View Full Version : How spoiled is you lovebird?

05-17-2005, 08:37 AM
How spoiled is you lovebird?

Who's is the most spoiled and why?


Trixie Bunny is rotten to the CORE and she is the most spoiled lovie of all time. Why? Because whatever she demands (I understand every little chirp, screetch or squack ... most of the time ;) ) she gets immidiately , out of my fear that she would experience even one second of discomfort. She spends most of her time riding around, climbing on, or snuggleing on my person. She always "helps" me do whatever it is (as long as it is lovie safe) and since I work from home, thats ALOT of stuff!

Most life on earth are known in the scientific world as "Carbon based lifeforms".

Our animals:
Cassie (kitty),
Karma (Kitty),
Nitro (doggie)
and of course Trixie Bunny

are officially known as "Comfort based lifeforms" due ot the extravegant lifestyles they all lead. :D

05-17-2005, 08:41 AM
I'm going to have to go with slightly indulged ... :)but I have a feeling that the spoiling factor will only increase with time lol


05-17-2005, 08:42 AM
hmmmmmmmm it let me vote, and showed it in the results, but then when I posted the reply it erased it and is now telling me I've already voted!!

looks like this poll is rigged! ;)


05-17-2005, 08:47 AM
Sorry, all fixed!

When I edited my original thread ot answer my own question it wacked your answer.



05-17-2005, 09:27 AM
I answered slightly because they are not letting me spoil them to much yet..lol.


Buy A Paper Doll
05-17-2005, 09:32 AM
I voted 'total brat.' But I should have put 'rotten to the core.'

They are currently screaming because they want out. I won't let them out right now because I can't watch them. If I let them out unsupervised, they shred my wall to wall carpeting. Seriously. We're going to have to rip out the carpeting and put in tile. It's easier to wipe up bird poop and the birds won't be able to shred it.


05-17-2005, 10:04 AM
I put "total brat" because Gimli's cage looks like the circus just came to town. He has every toy imaginable. He plays with all of them too. He's got a happy hut, mini koosh balls to chew up, ropes, leather, beads, the works.

AND when he doesn’t get what he wants he bites. Not hard enough to make me bleed, but hard enough for me to say “ouch”. Then he scowls at you from inside of his cage as if you’ve done him some horrible wrong by putting him back.
He also gets my perfectly well-behaved Quaker, Gunther, to scream his head off. Gimli totally starts it. We call him “the angry button” and “the instigator”.
Hopefully he won’t horribly influence my breeding pair.

05-17-2005, 10:20 AM
no worries, Perran ;) I got a good laugh out of it :)


05-17-2005, 10:21 AM
Mine are all rotten ... rotten to the core ... except Bosco and Betty. We're still working on making them rotten. :D

05-17-2005, 10:26 AM
Rotten to the core!!!!!

That's how it should be though :D


05-17-2005, 10:42 AM
This is a hard question because I have sooooo many lovies and they are all treated a little differently. I guess as a flock they are definately rotten to the core mostly because my entire life revolves around them and making them happy :D .

Laura O

05-17-2005, 11:53 AM
i have to say rotten to the core cause as far as my money allows it she is spoiled! and gets to be out a good portion of the day. I haven't bought anything for my self since i got her! :D :LOL

05-17-2005, 12:16 PM
Rotten to the core! I didn't know anything else existed :p. Molly has taught Daisy well and it's starting to show. I thought Daisy would be this sweet little cuddly baby - NOT! She believe's "I" belong to her and runs Molly off of me whenever possible. They have the best of toys, perches, dishes, cages, etc... I haven't bought myself a new outfit in ages. Yep, they are spoiled rotten!! I wonder if the bank would be upset if I take out a loan for birdie toys :rolleyes:.

05-19-2005, 08:31 AM
Oh oh. Loaded question. They are a little spoiled.

It is probably worst w/ princesse. But I do try very hard NOT to spoil them.

However, its come about that I cant sit in the dining room (where their cages are) without her begging to come out. She'll hang upside down and tilt her head to show me how cute she is so I cant resist her. She plays me like a fiddle. LOL

Paulie will rattle the door and Dusty hops down to the lowest perch. But princesse is the one, who does the cutest begging and knows it usually works.

Great topic. :D


05-19-2005, 04:34 PM
Lori, you took my line! :D

Yep, ROTTEN TO THE CORE and why not???? You can't spoil your kids rotten cause they have to learn to deal in the real world but our lovies do not and should be spoiled in every way! :) IMHO, ALL pets should be! :D

05-19-2005, 04:49 PM
They don't get any more spoiled than Echo! As long as it's safe and healthy for him, he can have anything he wants! He's captured my heart completely!

05-19-2005, 06:17 PM
In watching all the replies to this I just have to laugh that absolutely noone is "Master of the Flock".... guess we know who rules the roost in all our houses... ;)
