View Full Version : Pidget's walk

01-02-2006, 06:16 AM
Hello everyone!

First of all, I would like to wish you all a very healthy, prosperous and happy year 2006! From someone who spent New Year's Eve basically knocked out from flu medications, here's hoping all of you had a much, much better time :).

Anyway, my post is about Pidget and the way he walks. I noticed from the beginning that he walked strangely: he doesn't waddle straight up like a penguin; when he waddles he looks more like a hound dog sniffing a scent, if that makes any sense. I used to think he waddled like this because he was just not used to being out, cause that's the impression his waddle gives, like he's afraid to lose his balance. But now after two months with basically no change, I'm starting to wonder if there might be something else going on here. I would like to point out that when we took Pidget to the vet when we first got him, except for him being underweight (he weighed just 28 grams) and for the vet recommending regular excercise to improve his flying, everything checked out okay. Also I think his hound dog waddle has become a little faster to support the "not used to being out" theory, but I thought I would ask at the board to see if someone else has seen something like this before.

I've been trying to make a video of Pidget walking to give you guys a better idea of what I mean, but so far, no luck . If I manage to capture him, I'll edit my post later to add the video clip :) .


01-02-2006, 09:17 AM
Gloria: If you mean Pidget's beak is low to the ground, which what comes to mind when you say hound dog, then I have a lovie who does something similiar. My Creamino Cuddlebunny has always walked with her head low to the ground. Sometimes she looks very determined and it's funny to watch. If there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with Pidget then this may just be the way he walks:) .

Hope this helps

01-02-2006, 09:43 AM
I think his walk is the cutest thing too :). I hope I can tape him for you guys to see. In any case, thanks Laura :). It's good to know that there's another lovie out there that walks like this. He does seem healthy enough apart from that, so I'll just leave well enough alone.


01-02-2006, 09:57 AM
Hi Gloria!

I hope your new year gets better and you're feeling well soon.

Peter waddles funny. Where sometimes in his cage he may stand up straight and walk, it's usually with his head down - like he has a bunch on his mind and is off to take care of things. He seems very purposeful in getting from one place to another. I'm sure he's always got something on his mind, too.:lol

Luka hops to where he's going mostly. When Luka has an occassion to waddle around, he's very quick. No amount of wing clip can ground him, so he hops, jumps, and flies to most of his destinations.

It sounds like Peter walks a little like Pidget. Now Peepo, my seagreen hen, walks pretty upright, looking me directly at what she wants. If I am returning her to her cage and she doesn't want to go, she will duck & dodge & dive like a birdy superhero to avoid the capture and return to cage. She's quite good at scooting up my arm and diving into my shirt (even a turtle neck shirt!).

What characters they are! I'd love to see a video of Pidget. :)

01-02-2006, 10:02 AM
Hi Gloria and Happy New Year AND feel better soon, too! :D

I didn't reply before because I had no idea what to reply but after reading Suzanne's reply, OLIVER WADDLES in a very funny/different way, too! :D I would not have know that until getting Big Boi and Shy who do not waddle in a funny way. Their walk has almost no waddle to it. Oliver's is like a little old man....which is really what he is! :lol

Anyway, glad to read Laura's and Suzanne's replies to know that some do have a different walk than others. :)

01-02-2006, 10:14 AM
Gloria, I can't wait to see a video of this, but I love what my imagination is telling me too. :D

Most of my birds waddle like penguins, especially when they run. :lol The exception is Sammy, who stands kind of pidgeon-toed. I suppose this has to do with his silly toes: One back toe on each foot actually faces front, and the nail actually faces up. To say that he is not very sure-footed would be an understatement ...

Buy A Paper Doll
01-02-2006, 10:39 AM
I may have the opposite problem. When Milo runs, he almost looks like one of those winged lizards you see on TV, holding his little head up straight. Except for the waddling. Lizards don't waddle.

01-02-2006, 04:26 PM
Yeah, the winged lizard resemblance has come to my mind on occassion watching Pontus specially. That's one fleet footed little birdie let me tell you :rolleyes:. My husband says that her quickness is a big part of her ability to wreak havoc wherever she is (she once ate some documents of his, and even though I told him it was really his fault for leaving them in plain sight knowing how Pontus is, I think there's still some hard feelings there :whistle:).

Anyway, I will try to get that video of Pidget tomorrow. I would love to see Oliver waddle, oh and Sammy too, he sounds so cute :). Barb, Sammy is Samson, isn't it? And Suzanne, how cute that all your birdies walk different :lol. Must be a perk of having one of each, huh ;) ?


01-02-2006, 05:53 PM
They are pure entertainment! :rofl: Having three with such different personalities is great. You learn so much from them, and they learn from each other. I have different relationships with each of them, too. Peepo is (by neglect of wing clip) just now taking test flights off of me! :omg: I really need to nip that in the bud, so to speak!

01-02-2006, 06:04 PM
Ditto has a few different walks. Sometimes it's the head down with his beak almost scraping the ground walk. Like he's looking for something (probably food, the little chow hound). Other times it's the upright penguine type walk. When he's really happy/excited I swear he skips around like a schoolgirl. Once in awhile he even walks like a pigeon with that little head movement they do (usually when I'm singing/saying dittobird, dittobird dittobird to him). :lol

01-02-2006, 09:30 PM
Ditto has a few different walks. Sometimes it's the head down with his beak almost scraping the ground walk. Like he's looking for something (probably food, the little chow hound). Other times it's the upright penguine type walk. When he's really happy/excited I swear he skips around like a schoolgirl. Once in awhile he even walks like a pigeon with that little head movement they do (usually when I'm singing/saying dittobird, dittobird dittobird to him). :lol
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I can see the pigeon walk right now in my head! Strut, baby, strut!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

01-02-2006, 11:12 PM
LOL... I have a pretty good picture of that waddle but can't wait to see a video as well. Kameko has a unique run too. When she is excited when she is out she puts her beak on the bed, or desk or wherever she is and runs around with her beak on the ground. Whenever we see her to this (which is all the time) we get the sound in our heads that little boys make when they are running around like cars or trucks trying to go very fast :rofl: :rofl: . Sounds like almost everyone's birds in this forum have a very unique walk of their own :D .

01-03-2006, 07:35 AM
When she is excited when she is out she puts her beak on the bed, or desk or wherever she is and runs around with her beak on the ground

Ditto does that on the computer keyboard, he likes the noise it makes. 8)

01-03-2006, 08:05 AM
Yup, Sammy is my little Samson. :) Of course, he never gets called that unless he is getting into trouble.