View Full Version : Enough is Enough!

01-17-2006, 12:26 PM
My husband and I have been having a sleeping war with our CAG Mijo since he came to live with us. When he lived at the petstore they would cover him at night and uncover him in the morning. Well since he's been with us he has NOT wanted to be covered and throws a bit of a fit if we do:mad: . At first we covered him, but then decided not to and to let him sleep where he wanted because he would do pull-ups in the corner of his cage, ring his bell, or climb all over the cage freaking out. Since we didn't close his cage door, he would sleep on his cage door or the top of his cage. Well as time has gone on he has taken to sleeping on the window seal above my head and he has been sleeping less and less and causing my husband to sleep less and less. He tends to fall off the seal onto my head, he bangs his beak against the window or bites on the seal making loud noises. The night before last was the worst and I bet he nor my husband got any sleep. They both woke up sleepy eyed and cranky:x :x

So last night I had enough! I got out a dark sheet and about 8pm I closed all Mijo's doors and covered him. I did leave a little space on the side so he could see out and be close to me. Sure enough, he went straight to the top corner and started doing pull-ups. Then it was down to the bottom walking around and looking up at me. Finally, I just said goodnight and turned my back to him. I feel asleep kind of early but when I looked over in the night he was sound to sleep on his food bowel (close to me), and this morning he looks more rested than he's been in awhile. I aksed my husband what happened after I was asleep and he came upstairs, and he said nothing much just that Mijo was asleep. My husband doesn't like all the stress covering Mijo causes but he's rested and happy this morning too.

So the moral is that Greys are SMART and I think Mijo is just playing a game. He knows if he acts out we will open his door and uncover him. Well he needs to get over it and I will continue to cover him and I'm sure he will adjust after a time.

01-17-2006, 01:50 PM

Who's the boss????? Laura is the boss:lol

I'm sure that's not entirely true, and that Mijo has plenty of say so around there, but hey, everybody has to have their sleep, even Mijo. I also think he will adjust, and you will all be happier:)

01-17-2006, 01:56 PM
Yup. :) He was playing a game and you called his bluff! You have to do what's in their best interest. Like kids, some birds would play all night, given half a chance.

01-17-2006, 11:40 PM
Heheh, you show him. Yeah, the greys are VERY smart. Makes me want to get one.

Buy A Paper Doll
01-18-2006, 06:13 PM
Laura, it sounds like you have your hands full! :)