View Full Version : Life with a Grey

01-11-2006, 09:36 AM
As many of you know I brought home Mijo, a 3 1/2 year old Congo African Grey two months ago. He had been in a petstore for like 6 months and everyone there called him the "mean" bird and were frightened of him. Well after much thought and consideration, and husband approval, I brought him hom and LIFE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME:rofl: :rofl: .

Mijo is one crazy bird and I mean crazy in a fun and wild way. He is much more playful than either of my Meyer's parrots. He is also very bitey and destructive. There have been some bumps in the road but Mijo is adjusting well to living with us. I am his prefered person, but he is finally warming up to my husband and my husband keeps working at being Mijo's friend despite the puncture wounds he keeps getting.

Mijo has this funny strut where he puffs up really big, moves his head up and down and walks a little sideways and with a little hop in his step :lol . His favorite thing to do during the day, besides rip our sheets to shreds and bite holes in the screens and on the walls, is to scream at the people in the neighborhood. It's too funny because he lives on the second floor and people walking by are always looking up to see who's screaming/whistling/ringing at them:rolleyes: . Mijo has also picked up the annoying habit of yelling at the neighbors dog in the neighbors voice. It's annoying because I'm already tired of hearing the neighbor call his dog without having it in my own bedroom. I ignore all the talking and screaming I don't like because I don't want him to keep doing it. I have to admit though, he's a jabberjaw that I still crack up any time he starts in when I'm around. It's funny because he still only talks when I'm around and my husband is awed and skeptical when I talk about Mijo's antics8) .

Mijo has the worst balance of any bird imagineable. I'm assuming this is 1) because he never learned to fly and 2) he has spent little to NO time out of his cage in his 3 1/2 years. He is forever falling off the bed, couch, stick, my shoulder. He refuses to sleep in his cage cause we try to cover him so he's taken to sleeping on the window seal and regularly falls off that and onto my head in the middle of the night:eek: .

He has gotten better at stepping up on my arm and on the stick. He's very finicky about where and when this will happen. I didn't share this but about a month ago I forced him on the stick and downstairs. He freaked out and was flying around his cage. I finally got him on the stick and downstairs. He seemed fine, but when I brought him upstairs to his cage, we were giving kisses (something we do often) and on the third kiss he straight attacked my face hard and bloodied up my nose:eek: . He's a smart bird and was letting me know I overstepped my bounds. I was in shock and pain and I just walked away, cried cause my feelings were hurt and went in awhile later and explained to him that biting was not okay and he hurt me. He hasn't done it since, and we give kisses a lot. I'm still cautious though and I make sure he comes to me for the kisses and his neck is outstretched so he won't have much power or balance if he tries to attack me again.

Mijo has been biting less. He does like to nibble on my hands and body like the lovies. It's very trying at times because he's got a HUGE AND POWERFUL beak. We've been working on trust and I am more comfortable letting him nibble on me and he is letting me get closer to him too. He's so sly and knows I'm scared of his beak and tries to get what he wants by being intimidating. I'm starting to be able to deal with this behavior and realize most times his bark is worse than his bite. The other day I was working on the bed and he spent the whole two hours I was there tormenting me and trying to get the things I was working on. I had a small oriental table I was working on on the bed and when he couldn't get what he wanted he would go and bite on my toes gently :x . And when he would try to get into my work I would grab his beak gently or take the stuff I needed out of his beak and he was pretty okay with it:D .

There are a bazillion Mijo antics I could share if I had time. He's not mean at all. He is a great bird and he's becoming a fast friend and member of our family. I will say that I now understand why larger parrots are not for everyone. They are a huge joy BUT even a bigger challenge and they take a lot of care and understanding :D .

