View Full Version : Update on Vacation Plans

05-16-2005, 11:51 PM
hi everyone! i posted a couple weeks ago, asking about where to put my baby lovie (well, not soooo baby...4 months) for my two week vacation in august... my boyfriend's aunt has a lovie that's 17 1/2! and she's very willing to watch Mercuri for me, and i trust her knowledge as she seems to know tons more that i do and her bird is so old... but my only question about this... her bird is OOOLD...and is arthritic...and i'm wondering if there are any possible diseases mercuri could get from being in close proximity to the other bird...old age diseases, perhaps? they truly think the bird is in her last year because she can barely hang onto perches steadily. i hadn't much thought of this problem since the bird seems to just be having typical old age problems and not so much sickness. any ideas?


05-17-2005, 12:09 AM
Hi Cerissa:)

Your boyfriend's aunt would probably be a good choice to take care of Mercuri, but I would see if she could house your bird in a separate room. I would venture to say that any contact with a "foreign" bird carries a risk of disease transfer, and it probably would be best to minimize that by keeping them apart. I would treat it as I would introducing a new bird to my flock, and observe that important quarantine period.... Better safe than sorry... :/

just my two cents anyway...

05-17-2005, 12:12 AM
right, better safe than sorry...i'll ask her about it (they have a TON of pets...) and see where they might keep her...and also a place away from the kitchen...gosh, i'm so paranoid now, this bird has me hooked. it's like a child.

05-17-2005, 08:31 AM
I have to go away next week for 14 hours and I am FREAKING out about Trixie Bunny's care. I am getting my neighbor to come meet her and play with her everyday until the day I have ot leave. All of this just to transfer Trixie from her day mansion to her nitey night sleepy cage. I iwll be home in time to wake her up :D

I have decided to never go on an extended vacation again :eek:
I dont think I could handle the stress of preventing Trixies stress :p

In all seriousness, if I ever did have to go away for an extended trip I would either take her with me (if she could travel with me 24/7 in comfort) or board her at the vet. I dont have anyone like your boyfirends aunt who I trust to take care of my Trixie Bunny.
