View Full Version : eggs not hatching question

12-28-2005, 10:24 AM

It has been a while since I last post. I set up my lovebirds to breed this fall and the eggs are not hatching. This is their second clutches (first did hatch either) and the first baby was supposed to hatch on X-mas but nothing. All the eggs in both clutches were fertile and developing nicely until the last week from the due date. It seem that the died in shell. So what can I do about it. The only thing that I used different from last year (which they did great at hatching and raising two clutches) was carefresh instead of newspaper. I did misted the box and add a wet towel to increase the humidy to 65%. It got really cold this last month here in Portland, Oregon. Could that be the problem also, but I didn't think so, because they are house in their bird room, with heater that keeps the bird room at 50-70 degree. Should I let me start a third clutch or just let me them rest for the year. Please advise. Thanks


12-28-2005, 11:32 AM
Hi Jackie;

If it were me, I would start by opening up one of the eggs. You could try to compare it with the photos in Suzanne Russo's online journal on Cockatiel eggs in our Resource Library, see if any of the chicks/eggs look similar to those images.

Do you know for sure that the humidity needed to be raised? Were you monitoring humidity levels with a reliable meter? Carefresh helps retain more humidity than newspaper, but I don't know if it would make that much of a difference.

Is it possible that the chicks were too large for the eggs?

Chilling would only be a problem if the hen left the eggs long enough, and that doesn't seem to be the case.

It may be a good idea to take this pair to the vet's to check their overall health. Linda has said that sometimes an underlying, low-level infection in the parents can cause troubles for developing chicks.

Hope this helps,

12-28-2005, 06:41 PM
I would get the pair a vet check and put them on rest. Also how long a rest was it from first to second clutch? Sometimes moms and dads can get worn out with clutches to close together.


12-29-2005, 12:29 PM
Thanks for all the answers... I will take your advise and have them check and rest for a while.
