View Full Version : Thinking of a Boston pup

01-18-2006, 02:27 PM
Mikey may not think so... the only other pets he's ever tolerated are fancy guppies, bettas and a budgie ( picked up as a stray, then returned home ).

I'm looking into getting a Boston Terrier pup. I wanted to know if anyone knew of ways to introduce new family members to a lovie? I just don't want to "suddenly" have a puppy in the house. Any ideas?

Any one have lovies and other non-bird pets???

01-18-2006, 03:17 PM
I own lovies, a conure, 2 dogs, 4 cats, 1 hamster and 1 rabbit.
I cannot stress enough the importance of your birds not coming into contact with your new puppy. The best prevention is no interaction, meaning when your birds are out-of-cage, the puppy is crated. This might be a good time to mention cage placement. Be sure the cage is somewhere that puppy is unable to reach or knock over.

When I talk with some of my clients ( I work in pet supply retail) who are considering adding another pet to the flock, I always mention that any existing animals should NOT be limited or treated differently because of some new pet, rather the new pet is the one who has limitations. Otherwise, someone who already lives there is gonna be some ticked off !!! This applies to attention and affection also, first pets first, newcomers afterwards.
Hope this helps you

01-19-2006, 10:27 AM
Mikey's cage is about four feet off the floor. He's in the living room, on top of his own table. I wouldn't allow Mikey to be out of his cage when the pup gets here... I will be sure to play with Mikey first, then the pup.

I guess my only concern is fleas... My apartment allows dogs and cats, with a deposit, and caged animals are okay without a deposit. Are fleas something I should be worried about with my lovie? I've had dogs, and birds... but never at the same time.

01-19-2006, 10:39 AM
I haven't heard of fleas and smaller parrots, but I'd say that parasites are always a concern. I would be more concerned about the bird coming into contact with flea-killing products, like powders or sprays. They could kill a small bird. Keeping your dog free of fleas through normal bathing and grooming will be better for his health, too. :)

I think terriers are a hunting breed at heart, aren't they? Be aware of the breed's characteristics and plan accordingly for the safety of your birdie friend.

BTW, we have 8 lovies and a tabby cat, Neko. :) When I was growing up we had a cat, dog, and bird at the same time.

01-19-2006, 11:47 AM
Boston's are great little dogs! More laid back than most terriers, too.

As far as the fleas go, there are so many GREAT products on the market today. Ask you vet. I have not seen a single flea in at least 7 years since putting my dog on "Frontline". It goes directly onto the dog, in the neck area, and unless your bird gets to that area, there is no danger. It is a highly toxic product so I apply it outside and wash my hand immediately after applying it and do not touch that area for 24 hours after application. So, since you're not going to have Mikey hanging onto your dogs neck, a product like Frontline should work well but your dog vet can give you the best advice. :)

01-19-2006, 03:00 PM
I have two lovebirds, three budgies, and two dogs. All of the birds are in my bedroom, with the door closed at all times. If I take my birds out of my room, I make sure that the dogs are in the rec-room with the door closed, and tell the rest of my family not to let them out. Both dogs would never get along with the birds, but I would never, ever let them have any sort of playtime, regardless if they got along or not. I wouldn't trust any dog around any bird. You never know what could happen.

01-19-2006, 07:25 PM
I have 2 dogs, 3cats, 5 birds , 2 fish tanks and 2 frogs oh and 1 1year old.... I never let my dogs or cats in contact with the birds! Luckily I dont use the whole first floor of my house so thats the cats stomping grounds....the dogs have a carpeted garage and the birds get the living room,dining room and kitchen...

In the summer the dogs lounge on the back deck.... it takes a bit of juggling around but in the end all of them have their own little nook of the house and all get attention :)

I would never let the dogs play with the cats.. or the cats with the birds or even the dogs with my child because it only takes a minute for a disaster to occur!!!

01-19-2006, 11:11 PM
I have three cats, one dog and two lovebirds. The lovebirds came along after the others. I don't let the dog and cats have access to the birds, other than being in the same room with the cage way out of reach. My dog and cats have always interacted together but I wouldn't let the birds have time with any cats or dogs. My cats sit and look up at Peaches and Cream, especially when they are really animated, but after awhile they lose interest.

01-26-2006, 01:46 PM
Talking it over with my fiance, he doesn't like Bostons.... he'd rather much have a Parson Russel terrier ( aka Jack Russels ). :evil: I told him they're the dog world's hyperactive kids.

But hey... the only reason he doesn't like Bostons are the short muzzles and snorting sounds. Bostons were fighting/bull baiters ( looked up their history before I decided Bostons were my breed ). Bostons are the "Gentleman's Dog". And great with kids. Anyways, I'll keep ya posted on when I break my fiance down on getting my Boston pup!;)

01-26-2006, 03:28 PM
Talking it over with my fiance, he doesn't like Bostons.... he'd rather much have a Parson Russel terrier ( aka Jack Russels ). I told him they're the dog world's hyperactive kids.

