trying to figure out another way.

I have always been interested in babies Lori, even with my Houdini :). I wanted to get him a girlfriend even though people kept telling me he was too small and that I should keep him only as a pet, but I figured as long as his girlfriend was bigger then it should work out okay :whistle:.

Anyway, like many of you have said, I do believe birds need companionship of their own kind. I understand in Oliver's case that he's an older birdie and he was single all his life, and he's so bonded with Janie, he would probably never accept another birdie. But Pidget and I never did get to bond in that way. He still likes me and he will spend time with me when he's out of the cage, but he likes Pontus and Nemo more and I can't blame him. I will never understand the joys of hanging upside down on a lamp or climbing curtains or trying to eat dirt from momma's flower pots, or stealing paper strips from Pontus and running for dear life from her :) . As a human I don't understand either the type of companionship they give each other, I mean they are together all the time and I can't be there for Pidget like that. Right now I'm on vacation, but once school starts again I won't be home that much. I'm glad that Pontus and Nemo are here for the time being and that we have therefore some time to look for a companion for Pidget before they leave. Whether it's a hen or a male, I'll keep you guys posted. I'm not sure if we'll even be able to know beforehand, but here's hoping everything will work out fine.


12-28-2005, 07:21 AM

I am so excited for Pidget, you and Chris. I am sure you will find him a companion in time, and then you will have two of the luckiest lovies in the world:)

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and if I don't talk to you before, you all have a Happy New Year!!!!

12-28-2005, 07:45 AM
Gloria, me too! I'm very excited that your looking for a buddy for Pidget! :) Much as I've read that lovebirds do not need a companion, I think that most of them would be much happier with one. Yes, Oliver does have me but still, had he been younger I do believe he would have really enjoyed another birdie. Matter of fact, if it weren't for Shy (my bird, not my Canadian friend, :lol) I think that Oliver and Big Boi could have become very good friends. I can have them together on my shoulder long as Shy is locked up! :D Since I am Oliver's companion, I've learned how to hang upside down on the cage bars and let me tell you, it ain't easy! :rofl: (but I do enjoy the companion perks......birdie bread!)

Keep us posted and good luck on your buddy search! :)

12-28-2005, 10:21 AM
There is a interesting visual. Janie hanging upside down.:rofl: I am glad your husband supports you in this. I am sure you looked but try www.petfinder.com. They are a site that has rescue birds and such. Most people there know gender of birds they have. Thats how I found my bird Baggy. Good luck on finding the bird for you.


12-28-2005, 11:06 AM
Oh yes Steph, he supports that act and has been trying to get me to hang upside down for/with him for years! :wink:

Gloria is in Sweden and I'm not sure if Petfinders has locations out of the US. If not, maybe there is something similar?

12-28-2005, 06:37 PM
Darn me for not remembering were people are. I will see if I can find anything about there. Be interesting reading the websites. so far found a few but they are not in English..lol.


12-28-2005, 09:57 PM
Did someone say they needed a young-ish female lovie???
I have Miss Daisy who's 10 months now...she's unpaired and well....hot stuff if you ask me....LOL

12-29-2005, 06:32 AM
Hi Kim,

I was looking at the pictures of miss Daisy in your album, the one with Abby. Hot stuff is the least you can say about her :D. I'm sure Pidget would swoon. And she's the perfect age too *sigh*. The thing is Pidget is a mask, and I was thinking about getting him either another mask or a Fischer, or maybe even a black cheek if I could get one, but an eye-ring species in any case. Otherwise I would be all over the offer like butter on a skillet :). I was even looking at fares from Canada to Sweden and looking at the rules for import of animals before I came to my senses >o . Anyway, Daisy is lovely as are all your birdies.


12-29-2005, 12:37 PM
I'm sure Pidget would love a companion or a mate. It's amazing to see the difference in a single bird when another of it's type arrives....especially with those great big white ringed eyes. :lol

I hope you can find a breeder who will be able to offer you just what you are looking for. I was searching and found this link...perhaps they can refer you to a breeder that can assist...if not, the pictures are lovely to look at anyway http://www.marvinettes.com/tirpat/eng/index.htm