View Full Version : Not popular with the birdies tonight

Buy A Paper Doll
12-28-2005, 06:36 PM
I've been giving Milo a bath in warm water every day due to his plucking. Today, hubby suggested that perhaps Melody could use one too. So both birds had a quick dunk and a wrap in a soft clean towel. Needless to say this did not go over well with Melody. Milo's used to it but Melody hasn't had a good dunk bath in well over a month (nesting, you know). The look on her little face, as she stood on the coffee table glaring at me, was total shock and disbelief that I would DO such a thing. She climbed on hubby, then into her cage and onto her swing. She is snubbing me as I type this.

LOL! Poor thing.

12-28-2005, 06:46 PM
Next to baby lovies, there's nothing like a testy hen to make you laugh! :rofl:

12-28-2005, 09:21 PM

Just give her the look back and tell her that her stinky little butt needed that bath, and that she will thank you later for it:lol

Hey, ya gotta give attitude, attitude right back;)

12-29-2005, 07:25 AM
Jennifer, because Oliver doesn't seem to know how to bathe, except for sticking his head in his water dish, I do "force" bathe him once or twice a week and I'm pretty sure that he never enjoys the actual bathing but he seems to feel so much better afterwards! :) I also use a nice soft towel and wrap him up in it for a few minutes after his bath. That part he does enjoy. :D

Poor little Melody.....it ain't easy being a hen! :D All that PMSing is hard on a little girl! :lol