01-11-2006, 09:47 AM
Hi Laura,

Thanks for sharing your experiences with Mijo. I love reading about people's stories, specially when you can learn something from it yourself :). The biggest bird I've had was a yellow headed amazon who's still alive and well and living in my home country with my parents. I miss her a lot still. As for greys, whenever I go into the pet shop where I get supplies for my lovies, it's all I can do not to march out of the store with one or more of their greys in tow. I hope someday I can live somewhere in a house where I could have an outdoor aviary an lots of birds, and then I would certainly go for some greys :) .

Anyways, thanks once again for sharing.


01-11-2006, 10:42 AM
Laura, no doubt that a Grey is my "wish" bird and I love reading about your adventures with Mijo. Never a dull moment! :D I do have to admit that I'm not sure if I could handle a Grey. Maybe if he was my only pet, I don't know. But, keep those stories coming......I can live my Grey fantasies through YOU and MILO! :lol

01-11-2006, 12:12 PM
Mijo sounds like a real thrill to have around. Makes me want to get a Grey myself, but I'm going to have to wait a few years. But keep us updated on his antics. They're enjoyable to read!

01-11-2006, 12:33 PM
Mijo has the worst balance of any bird imagineable. I'm assuming this is 1) because he never learned to fly and 2) he has spent little to NO time out of his cage in his 3 1/2 years. He is forever falling off the bed, couch, stick, my shoulder. He refuses to sleep in his cage cause we try to cover him so he's taken to sleeping on the window seal and regularly falls off that and onto my head in the middle of the night:eek: .

I have that problem with my B&G macaw. When I first got her, she could not hold onto a perch or anything else because she didn't have the strength. Now that she has a cage where she can climb around, she's getting a lot of that strength back and her balance is much better. Now I'm working on getting her non-functional wings to work........

Larger parrots tend to be more intimidating because that larger beak can do more damage much quicker. Over time, I've learned that if you control the upper beak, you can control the biting. If Georgia's body language suggests that a bite is on its way, I put one of my hands above her and either hold it or rub it. That will usually save my body part from injury. Every once in a while, she gets me when I least expect it, so the method is far from fool proof!!!!! :) With Dao, I can actually put my fingers in his beak and he knows not to bite down with any pressure. I've had him since 1991 and I can honestly say that he's never bitten me. Thank, God, too! One biting macaw in the flock is quite enough!

01-11-2006, 03:01 PM
Thanks for sharing Laura. I'm going through similar things with Ripley, our Senegal and it makes me giggle to hear about the things that Mijo is doing.
It is difficult not to enjoy watching them do something, even destructive and wrong, when you know they are enjoying it because they never got to do it before.
I thought about getting Ripley a "cargo net" of sorts to play on , chew, destroy and exercise his feet on and that might be an option for Mijo too. You can hang it on a wall, side of the cage or even drape half sort of horizontal and he might sleep better that way. Here's a link to one, but it's quite pricey and I thought I could make one with untreated Jute or another type of natural fiber and it would be just as good http://www.estarbird.com/GetaGrip.html if you look at the photo gallery, it looks like all the birds are having a great time on them.
Keep up the good work and please, keep sharing the stories!!

p.s. Give Mijo a kiss for me. ;)

01-11-2006, 03:06 PM
The pet store where the breeder i got my lovie from had a baby grey and i wished i had $1300 to bring him home. I guess it wasn't in the stars. I would love to have a grey or macaw one day but i am a little disocuraged by the big beak. Kameko can give a pretty hefty bite and she is about a quarter the size of a grey. I am terrified that he/she would bite me. I'm not so scared of the bite itself but the pain it will cause in the end... Ouch :( . But hearing the antics of Mijo has taken away some of the fear and definately rekindled my interest. They are gorgeous birds and you are very lucky to have one.

