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01-02-2006, 05:02 PM
My 3 month old lovie is crazy over paper towel. He/she loves to chew it, fold it,and arrange it . I know females do this but do males do it too?

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01-02-2006, 05:35 PM
My male lovie enjoyed chewing up paper at that age too. :)

01-02-2006, 05:37 PM
Males can do it also . I had a male who would try and help his mate make strips and carry them to the box even . He just was not as good . Unless he lays an egg(which i would hope does not happen now as to young) or a DNA test result says gender you will not know.


01-02-2006, 05:39 PM
I have two males, 7 months old and they both love to chew.....on any and everything! Paper towels and especially the inserts that come in magazines and greeting cards. They don't tuck but they do shred and chew. My older lovie loves to beak a stiff piece of paper. He's also a male. :)

01-02-2006, 06:16 PM
Ditto loves to chew paper. He's an excellent spitball maker. He couldn't tuck to save his life though.:lol

01-02-2006, 06:26 PM
Both Tango and Gypsy love to rip up paper (and books :p ) but Gypsy my hen is so much neater, she nibbles paper in almost perfect lines.

01-02-2006, 08:26 PM
My Molly (a male) loves paper towels & kleenex's. So does Daisy & Piper. Heck, they all do. :rofl: I try not to let them chew it often cause I don't want Daisy getting hormonal. So since I don't give it to them ofter Daisy has never learned to make a strip - whew! Molly does swishy-swishy on the paper towels >o

01-03-2006, 08:14 AM
Most of the males here enjoy some paper fun. They all love chewing and shredding, and making papier mache in the water dish seems to be the latest fad among our boys. :rolleyes:

01-03-2006, 09:48 AM
Thanks for all of your input.I guess I will just have to wait and see.

01-05-2006, 11:56 AM
Ya know... my male perches with his feet close together, I've heard that females perch with their feet apart. I did a feather DNA test, and it was Male for my Mikey. I'd hate to have to change his name if he were a she. lol
This isn't 100%, but it's kinda fun to watch out for. I used three different sources for a DNA test, Two feather tests, one blood test. One feather test said female, the blood test said male. Mikey does chew papr, but not into strips. He doesn't tuck paper into his feathers either. If he were to become a daddy, I'd think he'd be the type of dad to drink beer, in his shorts on the couch watching football. lol

Mikey likes to shred my birdtalk magazines up too....

01-05-2006, 12:18 PM
There is another way some breeders use, you turn your bird on his/her back and feel the pelvis,(GENTLEY), and in males you can usually feel a sharp little wish bone like the two bones are joined. the males pelvis is usually close together and the female will have a little opening you the size of the tip pad of your forefinger. Its not 100% cause there are large males and small females but it can give u an idea. It ties into what Asue was saying about how they sit too!

01-05-2006, 01:34 PM
I'd think he'd be the type of dad to drink beer, in his shorts on the couch watching football. lol

You say that like it's a bad thing! :whistle:

01-13-2006, 07:56 PM
when i first got my two lovies, i named them bubble and oscar not even thinking of their genders. turned out oscar is a female and bubble is a male (i took them to the vet and and them tested), i had to change oscar's name to jello :lol . the vet asked me if i want to change her officially (record) name to jello which i did.
my bubble (the male) is very good with tearing up paper and bring them to the nest. during breeding season both of them would do that together all day, it's really fun to watch. if i don't have them dna tested i would think bubble is a female, he's really really good at it just like jello. bubble is a really good family man "bird" too, if i am a bird i would marry him :rofl:

01-18-2006, 01:37 PM
:rofl: I wouldn't marry Mikey if I were a lovie, I'm afraid he'd preen/pluck me bald with all his affection! I read somewhere that male lovebirds won't strip paper and tuck them into the tail feathers. Something about the males not knowing how to do this right... :rolleyes: Maybe it's not macho enough to do it right? lol

01-19-2006, 08:49 PM
that's funny :rofl:

01-21-2006, 11:53 PM
Yes, I heard males and females do it. Martha ( is a she) loves to chew on paper. Tears it apart like a wild dog (or parrot). lol