View Full Version : Is there a Love bird addict support group

01-10-2006, 09:13 PM
I am seriously addicted! I am now preparing to receive a gorgeous pr oven pair. Ones a pied and the mates a sea green white face. The previous owner is no longer able to keep them or there babies so I am taking the parents in! I am very excited but of course they will be quarantined and will not be breeding again soon,(if I can prevent it) as want to be sure they are healthy and fully acclimated to there new environment. They are approximately 2 and 3 years old. I will post the picture I was given so you can take a look.

Buy A Paper Doll
01-10-2006, 09:45 PM
Congrats on the new birdies, it's always good to hear that someone is able to provide a good home. :)

A lovebird addict support group? LOL! Maybe there should be ... so many people start out with one, and then two, and then either their pair make more birds or they get more from somewhere else, and the next thing you know, they wake up one day with lovies to the rafters.

Personally I'm holding tight at two. I have made a deal with my husband that we will not allow the birds to outnumber people in the house.

01-10-2006, 10:06 PM

There might be, but all I know is "It ain't here":rofl:

Seriously, we are all nuts about our lovies, and there aren't many of us that started with one that doesn't have at least one more.

I say, as long as you have the time, and the ability to care for them, "GO FOR IT". See, no help here:rofl:

01-10-2006, 10:08 PM
You came to the wrong place for help with that addiction! :eek:

But they haven't got to me........ YET! :whistle:

01-10-2006, 10:40 PM
I'm glad you could provide a nice home for them. :)

Eventually, I'll have more. All in good time.

01-11-2006, 09:04 AM
It is too true that lovies can be addictive, but a word of caution. Be sure that you don't overwhelm yourself. We've had members in the past who collected lovies quickly without realizing how much time it takes to take care of them and the lovies ended up rehomed which is traumatizing for them. I'm including myself in this list. It's taken me over six years to collect all my birds but I'm at my limit and maybe even beyond. Most of my free time is spent paying attention to my birds or cleaning up after them. And I don't even want to talk about the destruction to my house and body:) .

Good luck:D

01-11-2006, 09:29 AM
Most of my free time is spent paying attention to my birds or cleaning up after them

Mine too, and I only have 1!! :eek:

But he's not spoiled or anything. :whistle:

01-11-2006, 10:50 AM
Oh boy, lots of good "addict" advice given above! It IS tempting, I know. I waited two years to add two more to my single lovebird household and while I would love to have at least 10 more, :lol, I won't. I just would not have the time for that many pets and all three of mine are just that, pets. They love, crave and demand lots of human interaction!

I'm glad you could take in two in need of a home. That's how my first lovie, Oliver, came to me and it has been a wonderful experience for both of us. :) Laura's words, " but a word of caution. Be sure that you don't overwhelm yourself. We've had members in the past who collected lovies quickly without realizing how much time it takes to take care of them and the lovies ended up rehomed which is traumatizing for them" are so true.

01-11-2006, 01:57 PM
Addiction? No, no, I'm collecting! :rofl: So far, I've collected 4 lovies in a year and a half. There are so many mutations, I may have a pretty good collection in the next few years :D

01-11-2006, 03:51 PM
Is there a Love bird addict support group

Yes, Laura and I are co-presidents!!!!!! :rofl:

But like Laura said, it can become overwhelming and they can multiply very quickly. My waking hours away from my full time job are spent with my fun job, the birds. It can be very rewarding and a joy to have a flock, but it can also be heartbreaking and expensive. The average clutch of eggs is 4-6, so just think, technically that one pair could turn into 14 lovies in a year!

With that said, congrats on your new additions! :wink:

01-11-2006, 04:57 PM
I to am addicted to the wonderful little ones. So far I only have 2. But thats because I have not found right ones yet for me. I am holding back because I want another masked lovebird. Maybe this summer I will find one at the bird fair. I love them but I will stop at 6...lol.


01-11-2006, 06:47 PM
I know about the time needed thats why I am forgoing a pair I was thinking about getting in a few months. I couldnt say no to these beauties, I didnt want to see them go to some petstore where they'd be over bred and under loved. I have (well will have fri. ) 3 pairs and 1 single and thats enough for me. I am not going to let any one breed untill I am sure I am ready to commit to the hand feeding,(just in case). I dont work so I am lucky in that I have lots of time for them. I apreciate the warnings though.
I am also reading up on all the information I can find pertaining to breeding and hand reering daily so as to be as prepaired as I can be when the time comes. I am even considering finding some breeders by me and seeing if anyone is interested in any help with their babies,(for the experiance, its been a while since I hand fed). What do you think, would that be a good idea?

01-11-2006, 10:12 PM
>In November of 2005 I aquired a pair and two of their siblings. I put the siblings in another cage in December and noticed yesterday 1-11-06 that my pair is mateing. Had already bought new nest box, so attached it to the cage. Supplied torn newspaper, and they are shreading in earnest. What else should I supply?>o :) :) :grouphug1

01-12-2006, 04:02 PM
lots of calcium rich foods and plenty of clean water! they have a nesting material,(like hay) u can put a little in the bottom of the nest box so they'll build on top of it, to prevent splayed legs. Also read the breeding forum I am new at this my self and I learned alot from it. There is lots of good advice about brooders etc.

01-12-2006, 05:06 PM
"I am even considering finding some breeders by me and seeing if anyone is interested in any help with their babies,(for the experiance, its been a while since I hand fed). What do you think, would that be a good idea?"

In my opinion, yes, it would be a good idea. That is exactly what I would do if I had a pair and the possibility of eggs/babies. My breeder even told me that if I ever ended up with a "couple" she would teach me how to hand fed so that if I should have to, I could. :)

01-12-2006, 06:38 PM

I told "our" breeder if I get any babies from my lovies, I'm giving them to her - free! Don't want no babies! In fact, I think I pretty safe. Molly won't go near any other birdie. Daisy thinks Olivia belongs to her and they're bothe female. Piper won't go near Daisy and when he goes near Olivia, Daisy chases him away. :D Do I have them trained or what? :lol

01-12-2006, 06:42 PM
Jackie, :lol......I'm with you! If I should end up with babies, :omg:, Jeanette would get them in a heart beat! Or you, or Lori......:D

I cleaned cages today.....outside on the deck kind of cleaning! Took me almost three hours and oh my achin' back!

01-12-2006, 06:50 PM
I need to give you a key to my house so while I'm at work you can come on in and clean the big cages. I'm sure everybirdie would love to see you :D

01-13-2006, 02:12 PM
I am sooooo bummed! We confirmed every thing last night, I was all excited, cage clean full of toys and waiting, then shes leaves me a message this morning while I was getting the kids in the car to go meet her that her husband sold them to someone else last night! >( all that for nothing! I hate when people do that! I hope the birds will be cared for properly at least!