01-11-2006, 06:53 PM
My husband is absolutely dying to get a grey... you will have to keep us all informed on how he is doing .. sounds like he has a fan club already :) I like Mandolin is a little *scared* by the large bite grey can give which is probably why I dont have one yet! For now it will just be my modge podge flock of midsized birdies :)

01-11-2006, 07:29 PM
Laura, no doubt that a Grey is my "wish" bird and I love reading about your adventures with Mijo. Never a dull moment! :D I do have to admit that I'm not sure if I could handle a Grey. Maybe if he was my only pet, I don't know. But, keep those stories coming......I can live my Grey fantasies through YOU and MILO! :lol

No you have to get a grey soon! That way I can blame you when I get one too. :whistle:

Mijo sounds great! Keep the stories coming.

01-11-2006, 07:32 PM

Mijo sounds like a doll, and I can tell he has brought much joy and happiness to you and your hubby. I'm glad you guys brought him home. He is getting all the love and attention he needs there, and you are giving him time to move at his pace.

Hey, post us some more pics will ya????:lol

01-11-2006, 11:21 PM
:rofl: :rofl: Seriously, did no one read the part where Mijo ATTACKED MY FACE AND BLOODIED ME UP :rofl: :rofl: .

Really Mijo is a blast, but I definately don't think greys are for everyone. They got BIG beaks, BIG poops and make a BIG mess. I thought about getting Mijo for months and read about them and have some bird experience and am still shocked at how much work and stuff he is :eek:. He's making kissy noises and whistling right now. He's also been walking around saying his name in my husband's voice which is just too funny. In general, he's also mastered the sound our rusty screen door makes when we open it. But the best is that he's a master at the car alarm and can trigger himself off, sound off like the alarm and turn himself off. He also barks....well he has two barks. One is a human bark that sounds like a low "ruff" and the other is a small chiuahua like dog he must have learned at the petstore. One of the funniest things he's done is the neighbors teenage daughter (The one with the dog) walked outside and was talking on her cell phone and Mijo was on the top of his cage looking down at her ringing like a Nextel phone and saying "hello". After that he started yelling Corki (the dog) in the neighbor's voice. It was just TOOOOOOO funny.

Anyway, I can go on and on and on and on. And I will, give me time:rofl: :rofl:

01-12-2006, 08:39 AM
I can second the big bird big commitment statment. My ekkie is a messy, noisy, attention needy.... bundle of joy.

It does, however, take special people to give these birds good homes. For me, owning an ekkie was a whole lot different from owning my little lovebirds.

But I wouldn't trade either....

01-12-2006, 09:43 AM
Laura, I'm so glad things are going better with Mijo. You could share all the antics you want and I wouldn't get tired of reading them. 8)

I can only imagine the level of commitment it takes to "own" a bigger bird. As it is, I feel like a waitress to eight lovies. (It doesn't help that I carry their food and water dishes on a waitress tray, I suppose.) I admire the commitment you give to all your birdies.

Buy A Paper Doll
01-12-2006, 06:58 PM
"Seriously, did no one read the part where Mijo ATTACKED MY FACE AND BLOODIED ME UP."

And this, my dear Laura, is why I have soooo much respect for you to being able to let Mijo near your face!!

Little birdies = little beaks = little owies. Big birdies = big beaks = big owies. When my darling Milo decides to run up my arm and bite me on the chin, it leaves a welt and it hurts enough to p*** me off. If Mijo were to do that to you, you'd need stitches!!

01-13-2006, 09:32 PM
Mijo had a busy day today. He decapitated the Hello Kitty Pez dispenser I got for my husband as a gag gift. He also hijacked a 100,000 dollar candy bar and was almost near the top of the cage before we wrestled it away from him. He managed to get a few chews and punctures in the wrapping before it was taken away:x .

01-14-2006, 08:53 AM
"Seriously, did no one read the part where Mijo ATTACKED MY FACE AND BLOODIED ME UP"

Oh yeah, I caught that immediately! And read it again a time or two! :lol Since a Grey is my "wish" bird, it helps when I read about them and what it takes to have one. It will remain on my "wish" list but in reality, I'm stickin' with lovies!!!! :D

Ditto to all that Jennifer said! :D