Oh boy, stick to your guns on that one. That is the last dog I'd want in my house with a bird. They can jump four feet, straight up, on all fours. Yes, hyper, hyper, hyper. :eek: I think the are adorable but they are very smart and therefore, very stubborn. One of my dearest friends has an 11 year old Jack, she let her daughter pick that breed with NO research. They were so popular on TV and in the movies and I think a lot of people bought them based on that popularity. But, my point is, much as she loves that dog, it has been a nightmare, even after having the dog professionally trained (at great expense). She's eaten through doors and destroyed the finish on an expensive car. High maintenance, for sure. I am a dog person, love so many breeds and I'm sure I'd love a Jack if I had one but you can bet I'm never going to have one. Talk him OUT of that one! :D

And, if other members here have one, please don't take offense at what I said. I really DO think they are wonderful dogs but not suitable for most households and a dog that I would never want jumping onto one of my birds cages.

01-26-2006, 05:58 PM
:rofl: :rofl: Janie, you're funny! I appreciate your insight on Jack Russell Terriers (I have briefly considered getting my son one). Your reminder to do good research on breeds before buying goes hand in hand with what we tell prospective bird owners, isn't it? I used to show Siberian Huskies (I had two) and would never recommend that breed to someone who wasn't willing to work with them: WORK with them.

I own lovies, a conure, 2 dogs, 4 cats, 1 hamster and 1 rabbit.Kimmie, you're my kinda girl!

I don't know anything about Boston pups, but I'm really glad you posted here. It's a good question.

01-26-2006, 07:02 PM
Suzanne, I held my breath while reading....to see if you HAVE one and were going to give me "what for"....:D Truly, I DO love dogs and have had dogs and cats most of my life but there are certain breeds that belong in certain households as you know! A kid in my neighborhood has two Siberian Huskies and they are gorgeous and totally the WRONG dogs for him. He is 22, on the go all the time and finally did "pay" someone to walk them! What were his parents (not) thinking when they let him get those dogs 8 years ago???? Sheesh! I do believe in research and have always done that with a new pet....with the exception of OLIVER! He really was a snap decision, no time to think, just time to get him out of there! So glad that I did but still, I gave almost two years of "thought" before adding two more. :)

P.S. Do not let your son talk you into that Jack! Unless you have a lot more energy than most! :lol

01-26-2006, 07:05 PM
The mention of Jack Russell terriers has me giggling....do you realize we all own the Jack Russel Terriers of the bird world ????? Tenacious, playful, stubborn......:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

After all I do have a lovie named Jack!

01-26-2006, 08:01 PM
Ditto on the Jack Russell. My step-daughter was here at Christmas and brought her two dogs:a Jack Russell and a Bischon. The Jack Russell is full of boundless energy and truly can jump 4 feet straight up. She is also untiring in her pursuit of something she wants.:eek: ..the bird cage on top of the bar:eek: We ended up taking the dog to the outside kennel pen for the day. The bischon on the other hand was a little lady.

Besides our lovies, we have an australian shepard, two outside cats, chickens, a one-eyed turkey and over 100 cows. The aussie is both a house pet and a working flock dog....she thinks she owns the chickens...and has been trained to herd them....and the cows when necessary...and the cats when they want to play... and today Zipper escaped :omg: from his quarantine cage so Gracie herded him to the kitchen then laid on the floor under the table quietly waiting for me to retreive him. Darn those guillotine doors on cages. I'm such a proud mama!! Good girl Gracie!

Now that's a dog your fiance might enjoy!

01-27-2006, 03:34 PM
My Fiance got to pick our last pets... of course, he got two ferrets. :confused: So far we've had Big Moe, albino red eyed male. And Megatron, sable female for several months. Mikey's cage is in the den, while the ferrets live in a cage on in the bedroom. (Don't worry, Mikey's NEVER out of his cage while the "stinky kitties" are loose. Megatron was my Fiance's name idea.... :x ).

Ferrets, IMO, aren't for everyone either. *True* they use a litter box, but are not as accurate as cats. They can't be left alone AT ALL! Even in the same room we are in! Moe likes to destroy carpets, by pulling/digging/clawing away at the corners. My kitchen has towels stuffed in every nook and cranny.
My fiance thought they were cool, and now I'm picking up ferret poops and bathing them every week with special $15 shampoo, cleaning the cage and considering melting the litter pan onto the cage to prevent tip-overs. They're not cuddly, refuse to sit still for a cuddle and worse.... wearing white socks is asking for trouble... apparently, ferrets love 'em.

Anyway, because HE got the ferrets, my turn now! Let ya know more later!!