View Full Version : What is this?

01-20-2006, 05:32 AM
When Daisy and Clover are really content and cuddling with me, they make this low rrrnk noise and reach up and push against me with their beaks. They do it repeatedly. I'm just wondering what this is exactly? It kind of looks like a baby bird asking to be fed, only I have no idea what a baby lovebird sounds like before being weaned!

They also do this at one other time, when they're really annoyed b/c the other one is teasing them. I know I'm the mommy but it's kind of funny. But then they just make the noise, not the motion.

01-20-2006, 07:40 AM
Hey Micha,

My birds do this also. I think it is a way of showing affection, and a way of getting attention, depending on when and how the nudge is given. Either way, it is never done with aggression, just a little bump to the cheek usually:)

01-20-2006, 09:13 AM
Pontus, who is the snuggle bunny in my group, likes to push her little head into my hand when she's cuddling with me and for me that's a sign that she wants to sleep and could I please shield her eyes from the light? :rolleyes: At least when I cup her head with my hand I get some buzzing and shortly thereafter the pleasure of having a soundly sleeping lovie in my chest :).


01-20-2006, 01:43 PM
Rrrwwww? Mikey "growls" like this when he's excited or happy. If I scratch the right spot on top of his head he'll make this noise too. I guess it's like a cat purring? Means their happy?:happy:

01-20-2006, 03:36 PM
My wife and I refer to this as the 'Honk'.

It's personally one of my favorite noises. Usually if I talk to Rico in a soft voice he will honk back and do some beak rubbing.

Other times when he is trying to sleep in my shirt and we are being to loud he will honk to let us know to keep it down.

01-20-2006, 10:13 PM
I know exactly what sound you are thinking of. Isn't it a cute little sound??

It means, 'Goodnight, love you, and thanks for being such a good momma'.

01-20-2006, 10:16 PM
I agree with Shy....100%! That is exactly what it means! :)

01-21-2006, 11:33 PM
When Daisy and Clover are really content and cuddling with me, they make this low rrrnk noise and reach up and push against me with their beaks. They do it repeatedly. I'm just wondering what this is exactly? It kind of looks like a baby bird asking to be fed, only I have no idea what a baby lovebird sounds like before being weaned!

They also do this at one other time, when they're really annoyed b/c the other one is teasing them. I know I'm the mommy but it's kind of funny. But then they just make the noise, not the motion.
Martha does that alot. When I am taking to her, she rubs up against me with her beak. I think that means that she likes that I am taking to her.... I'm not quite sure about the sounds that they are making though.