View Full Version : Bald Eagles

01-04-2006, 11:15 PM
I was driving through Ontario last week (going to my grandparent's for christmas) when my mother spotted a Bald Eagle standing in a field. A few feet away from her was her baby (no 'bald' head yet, but fair sized). I get excited when I see animals that are rare in my area (...or in general :cool:). It's a shame I didn't have a camera handy. We usually spot bald eagles through that stretch, and it's always a pleasure to see them. One of my favourite bird species.

01-05-2006, 08:16 AM
Cool. :cool: I have seen them while driving down through Ohio, going past large farming fields. Wherever there are field mice, there will be winged predators!

01-05-2006, 11:11 AM
WOW! That is too cool and something I NEVER get to see living in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, though I have swam with a pod of dolphins in water hundreds of feet deep. NATURE RULES!!!!!!!

8) 8)

01-05-2006, 11:24 AM
Hi Lisa,
I love Bald Eagles! Near the top of this forum, I have a link to an Eaglecam that is located in Massachussetts. We usually see the first egg near the beginning of March so we should start to see nest building activity in the next 4 weeks. It's a live cam and extremely good.

01-05-2006, 11:04 PM
I haven't seen a bald eagle in awhile.

I do get to see Perigrine Falcons almost every day though. Once in awhile they even sit on my office window watching for birds in the park below! :cool:

Pa also has a falcon cam that they set up when they begin nesting on a ledge of the Environmental Protection office building. That one even has sound so you can hear the baby falcons all day long. Ditto loves to talk back to them when it's on here. :eek:

I'll post the link again when it's back online. It should be soon!

01-07-2006, 09:42 PM
Awesome. :cool:

Linda, I can't see the eagle cam. I guess I'll have to change my browser settings, and figure out something soon, as I'd like to see this.

01-07-2006, 10:57 PM

I know that feeling that you get when you see something so rare. I was visiting my Mother in Michigan a couple of years ago, and I walked up to the lake, as I topped the hill, about 5 feet from me sat a bald eagle enjoying his breakfast of fresh fish. I was so stunned I just stood there, I don't think I even breathed. He also just stood there, staring at me. This went on for about 2 minutes, and then he picked up his fish, spread his wings, and flew away. I doubt I will ever see anything as majestic as that for the rest of my life. I was just so in awe, and of course, you never have a camera when you really need one. That was a once in a lifetime chance for a most awesome pic ever:rolleyes:

Buy A Paper Doll
01-08-2006, 07:30 AM
Several people have seen a bald eagle in the tops of the trees, in the wooded area next to my office, but I've not seen him myself.

01-08-2006, 02:10 PM
WOW! That is too cool and something I NEVER get to see living in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, though I have swam with a pod of dolphins in water hundreds of feet deep. NATURE RULES!!!!!!!

8) 8)
Sooooo jealous!!! Oahu was the most gorgeous place i have ever been in my entire life!!! You are living my dream. You may not get to see bald eagles (which are beautiful) but you do get to see other amazing animals like dolphins, sea turtles, etc. Both beautiful in their own right but still i am sooo jealous!!!! :D :D :D

01-09-2006, 07:08 PM
WOW! That is too cool and something I NEVER get to see living in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, though I have swam with a pod of dolphins in water hundreds of feet deep. NATURE RULES!!!!!!!

8) 8)

A good friend of mine is currently living in Honolulu. Everytime I see something related to Hawai'i I ask her about it... Paradise on earth 8)

As for bald eagles? They do get spotted in my neck of NJ, although I've never seen them. Red-tailed hawks, however? I'm convinced that they stalk me as I see them all the time, even flying over my building :lol


01-09-2006, 07:51 PM
Awesome. :cool:

Linda, I can't see the eagle cam. I guess I'll have to change my browser settings, and figure out something soon, as I'd like to see this.
I checked the Eaglecam a couple of days ago, and it would not open for me, either. Nothing is going on right now so we're not missing anything. However, I checked the Photo Gallery and you get to see the most current photos (up to 48) and it doesn't look like the cam is operating correctly at the moment. Chances are maintenance needs to be done so that we can watch the next breeding season. I usually start checking in earnest between the middle and end of February. The first egg is usually laid by 3/10.