View Full Version : Multi Lovies: Know Their Voices?

01-10-2006, 10:53 AM
This is for those of us who somehow wound up with more than one bird. :rolleyes: Can you tell their voices apart? With two birds it's easier, unless they are related; but when those numbers climb, it gets tricky.

I know Sammy because he makes a little whiney-baby sound. :x Gracie bellows. George has a distinctive call, but some of the others are learning it. Betty has an "interesting" call from within her nestbox that always brings me running. Bosco and the rest of the boys seem to blend together, or maybe my ears can't process any more information!

01-10-2006, 11:21 AM
I have toooooooo many birds to keep track of voices. I do have a good grasp on who everyone is and I will know rather quickly if anyone is missing. I think this is good as most of my 19 lovies are in different places throughout the day. Not only that, but at least half of my lovies look like one or more other lovies and it's even difficult for my husband to tell who is who.....Most of the lovies are out in their room, but I will bring different ones out when I'm home. I like to let everyone rome at least once a day (YIKES!). However, Zim and Squeak are rarely in the room unless they have to be. They are usually downstairs or in the master bathroom where Squeaker likes to sit on the medicine cabinet and look at himself in the mirror.

Now yesterday, I was in the bird room and thought...HMMMMMMMMM. Where are Shy and Katsu? I look, they are not in the room, so I go out, look in Zim and Squeaks basket and there they are, with an EGG Shy just laid!!!!!! So I wonder how long they would have been there before my husband noticed they were gone or would have found them. So, you can see, my keen lovie observation is necessary in this house or who knows where everybirdy would be:rofl: :rofl: .

01-10-2006, 11:26 AM
:lol They must have had their eyes on that basket for some time, Laura. :lol

01-10-2006, 11:56 AM
Most of them I can tell who is calling, talking, chattering or hollering. Several have very distinct calls, so I know exactly who is who. I really get confused when the males with babies are calling them...they use the same "come here" call.

01-10-2006, 12:01 PM
With two birds most times I can tell. Whisper is always a Cheep cheep type and Baggy is a quick chip and scream...lol.


01-10-2006, 12:02 PM
Ever called back to a particular bird who you thought it was, and walked in to see them looking at you quizzically? :lol Sometimes when I'm in the kitchen I will call back to whoever I think was chattering to me ... and feeling that they must be laughing their feather butts off!

01-10-2006, 12:05 PM
Yup. I still think best face is when I whistle to kids instead of talk to them. Then the birds really get the sideways confused look.


01-10-2006, 12:42 PM
Having only three does make it easier for me and I can ALWAYS tell Oliver's calls but my family members can't. Big Boi and Shy have so many identical calls that they aren't as easy for me and they are also adding Oliver's calls to their vocabulary. :D Anytime I hear constant chatter, it's always Shy. Such a sweet little chatter box he is! :D

01-10-2006, 12:58 PM
Like Janie, with only 3 (ONLY?), I can tell their calls apart most of the time. Peepo has a very distinct call to humans from her talk to Peter & Luka. I talked so much to Peter before I got more birds, I know his call automatically. Peter is a sleep talker, too. I find that the cutest noise they make... well - except for Peepo's kissy noises. Luka peeps like a chick (and he's a scardy bird), he's the quietest bird you could imagine.

01-10-2006, 01:18 PM
It is easy to tell the difference between Tango and Gypsy's voices, if I hear a happy contented sounding chirps, whistles and peeps I know it is Tango, he talks to everything:lol I just put more toys in their cage and you should hear the conversations Tango has with them:lol . Gypsy talks too, just not as much and I can always tell when it's her because she makes fake sneezing sounds mixed in with her chirps, whistles and peeps:lol
Reciently Tango has started to imitate the crows that are always in my backyard during the mornings, not the nicest sound he could have picked:rolleyes:

Buy A Paper Doll
01-10-2006, 01:56 PM
With my pair, most of the time I can tell who's who. When I hear the chirp-CHIRP! call, 90% of the time, it's Milo. When I hear a wolf whistle, 90% of the time it's Melody.

Melody makes cluck-cluck-cluck noises that Milo never makes. Also Melody is usually p***ed about something so when I hear angry yelling, it's usually her.

01-10-2006, 02:06 PM
Neaera makes a very distinctive 'Groink' sound.
Danae and Nereus sing very nicely.
Nike and Nerin never make a peep.
Nyx never shuts up.

01-10-2006, 02:12 PM
Let's see, I have four voices/whistles/screams, etc...

Molly is usually the one who calls me to come get him. He thinks he doesn't belong in the birdroom with the birds. Daisy, like Miss Melody, screams and it's usually cause somebirdy is not doing what "she" wants them to be doing so she's going to tell me all about it. Piper is an after chirp, meaning he chirps if somebirdy else chirps. Olivia has a VERY loud chirp and she also makes most of the warning calls. She also makes conure & macaw sounds, mostly conure >o Yes, I have a lovie who think's she's a conure/macaw/lovebird :whistle: Get them going all at once and WOW :eek:

01-10-2006, 10:37 PM
Etna and Laharl sound nearly identical. Sometimes I think I can discern who made which noise, but I usually can't tell. Etna is a lot more noisy than Laharl, so if only one is screaming, I assume it's her. I swear they mimic each other exactly so I'll never be able to tell.

As for Buddy, Sunny, and Penny, I can tell them all apart.

01-11-2006, 07:47 AM
Pidget has his very distinctive "PIIIget" call, so even my husband can tell when it's him :). As for Pontus and Nemo, it's a bit more difficult to tell them apart, as their "voices" are quite similar. That said it's usually a safe bet that the one who will vocalising is Pontus, as Nemo is more of a quiet birdy. As for sleep talking, both Pontus and Nemo chirp their little heads off, but I have yet to hear Pidget doing this, he more sort of clucks if you talk to him while he's taking a nap. Nemo also likes music so he'll usually sing to it. As for answering back, the absolute best one is Pidget, he almost always will call back if you call his name. Pontus does it on occasion, and Nemo never does :).


01-13-2006, 10:02 PM
Certain calls I know, Mango does this loud series of screams so I know that one is her, and Puddy copies some of my little fake birdie whistles so I know those are her. The others I don't know yet, with time I may.