View Full Version : Mango and Tango

01-06-2006, 12:32 PM
Hey everyone,
I have a question, Mango and Tango have been together going on 3 days now and I noticed last night they were kinda nibbling at one another. They weren't really fighting and they sat together the whole time but occasionally Tango would nip at Mango(older F) I also see Tango is getting his speckled brow so he is going through puberty. Is this common to bicker a lil when there hormonal? They are fine and very closely huddled together 90% of the time. Should I be worried?:confused:

01-06-2006, 12:54 PM
My Piper (M) and Olivia (F)do this. Last night I let them sit on the playgym and put Daisy (my very dominant female) back in her cage. Well, Piper and Olivia snuggled, fed each other, preened and fought. When they did fight, I was near by and let them beak at each other unless it got out of control. The reason I did this was because they are the same age and Daisy decided that Olivia "belonged" to her when she arrived. Daisy would chase Piper and Molly (M) (I have 4 lovies) away from Olivia every chance she got. So I decided to let Piper and Olivia get some time to themselves for once. After they finished their "let's figure out who's the dominant lovie" then they snuggled the rest of the evening. I wanted to give them all a chance to get to know each other before Olivia bonded completely to Daisy, which I'm hoping she doesn't. :2cents:

Buy A Paper Doll
01-06-2006, 06:25 PM
"Is this common to bicker a lil when there hormonal?"
Oh, lord, yes. A little bickering is fine. So my guess is that Tango has some pinfeathers in that little speckled brow that Mango is trying to preen for him. Well, they're tender and they hurt sometimes. So Tango's just letting Mango know, HEY, that hurts!

01-07-2006, 01:26 PM
Now the new too are acting funny. There not fighting at all, more there kinda indifferent to each other. Sunny wanted to go to the other lutinos so I separated there cage by a sheet. Poor lil Spirit just sits up in a corner on the cage to sleep not even on a perch. They don't cuddle but they do fly after each other when out. I know I am being paranoid but I am new at doing this myself and want everything to go smoothly,(well as smoothly as possible). I am leaving them together and giving them more time. I worry that it's do to there not looking alike. We'll see

01-07-2006, 02:28 PM

A little toe nipping, head bopping, and in general bickering is normal. In fact, it never goes away. I guess I might bop someone in the head too if I were confined with them 24/7:lol

If you place a perch in the corner where Spirit hangs in the cage, she may start napping, and sleeping there. If she has chosen a corner to hang, it's her comfort/secure spot, and a perch there might persuade her to use it.

01-07-2006, 03:06 PM
Spirit now goes on top of the Cozy while Sunny is inside. Tango found out how to get in his too.
**UP_DATE** Sprit and Sunny got clipped and are cuddling together now.