View Full Version : potty trained!!!

01-03-2006, 11:21 AM
my baby bird is smarter than my kids and the dog!!!It took me 1 day to potty train him..Whenever he wakes up or comes out of cage I hold him over a piece of paper towel and make him go before he is allowed up on my shoulder.He always goes within 1 min of me telling him!! At first I just thought I was well trained but he goes everytime I tell himm to:happy: :happy: :happy:

01-03-2006, 12:05 PM
my baby bird is smarter than my kids and the dog!!! :lol Cracked me up! :lol

01-03-2006, 12:24 PM
I am pea green with envy! I've read that it can be done but I have not had the patience to try it. I have FIVE CaCa Capes (aka, poop capes) and wear one all the time. I'm surprised I haven't shown up at work with my CaCa Cape still on! :D

Congratulations to you! :)

01-03-2006, 12:30 PM
Wish mine could do this too. I walked around the mall all day Saturday with poop in my hair >o

01-03-2006, 12:47 PM
Wish mine could do this too. I walked around the mall all day Saturday with poop in my hair >o

:rofl: :lol :rofl: :lol

01-03-2006, 01:01 PM

Sam pointed out that I had poop in my pony tail yesterday! Just flicked it out and kept right on going! :lol

01-03-2006, 01:18 PM
I was lucky my birds were trained without me.lol. Baggy has never gone on me. She flies to her cage and does it then comes back. Whisper does the same thing. Saves on laundry bills.


01-04-2006, 12:13 AM
I am jealous. I feel like I am always cleaning up poop. For a little bird, lovebirds sure have busy digestive systems. Kameko probably had the potential for potty training but she is now pretty set in her routine. When ever she comes out of her cage, like clockwork she will poop within 10 seconds. Of course she couldn't make my life easier and poop when she sees she is coming out:roll: . I must congratulate all the birds who managed to grasp the concept, maybe they can talk to my Kameko and give her a little lesson :wink: .

01-04-2006, 07:23 AM
[QUOTE= "When ever she comes out of her cage, like clockwork she will poop within 10 seconds." If you know that you have half the battle won. i figured that out and that he poops right after a nap. Now i make him stay on or above the paper til he goes. He is stubborn and tries to get away with not going but he is also a velcro birdie and gives in just so he can get up on my shoulder.I can tell when I have won cuz he stops, cocks his head and looks at me then lifts his tail and poops. my son says to you.. set your bird on paper towel to make it so he knows where to poop which is not on you. :lol

01-04-2006, 07:26 AM
[QUOTE=Mummieeva]I was lucky my birds were trained without me.lol. Baggy has never gone on me. Whisper does the same thing. Saves on laundry bills.

Steph[She flies to her cage and does it then comes back.] ] wow... you gotta love that!!!!8)

01-04-2006, 07:27 AM
still trying to figure out how to do quotes...as you can see i am not succeding!!!

01-04-2006, 09:17 AM
still trying to figure out how to do quotes...as you can see i am not succeding!!!

Go to my post for example and click on the quote button at the bottom of my post. It will copy my post into a new post where you can edit and add your own comments.


01-04-2006, 10:37 AM
Go to my post for example and click on the quote button at the bottom of my post. It will copy my post into a new post where you can edit and add your own comments.

here goes nuthin

01-04-2006, 10:39 AM
yay!! it worked...I was making it much more complicated!!

01-04-2006, 10:46 AM
>o aaargh....rotten bird.:evil: :roll:...as soon as I bragged about him he decided to refuse to poop on the paper and fights me and bites me and back in the cage he goes. After a trip or two back to the cage he gives in. I am more stubborn than him though lol. He never should have let me know that he could do it cuz i would have given up if he had fought like this from the git go but since I know he can do this i refuse to give up.:roll:

01-04-2006, 03:13 PM
Much like the "I have a beak and know how to use it" idea, you've got to figure if you have a bird; any size; that it's going to poop and chances are, on you and your stuff. Just another part of owning feathered friends. ;)

01-04-2006, 03:33 PM
I agree with MJ. I just let the poop dry and then pick it off. It comes off clean and unsmudged. It's life with birds :p

Buy A Paper Doll
01-04-2006, 08:06 PM
Wish mine could do this too. I walked around the mall all day Saturday with poop in my hair >o

I went to Lowe's to buy plants on New Year's Day with a big orange ( ! ) poop smooshed into the back of my shirt.

01-04-2006, 08:10 PM
I went to Lowe's to buy plants on New Year's Day with a big orange ( ! ) poop smooshed into the back of my shirt.

Well Jennifer, That was a fashion statement :rofl: Now I don't feel so alone.

01-04-2006, 09:30 PM
I went to Lowe's to buy plants on New Year's Day with a big orange ( ! ) poop smooshed into the back of my shirt.

Orange poop? :eek: Were they eating Cheetos?:lol

01-04-2006, 09:44 PM
Much like the "I have a beak and know how to use it" idea, you've got to figure if you have a bird; any size; that it's going to poop and chances are, on you and your stuff. Just another part of owning feathered friends. ;)
I agree. I have come used to the fact the Kameko has little poops unlike a big bird so they are easy to clean. I am just in the routine of befor ei head to the university in the morning i to a 360 check in the mirror for poop and off i go. Its not all bad when your bird poops where ever he/she wants because that was one way i found out how sick Kameko was once. If she flew away from me i wouldn't have seen her very runny poops and ran her to the vet.

01-05-2006, 02:07 PM
Yesterday he refused to go on the paper but today he is only refusing 50 percent of the time so i am going to keep at it. And he has known how to use his beek for awhile.In fact he is in his cage right now for biting me several times very hard because i tried to gently take him off my shoulder. That is when he bites the most. he is not hand shy in the slightest .. just stubborn!!

01-05-2006, 02:50 PM
Lara the putting him in cage when he bites can backfire. He will learn to bite when he wants to go back to his cage. I have a hen who bites and it is fustrating I know. When she bites me I put her on top of her cage. Then she will fly back and be ok most times. Remember they are birds not kids and even 50% of the time pottying on paper is good. Bird poop were they want just like in the wild. My birds do it on their own. If they pooped on me I would not care.


01-05-2006, 08:03 PM
Huki bites mostly when he thinks i am trying to put him back in his cage, he dislikes his cage. i have to force him to stay in it long enough to eat.He can be ravenous and trying to nibble my mouth and ears but will spend the first 10 min in his cage trying to get out before he gives in and goes to eat. i know that he is hungry cuz he then spends the next 20 min pigging out. He is getting a little more used to it and is not quite so frantic about trying to get out but he is a long way from liking it. He still wants me to cuddle him to sleep at nap time. I realize that he will still poop on me and i don't get upset if he does. At the same time i know that he knows what I want when I say go poop cuz he did it 15 times 2 days in a row.