View Full Version : Gypsy is being really mean

12-30-2005, 04:29 PM
I got home from work an hour or so ago, I fed Tango and Gypsy, and as usual Tango was the first to go for the dish and then Gypsy jump down and muscled him out of the way. Tango was waiting for her to eat, but she didn't like him so close to her so she went for his feet, she clamped on so hard that Tango started to squeak and she wouldn't let go
:eek: . I felt bad for Tango so I held a treat to the bars and he started to eat that when Gypsy did the same thing to him over the treat, she also went for one of my fingers that was reachable through the bars. It's like she changed, she has always been dominant but she was a nicer bird this morning. It seems like she doesn't want Tango to eat anything, and it Tango's feathers are looking a little rougher too...:confused:
Do female bird's have a cranky time of the month?>o
Or do they react to female owners hormonal changes during their cranky time of the month?>o

Buy A Paper Doll
12-30-2005, 05:21 PM
Ahhh. Gypsy is all hen, isn't she? I had the same problem, I solved it by getting 2 identical food dishes on opposite sides of the cage. Same with treat cups. Yep, two of everything and you should see some improvement.

As for hormonal phases, yes, lovebirds do have them. :) And as for whether they can pick up on OUR hormonal phases (or moods or whatever), there are some articles that indicate it is possible. :)

Hope this helps a little.

12-30-2005, 06:01 PM
Is it safe to keep housing them together?
I am buying a larger cage...will the extra space help?
I have a bunch of toys bought too, but the little cage they came in can only handle one right now.

12-30-2005, 06:27 PM
A bigger cage will probably help also. Just keep a close eye on them for now. I would keep the old cage also for a just incase cage. I would look and see if there are any bird shows near you to find a good cage. Also surf the net. I know a pretty decent site for cage also. If you want I cna give it to you. My 2 have a huge cage and they fight alot less now. But they did use to fight in their old cage.


Buy A Paper Doll
12-31-2005, 01:37 PM
I agree with Steph.

My pair lived separately in identical cages that were 22x18x36 each. When the time came for them to live together, there was just no way they were going to tolerate each other in such tight quarters. I got a cage that was almost double the size, like 32x24x36 and they did much better. Part of the reason was the additional space. Part of the reason was that it was a new and neutral territory. When you move the birds to their new cage, put the male in first. This should also help with the territory issues.

01-05-2006, 12:12 PM
Also, add a second food dish. Gypsy can't be at both feed cups at the same time. I've had some mated pairs do this, even Mikey will bite if I'm not quick enough to clear outta his way when I feed him pineapple. Do you let your birds bathe? I mist Mikey on days he refuses to bathe in his tub.
Keep an eye on both birds, lovebirds can pluck their mates and themselves.